[Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/TiVTH1U.jpg[/img] [color=gold]Time:[/color] Dusk [color=gold]Location:[/color] River Port [color=gold]Interactions:[/color] Annya [@princess], Kharne [@Kazemitsu], Raven [@Tae], Saorise [@Potter] [color=gold]Armor:[/color] A full suit of [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/597967434732929024/908440683092774992/fdd83f4f126aefaa4bd903ec63f9c36f.png?width=450&height=676]Steel Half Plate[/url] & a new [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/597967434732929024/908455448645091328/4e558567800f1435cff4791df8ecc4e2.png]Steel Targe[/url] [Color=gold]Weapon(s):[/color] A new [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/597967434732929024/908465528568422420/074fbb8e4e66664c870eb3b1d3f049ed.png]Steel Longsword[/url][/center] [color=gold]Inventory:[/color] [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/597967434732929024/864247090107908136/1879ac03cb92713cb9e4e17dcc2268d4.png]A rogue-ish set of clothing[/url], his dog tags, and a set of [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/31/ac/9d/31ac9df882a7577c5c14acbde89f35e1.jpg]faux demihuman Wolf ears[/url], a [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/4d/f4/f9/4df4f95b9fef4d52de3dd97f062d457b.jpg]Ring of Disguise[/url], two rations of food, water flask, a bar of soap and a few other portable hygienic products. [hr] Ismael was quite pleased with his findings, he found everything he wanted, and honestly, Kharne didn't seem to look at it with incredulous eyes, so that meant he must have done something right by this World's standards. Kharne did bring up a good point though, Ismael needed to work his arms, not to gain more strength because of him being weak, but because he isn't used to holding such weapons. So the muscle groups needed to really be effective weren't as targeted as his other muscles which he trained for either knife work, Gunmanship, and all sorts of other forms of combat of his time. Here they used swords and shields, which have muscle groups differently needed. Yet Ismael thinks he'll be able to handle it, after all, Ismael isn't a slouch. Kharne then spoke again, now pointing out that with talking to Annya over the strange bracelet that he knows where are, as with a swift turn Kharne began to lead the way. Ismael didn't really think to say much, after all, where they were going meant that they will be finding food, and that is honestly the thing Ismael wants. Rations can fill you, but Ismael already served his time to the Military, he wished for some real food. And with Kharne's steady pace, they were able to meet up with the girls before they went too hard on the alcohol.