[center] This was it. The magic had been destroyed. Mina had been defeated... and soon, the entire realm of magic would collapse. Surely, anyone left here would die. It would be crazy to stay in such a place! Who would even dream of doing something so crazy?? Well, these two, for one. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7c/a9/ae/7ca9aebc04fd772c5ed7ed63af9e0df8.gif[/img] [i][color=fff200]"With or without magic..."[/color][/i] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/29/3c/56/293c56b04b107caff1fa30ea0638d15b.gif[/img] [i][b][color=ed1c24]"We belong [u]together....[/u]"[/color][/b][/i] And then... everything went black. [hr] [img]https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/murderseries/images/a/a5/Marco.png[/img] [h2][color=ed1c24]Marco Diaz[/color][/h2] Location - [color=ed1c24]Metropolis Park[/color] Mood - [color=ed1c24]Stressed and Confused[/color] Status - [color=ed1c24]Healthy/Unharmed[/color] Interactions/Mentions - [@BoltBeam] [@TheElenaFisher] [@Cloaked] Marco awoke with a startled gasp, eyes shooting up like rockets. The sudden bright light would have normally blinded anyone waking up from an extended nap - but for one Marco Ubaldo Diaz? That hardly mattered. The memories in his head were clear as day. They'd destroyed the magic. They'd [i]won.[/i] Mina was [i]gone.[/i] And... Toffee was right. That was weird! But still, despite that, they'd defeated the forces of evil once and for all! But all victory came at a price. The magic being destroyed would forever separate their worlds. Separate [i]them.[/i] And... and after everything they'd been through? After defeating all those monsters together, going on all those adventures- heck, after suffering through a [b][u]YEAR LONG[i]LOVE TRIANGLE[/i][/u][/b], and [b]finally[/b] becoming a proper couple? Yeah... no. No. Marco was not about to let all of that be for nothing. They'd come this far. They belonged together. They needed each other. And Star? Well, Star had known that as much as him, apparently. They weren't about to lose each other. Not again. So, ignoring anyone else present in this park, the distressed Marco immediately stood up to his feet. He cupped his hands over his mouth, looking for the girl he'd fought so hard to keep. The only one who mattered right now. He didn't even care that he didn't recognize where he was - heck, that hadn't even crossed his mind yet! All that mattered was that he find Star again. [b][color=ed1c24]"Star???"[/color][/b] Marco called out as he walked around. He didn't realize it, but tears were beginning to form in his eyes. His knees trembled as his calls became more desperate. [color=ed1c24][i]"Star...??? P-please..."[/i][/color] Now he could barely even manage to stand. There wasn't any sign of her. No big portal in the distance. No rainbows or kittens or candy... nothing. No sign of Star at all. He was alone again. [i][b][color=ed1c24]"S-Star..."[/color][/b][/i] Marco sniffled as he fell to his knees, unable to hold back the tears. Not that he even wanted to. Not now. [img]https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/star-and-the-forces-of-evil/images/1/1a/S1E11_Marco_crying.png[/img] Soon enough, he'd fallen to his knees. His heart was thumping in his chest. And all he could manage were soft sobs as the reality of how things were soon hit him. [i][b][color=ed1c24]"Goodbye, Star..."[/color][/b][/i] [/center]