[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/5r7OTIh.png[/img] [b][color=Aquamarine]wordcount:[/color][/b] 1,012 (+2) [b][color=Aquamarine]Midna: level 7[/color][/b] EXP: [color=Aquamarine]//////////[/color]/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (7/70) [b][color=Aquamarine]Location:[/color][/b] Sandswept Sky - Northbound from Al Mamoon [/center] [color=Aquamarine]”Eh, I entirely forgot about it as well”[/color] Midna replied when Jesse apologies about ditching the rocket launcher on her, before taking a look at all the miniaturized cold weather gear she’d been given with a squint [color=Aquamarine]”huh. Cute. but you don't have to shrink it all for me to carry. I’m just shoving it into another dimension and there’s not really a space limit, trust me. I once shoved an entire canyon spanning bridge in there, a little camp site is nothing.”[/color] She'd take them either way. [hr] It was Midna’s first real time seeing the train they’d been fighting for. Perhaps calling it a train was a touch generous. The princess’ experience with trains and guns might be rather limited, but as far as she saw it, this hunk of metal was considerably more gun than it was transport and resulted in the majority of the group having to sit about outside rather than in anywhere, which made for an unpleasant riding experience all things told, especially to the sun adverse twilight princess. Adding to the unpleasantness was the very last minute arrival of Ciella [color=Aquamarine]”of all fucking people.”[/color] Suffice to say the princess was incredibly unhappy with this, but seeing as they were off moments after she arrived, there wasn't much time to complain or argue, unless they wanted to try and ditch her off of the side of the train. Something that Midna was rather tempted to do all things told, and only resisted for two reasons: One, it would look incredibly bad to kick the vizier’s representative off of their heavily armed train just as they were pulling out and into town pummeling range. Two, as last night had reminded her, it was maybe not the best idea to have people who they didn't trust running around aware of what was going on. Who knew what Crow was getting up to right now, or what Ciella, or anyone else should she start her own liberation cascade (as the avian themed villain was no doubt doing with his ship’s crew) would do, left behind and to their own devices. Not that they hadn't done exactly that with some of the resistance of course, but then Midna was 100% being biased here against people she had bad blood with. Unable to do much of anything about the bunny lunatic, the princess was left to sulk, tucked into the shadiest corner she could find, sitting on her cooling arctic shield and fanning herself with her tail, up until a certain hamstery fellow stopped by and asked to be beat up. [color=Aquamarine]”As hard as I can? Are you sure about that?”[/color] she asked, stepping up from her cool spot, squinting as the sun immediately struck her eyes, and then stretching before saying [color=Aquamarine]”Well if you are, I could use some stress relief”[/color] Stepping across the train opposite Tora, she’d roll her shoulder and then unleash a massive shadow hand smash at the bulky boy. The exertion was fun and really stretching her imagination to pretend Tora was Cellia gave her a touch of catharsis but [color=Aquamarine]”You know what. We can do better than that”[/color] she told him as he healed himself [color=Aquamarine]”so how about we find Yoshitsune and we see just how hard a punch I can throw with this little thing lending a hand.”[/color] she held up the cute heart decorated friendship bracelet and then looked a little embarrassed about showing off the distinctly not her style bangle before changing the subject. [color=Aquamarine]”But before we go at it, could you do me a favor”[/color] She asked before tossing him the only [url=https://www.gamespew.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/borderlands-3-cover-art-secrets-1167243-1280x0-696x391.jpg]mask[/url] she had kept for herself out of the the demon’s in the church. [color=Aquamarine]”and modify this so it can fit under my helmet, if you can? Should help me with sand and snow storms, not to mention snow glare”[/color] Whether that happened now or later, once Tora was ready to go again, Midna led the way to the four-swords-man, led by the slightly stronger light on her friendship bracelet. Rather than just walking however, Midna put some of her increased athletic ability to dragon dance her way there, rapidly perfecting the art of moving with style on the shaking train such that by the time she had arrived by the eponymous swordsman and informed him [color=Aquamarine]”Hi. Watch this! I am going to punch Tora into the sun!”[/color] she was glowing with as much dragon energy as she could handle, and was ready to unleash it, though not before asking [color=Aquamarine]”if you are still sure about this, that is?”[/color] If he was, then, well, Midna would deliver her 410~/440~% (it depended on how you combined the percentages) punch as an uppercut on Tora. If not, or once he’d recovered, Midna would offer to do some less dangerous but more unorthodox/straightforward attacks, such as sandblasting the big boy, hammering him with a constant beam of lighting from her sword, sonically striking him via her Vibrava’s buzzing wings or hitting him with dragon claws and (again, vibrava sourced) dragon fire. If Yoshitsune was interested in also toughening up Tora, she, he and one of her wolfos could even give him a bit of practice at dealing with being attacked from multiple angles, the trio acting like a pack of wolves, circling and striking at openings if and when he presented them. She, of course, was also on hand to help him with whatever ideas he might have, if any could use her assistance. [color=Aquamarine]”Phew. Well that was a work out, though I have to admit, I started feeling kinda bad hitting you over and over by the end, even though you asked for it”[/color] she said once it was all over and she was out of tricks, taking a drought from a twilight realm retrieved water bottle before passing it around to the others. Still, it passed the time and Midna did get some expensive low risk practice with her menagerie of new powers. Especially the dragony ones, which she was getting a feeling that she could do more with with a bit more practice.