Face Claim/Appearance: [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.66e3b9a97686d491a71f6fd5f41388ba?rik=FtVzCPTgOiFOcQ&pid=ImgRaw&r=0[/img] Name: [Director of the VSA] Thomas Sinclair Age: 51 Gender: Male Canon: Killzone: Shadowfall Main Thread or Sandbox: Main thread Personality: e most Vektans' animosity towards the Helghast, Sinclair regarded all Helghast as animals and an existential threat to Vekta, and viewed the peace treaty between the Vektans and Helghast to be a mistake. Half-breeds are not spared from his contempt either. Ruthless and calculating, he is shown to go to any lengths to wipe out the remaining Helghast, even so far as betraying and executing Lucas, whom he had raised as his son and considered him as such, in order to restart the war Lucas would've otherwise tried to prevent alongside Echo. Ironically, Sinclair's anti-Helghast prejudice made him not so different from the Helghast's contempt for humanity: he followed the belief that "There's no guilty or innocent, there's only we are (Vektans) and they are (Helghasts)" and even his public speech is very close to Scolar Visari's speech prior to the beginning of the the Second Extrasolar War. Equipment: Shadow Marshall gear, guns and more Attributes: Elite Shadow Marshall spy director for the VSA. Biography: A highly decorated Shadow Marshal of the Second Extrasolar War, Thomas Sinclair was active in numerous operations that were instrumental in securing the ISA's victory against the Helghast.[1] On December 27, 2370, Sinclair helped Michael Kellan and his son Lucas to escape from New Helghan. Unfortunately, Sinclair was only able to save Lucas, as Michael was killed by Helghast soldiers. Sinclair fathered Lucas and, within over two decades, eventually becoming Lucas' mentor and father figure, and later his superior in the Shadow Marshals. Sinclair was involved in the formation of the Vektan Security Agency and was mostly likely responsible for the instigation of violence and unrest to create a perceived Helghast threat. He moved through the ranks of the VSA to become agency head within a few years.[1] Many questioned this rapid rise; some claimed Sinclair used information gathered from his ties to the intelligence community as blackmail. He is a staunch patriot and idealist; in which this personal view is a major factor in his decision-making process against Helghan.[1] Other: Miscellaneous info about you goes here!