Without thinking, Kijani adjusted Eskel’s grip on the blaster to be more secure. “It’s not made of glass, and it will kick a little when it shoots. Be careful, and aim for center mass. That usually means the chest.” She exhaled softly as he asked if Yoda would be okay. “He had better be.” Master Yoda had to make it through this. For one thing, her training wasn’t complete. For another, he was like a short, stern but kind grandfather to her. Something she had never voiced out loud, but felt deep in her head. “He’s still alive. I feel it. I think if he died, I’d feel that too.” Then her head turned toward the sky. It was cloudy as usual, with added smoke from blaster fire and battle. There was nothing to see. And yet… “Please hurry, Adam.” It was barely even a whisper, just a moving of the lips. But she knew her dear Adam was out there, somewhere, and on his way. "Okay, Eskel... here's the plan." She began to outline a basic idea of how to get out of Eskel's ship and regroup with Yoda.