[center][h1][color=Yellow]Zenia[/color][/h1][/center] The planet was in pain. Deities and mortals alike suffered death and misery, the ground cracked, the oceans heaved. A buzzing nest in the north drew ever more attention and others caused cataclysmic change in the west. All about the Monarch-of-All's jail, chaos and strife saw a rejuvenation. It was impossible not to notice. To feel the wave of destruction or hear the calls of pain or warnings. That is, unless your name was Zenia. The golden-haired goddess slid over the sea at what she would consider a sedate pace, taking in the scenery from afar with a dull smile on her face while carrying the load of dormant humans she'd received from Homura. She took her time, investigating each little dot in the landscape with the same eager curiosity as a newborn kit viewing the planet's secrets for the first time. Either unwittingly or by intentional focus, the goddess ignored the cries and alarm of strife to go on her own investigative journey. That journey led her far east, until she spied a wild land of deep forests and untouched wilderness. She sped towards it like a golden bolt of light, precariously carrying her quarry all about her. Soon after she slammed into the ground in what she considered a good distance from the shoreline, leaving a small impact crater under her feet. Content with her own landing, she proceeded to gently set her dormant humans down on the untouched landscape. Only now that her journey was done did she look up towards the dark clouds in the sky, spurred to cover ever more by ash, battle and eruptions. [color=yellow]"Hm,"[/color] the goddess mustered, summoning all of her available internal foresight. Her grin faltered momentarily. [color=yellow]"A little cloudy today."[/color] Her statement carried the same serious matter-of-factly tone as Homura had when lecturing her on the nature of good and evil, in Zenia’s apparent attempt at imitation. Then the goddess shrugged and her smile reappeared as though nothing could faze her. Such distractions were short lived indeed, as Zenia immediately set to work preparing a mental list of all the things that her dormant mortals would need. After studying the wildlife she and Chailiss had created - and then the cute triplets Homura showcased during their meeting - she reasoned these new mortals would need water, flora and or fauna for food, and some kind of artificial covering to protect from the elements. She glanced down at herself speculatively and considered the white rags that remained of the original copy of Jiugui’s white robes. She had torn most of it off for better mobility, and the rest was in tatters due to her adventurous explorations (and crashing into things). The goddess hummed in idle appreciation, dreaming up improvements to her makeshift tunic as she tapped her chin, working her mind hard to consider all the possible designs and how the mortals would like them, based almost entirely on how Courage, Fear and Kindness had acted during their meeting. So deep was her thought that day turned to night and back to day again without the goddess noticing, before she finally broke out of her daze with a confident hum and a fist of determination clapping into her hand. She had - in her opinion - solved the equation of neolithic fashion. First however, she had to attend to the other matters surrounding the mortal awakening. The golden-haired goddess skipped away from her collection of dormant humans to find herself a good high point in the land. Squaring her feet firmly in the soil and surveying the landscape of nascent greenery, she lifted her hands towards the sky and beckoned the hills and valleys to come alive with the same force she had called upon in the north. [color=yellow]”I know you’re, like, eager to shift and grow! It’s time to get going!”[/color] she coaxed the land smugly, and stomped her foot. The land beneath her groaned and shook as her divine might suffused itself in the dirt, and around her small buds and lean stalks of grass grew mighty and tall, warping to respectable trees and underbrush. The hills groaned and rocked, lifting the landscape to create new hills and mountains. Zenia impatiently stomped her foot again, and the ground beneath her splintered and cracked, giving way to a flood of water that rushed down from her perch to fill new valleys and flee outwards towards the faraway coast. Zenia pointed at random points in the landscape with an accusatory finger that silently suggested ‘shooting’ the place in question, and wherever she pointed, the ground cracked and erupted to give way for large lakes to form and rest.   Content with the shifting landscape doing its own work after her cursory intervention, Zenia once more departed to leap far south. Rather than create animals out of thin air, she reasoned, she could just borrow some and let them adapt. So that’s what she did. She took scaly many-toothed reptiles as big as herself, furry things that looked super cute, long and thin wriggling ropes that bit her arms when she grabbed them, some birds that looked very pretty, and some kind of tiny rodent that somehow seemed the most powerful of them all. This journey of grand theft fauna was erratic and hasty, carried out with all the powerful genius of someone who makes things up as they go - which was exactly how Zenia operated. It took many trips of jumping back and forth, landing in different places each time, but eventually she was content she had displaced a sufficiently large amount of animals for them to adapt and survive - probably. With her main goals mostly accomplished, Zenia finally returned to her dormant humans where she’d left them, now safely nestled in a gentle valley with a stream of water running through it, and cradled by a safe barrier of woodland and mountains. She clicked her fingers together, and shimmering cloth covered each of the sculpted mortals in their sleeping state, a perfected variant of her own homemade tunic that was made of a glittering warm fabric. Each got their own pattern in lieu of names, made up on the spot by Zenia from a mix of all the flowers she’d seen and could imagine on the fly. With that done, the golden-haired goddess took centre stage among the dormant mortals, raising her hands to feel the field of souls surrounding her, and taking it upon herself to awaken them. She’d make only light edits to Homura’s original design, she told herself, as she let her divine energy flow into the nearly four-thousand sleeping humans. The animals she’d permanently borrowed communicated in high-pitched frequencies and trills, so Zenia naturally concluded it would be very beneficial for these mortals to be able to hear such otherwise difficult-for-average-dull-minded-mortals to pick up. She altered their ears both for directionality, high-frequency reception, and physical shape to accommodate this new biological quirk. Further, due to her declaration of teaching them to fight for good, Zenia reckoned these mortals would need both the capability to perform great feats and the fortitude to remain able to perform the tasks required of them. Thus she imparted upon their form a natural aptitude for athleticism and the love for physicality that was deep-seated in herself. To give them fortitude she imbued them with a tinge of divine energy that would keep them youthful and hardy even beyond what would normally be their typical expiration date. Finally, she turned their hair white because it was pretty and it went well with her designed clothes. With all her changes implemented, Zenia exhaled slowly, breathing life into the reshaped mortals. The first elves began to rise from their slumber, confused and wary. A grand awakening commenced, scores of waking mortals rising from the ground to examine their surroundings, themselves, and their compatriots. The goddess swelled with pride as her army of good began to take shape, the first step of fulfilling her promise. Opening her arms wide, she uttered a decree that could be heard for many miles. [color=yellow]”Arise, guardians of all that is good and valuable. Children of Homura, awaken now to, like, begin your fated purpose - to defend against evil and, uhm, you know, other bad things that are no good. Erh… So! Rise! Meet the dawn with pride, for under your lady’s care you shall know all-... things and learn to celebrate… uh, life!”[/color] Zenia pressed both hands against her hips, standing proud amidst her freshly awakened elves. She expected an uproarious cry of celebration, a clear ambition to face the world and begin the party of a lifetime - an appreciation of the act of being brought into the world. Instead there was mostly silence. Someone coughed, which started an epidemic of muffled coughs and sniffs. There was some awkward shuffling, with big eyes beholding the valley around them and Zenia in particular. Too impatient to wait, the goddess pointed at a particularly muscular zenit who had been peering at her, causing him to shuffle his white hair out of his face and tuck it behind his ears. [color=yellow]”Yes? Don’t be, like, afraid! I can see you have questions.”[/color] she coaxed, and the zenit cleared his throat and tugged at his slightly too small tunic. The simple act of being pointed at made other elves around him clear the space around him, big eyes watching the goddess and the man. The man rubbed his ear and frowned, sizing up the goddess and his kin with some wariness, before finally making an attempt to talk. “...You are our lady.” He concluded crisply, and Zenia nodded eagerly. “Homura…?”  [color=yellow]”Oh! No,”[/color] Zenia immediately shot in to clarify. [color=yellow]”I am Zenia, the goddess of revelry! Homura is, uhm, the mother of mankind? And she, like, made you. And then I, you know, like, changed you and gave you a home - this valley and, like, everything around it, and a purpose.”[/color] Even though they were freshly awakened, newly shaped, the word goddess had been imparted with some small shard of Zenia’s power, and many of the gathered gasped in reverence. Some bowed their heads. Others knelt, or just sat down. The elven man nodded slowly. “Zenia. Lady of the Valley. Do I have a name?” He questioned soon after. A few oohs and aahs came from those crowding around them. [color=yellow]"Oh. Well, like, Homura’s mortals had names like, courage, and kindness. You know, like, how you are as a person. So your name could be, uhm, Muscle?"[/color] Zenia pondered out loud. "..You honor me, Lady of the Valley, but I'm not su-" "Come on, Muscle! Stop hogging the goddess! Do me next!" "No, me!" "Can my name also be Muscle?!" A hundred voices flooded over the conversation as more and more elves found their voice, and their confidence. Zenia laughed heartily, and answered each in turn by striding among her new people and touching each of them, giving them each a unique name almost as swiftly as word and basic language convention spread beyond what knowledge she had imparted upon sharing her essence. She begun with distinguishing features, but began to struggle with unique ones after twenty. At eight hundred and ninety she had exhausted body parts and color combinations and flowers and instead begun to craft elaborate combinations like Red Rose, Tall Nose, and Stinky Toes. When all the elves were named, there was only a single common denominator; all of them were dumb and crudely cobbled together by Zenia as she delved the depths of her imagination to mete out proper names. Fortunately, due to the massive crowding and Zenia's hasty and shoddy work, nearly noone heard their proper name, nor fully understood the context of the words, and instead interpreted their names in elven variants like Reyrose, Talnos, and Stientose. Those that heard their name, like the much maligned Muscle, simply lied and came up with something better as day turned to evening, or subtly twist it to fit the crowd. Before Zenia had returned to her starting point, Muscle had convinced the kin closest that what she actually said was Masol. When nightfall came calling, Zenia taught the elven men and women to make fire, or at least she tried before she realized she also did not know how to make fire without divine power. Instead she relied on her divine essence and raised countless black obelisks for them to huddle around. These tall obsidian monuments shed enough heat to keep the valley comfortably warm in a sizeable radius around each of them, and Zenia diligently encouraged huddling together and cuddling as methods of socializing. She created food for each of them out of divine energy - she'd teach them to hunt later probably. It took time, but the newly awoken mortals took to her ideas, and soon the elves were giddily discussing their own existence and the wild events of the day, most of which for them amounted to standing around or wandering off and almost drowning in the river.  Zenia had founded a people. The reality of such a burden had yet to hit her, as she lay back in the grass and grinned lazily. Jiugui would be super impressed.  [hr] [hider=Summary] Zenia travels to Orsus and establishes a foothold over the northwest. There she changes the area to a hilly great lakes riverland which includes a peaceful valley for her mortals. She then jumps all over Orsus to steal animals to put in her new area. She shapes her mortals into buff white haired elves because that's the kinda thing she likes and then takes it upon herself to dress, feed and teach them. She is not great at it. She also names them, which she is even worse at. [/hider] [Hider=Vigor] Zenia had 7 vigor. Shaped Homura’s cuckold humans into sexy  elves for 1 vigor to make them extraordinary. Made a cool and fun area on Orsus for 4 vigor. Raised Warming Obelisks as a feature of the northwestern Valley - these badboys heat the air around them to a comfortable level at all times, and they look imposing. The valley is full of them. 1 vigor. Fed a lot elves for at least a few days and put a single article of clothes on them. 1 vigor.  Zenia has 0 vigor. [/hider]