[@Irredeemable] Some hours had passed since the operation to regroup begun, a good portion of the 401st having been saved by Matuvistan hunting squads, not without sustaining some casualties of course, the incoming reinforcements from the fleet did wonders. Reports from scouts indicated that the White Flowers had staged a massive assault on New Westminster some time ago, the battle however….was a massacre on their end. "Those civvies had fucking balls." Ron said, in the passenger seat of a Glider. “Sergeant, do you read?” Lt. Shepard spoke over the radio. “Copy that, ma’am.”. Ron replied. “What’s going on.” “We’re getting reports from wayward squads of Matuvistan units falling back throughout the city…and we’re detecting mass heat signatures in New Westminster.” Ron could easily connect the dots there. “They’re retreating.” “Bingo, as of now, your mission profile has changed.” “But Lieutenant, they still got our people!” “I’m very aware of that, we'll sort that problem soon before they leave the system. I need you focus on securing Neo London." With a hint of hesitation, but at the same time, relief, Ron complied. “Copy that, ma’am.” Ron than begun to tinker with the Glider’s radio to broadcast a message to all nearby units. “Mission’s changed boys and girls. The Mashties are retreating, leaving us to secure the city, The fleet above will handle the prisoner situation.” As he said this, Ron looks up to the sky as she clearly sees the transports and shuttlecraft ascending towards the clouds. [hr] The Yankie and her escorts were moving en route to the position of the Matuvistan fleet, the Yankies launching a few squadrons of Razorwings and Starhawks, who were sent out far ahead to intercept the Matuvistans, their ship's within visual range. Lt. Shepard sat anxiously on her CO's command chair, praying to the Gods that this won't come to bloodshed...especially with Columbian civilians and marines on board those ships. "Open channels with them." A moment passes before the officer gives gives her the all green. "This is Lt. Shira Shepard of the Assault ship Yankie to all Matuvistan vessels, I am here to make a simple request. That you release your Columbian prisoners into our care, doing so will avoid anymore dying for both sides and we promise that you may leave in peace once our people have been safely returned." [hr] [b][u] Earth The Meeting Place [/u][/b] The Sol Gateway opened once more…however, this latest visitor and newest addition to the growing galactic community had one hell of a showy appearance. A massive teardrop shaped vessel had emerged from the other side, the ship was even larger than a Columbian Battle Carrier. The mere sight of it no doubt a surprise for the Undefeated Blockade. It was quite clear this vessel was not the same as the ones currently intruding in Sol and was allowed to continue its course. From the Inner sanctum, a trio of robed figures stood, starring at a hologram model of the Earth…now reduced to ashes. “Oh by the Great Mother…” One of them muttered in a metallic tone. “Earth is no more…a mere husk what she once was, Gaia will be displeased.” “She must be avenged!” Another spokes in a similar metallic voice. “These infidels do not deserve to be in her presence!” “No.” The last one spoke. “Patience my brothers. In due time, they will meet oblivion, but not now, we must bid our time, we must…assess the stars, we must spread Her holy word.” “In Gaia we are made Whole, Gaia be praised.” The three said in unison. “Establish communications, let us talk with our new brothers and sisters.”