[img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/908560640879243275/909151634536407080/chrome_2019_09_11_12_39_56.0.jpg?width=678&height=452[/img] Name: [color=0072bc]Cloud Strife[/color] Age: [color=0072bc]21[/color] Gender: [color=0072bc]Cis Male[/color] Canon: [color=0072bc]Final Fantasy 7 Remake[/color] Main or sand: [color=0072bc]Main[/color] Personality: [color=0072bc]Cloud is well known for his almost lack of personality. He doesn't express extreme opinions, tends to keep everything to himself, and has a strong work ethic. That work ethic is heavily tied to how he conducts himself, still holding a lot of the basic personality of a Soilder. Through all his training to not show anything, he still manages to hit the basic emotions, such as mild surprise, extreme annoyance, and embarrassment. Cloud very rarely communicates if something is wrong, he much rather say its just fine and move on. Dramatics is not something he likes to deal with, but is able to put up with quite a lot of it either way. Even when under a lot of stress or pain Cloud never seems to drop his tough guy act, though if one hung out with him enough they could see what's under the walls he puts up. Cloud may have a tough time showing any kind of care or affection, but just with every emotion he can manage to get it across in his own way.[/color] Equipment: [color=0072bc] Cloud always has his trusty sword with him, be it the original or one of the ones he had purchased. They all share one trait (except for the bat. It's just a bat with nails) and that's a big ass blade. The fact he can even hold and use the sword comes from his training as a SOILDER. He can use the blade as a shield that can block a variety of things including bullets. Aside from his Sword, he has collected a considerable number of Materia in different kinds. Materia let's him do spells or moves that help him in battle.[/color] Attributes: [color=0072bc] Cloud has an incredible strength and durability boost from his training as a SOILDER, a standard practice being to pump them full of Mako for the ability increase. While it does work, it comes at a terrible price. Despite this toll it will inevitably take on Cloud, he still uses his strength for those who can't. Working alone Cloud does fine, with a team it's even better. The Mercs strength is probably his biggest asset aside from the iconic resting bitch face.[/color] Bio: [color=0072bc]Experiencing extreme loss at a young age, Cloud has wanted to be a SOILDER since he was a child. Though entirely because of Shinra's propaganda, he eventually moved on to live out his false dream. Now an Ex-SOILDER, he does mercenary work while helping Avalanche. [/color] Other:[color=0072bc]He always says he works for Gil, but it's probably only because he needs it for his line of work. It takes a lot of potions and phenix tufts if you don't have the right materia. And you can't just run around cutting up boxes and hope for enough to last how many creatures are crawling around outside the slums.[/color]