[center]Director “Piercer” Thomas Sinclair //////////////////////////////////////// [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.ca1d9b406c019e8e47903844ebf6025f?rik=CjgwtZa%2b45qzzw&riu=http%3a%2f%2fstatic4.wikia.nocookie.net%2f__cb20131122023257%2fkillzone%2fimages%2f6%2f60%2fThomas_Sinclair_Dossier_Photo.PNG&ehk=FJVQiSWQ%2fJ6Ph11uah%2bps%2f3D%2fjXsqwfPb3f4bff5ZKU%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0[/img] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Vektan Security Agency or the VSA was busier than usual that day. But the Director Thomas Sinclair was busy doing what he typically did on a normal day. Check the holographic news on the Vektan vs Helghast war, or check more information. Things were going average to not so bad but it was strange. But today was not a normal day. For a normal office village, normally Sinclair would deny private meetings with anyone at the moment except for Shadow Marshalls at the time. But he'd feel his neck and suddenly a weird bee sting hit his neck. "Piercer" itched his neck and soon after, his arm became numb along with a lot more. Sinclair didn't even have time to hit something to attract attention to him falling. Suddenly, he was out. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- He woke up in a dull room, mostly in a glass cage with several others. He felt his head and stood up, quietly. His first instinct was to look around at his surroundings, eying the glass cage around him and seeing if there was a simple exit at the moment. If not, he'd force himself to communicate with the other figures at the time. He eyed the others silently. [@thatguyinthestore] [/center]