[img] https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.5d92ba507a4541703a0750d542c89dbe?rik=DYNKTstNb9yCHw&pid=ImgRaw&r=0 [/img] Name: Otto Octavius, also known as Superior Spider-Man. Age: Biologically late teens, mentally ‘how have you not died yet’ old. Gender: Male. Canon: Marvel Comics. Main Thread or Sandbox: Main Thread. Personality: In a word, Otto is pretentious. Not being in his own body hasn’t mitigated that part of him one iota. He’s someone who drinks so much of his own ego he believes himself to be the best at any intellectual pursuit imaginable. If this is disproven, he will go to great lengths to rectify it not by just eliminating the competition but by making the competition wish they never competed. However, being in the same body as Peter Parker has nudged him more towards the path of good. Otto wants to be a hero, if only to prove to Parker he can be a hero, and will act accordingly. Although this is for the good of the world, not moral good or net good. He’s Lawful Good after all, not Lawful Nice. And being lawful good sometimes means you have to get rid of a threat permanently if that threat won’t be rehabilitated. Finally, this does not mean that Otto is fully immune to acting truly altruistically. It just means that he has higher standards than most for that altruism. Equipment: Other than a spider suit with a suite of inbuilt gadgets and his web shooters, Otto does not have access to the rest of his kit. However, he can easily recreate it as needed. Attributes: An incredibly potent mind, extreme athletic abilities, and most importantly the Spidey Sense, enabling quick response times to threats that sometimes aren’t even perceived, and wall crawling. Biography: Otto Octavius was born to a turbulent home and early educational life, an abusive father and base of peers throwing him into physics and honing and already rarified mind to a sharp point. Becoming a talented nuclear physicist, he designed a set of four mechanical tentacles to enable better maneuvering of radioactive substances without harming the operator. In a freak accident, Otto’s apparatus was fused to his body and his mind was further frazzled by the incident and earlier domestic disputes with both his mother and his ex fiancé. This gave rise to Doctor Octopus and started him down the path to crime. This put him at odds with Spider-Man, and over the years they threw down numerous times. However, Otto was aging. He needed a new body, a body capable of accentuating a mind like his. Who better than his nemesis, the only man to outsmart him? Luring Spider-Man into a trap, he managed to swap bodies with the hero, thus becoming the Superior Spider-Man after escaping as Peter Parker died in Otto’s old body. Of course, such procedures are hardly foolproof. And, as Otto soon found out, ghosts have a habit of haunting those who trifle with their possessions. And what is a more important possession than a body? Other: This Superior Spider-Man was pulled from exactly when Otto overwrote Peter rather than towards when Peter regained control.