[center] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/745993264418652175/909418367406997554/E_qJrXdXIAcIHqk_2_1.jpg[/img][color=gold][h2][b]All Might[/b][/H2] Toshinori Yagi[/color] All Might stood almost in shock as he stared up at the screen displaying the feed from the American military satellites, at the battle currently taking place over the Sea of Japan. His eyes stared in wide horror at that titan of a woman clad in red, white, and blue, Shigaraki's hand fully clasped over her face. His entire body seemed to go cold on him as he watched America's #1 Hero, his first true protege, start to crumble to dust. He started to go strangely numb, starting with his arms and spreading throughout the rest of his body, even as Star and Stripe continued to valiantly fight on despite her disintegrating body. [I]'Besides, the request came from All Might himself! My Master's in a pickle! Why would I think twice?'[/I] Those words from just a few moments prior felt like spears through his heart upon recollection. [I]He'd[/I] done this. This was all his fault. Here was another starry-eyed child he'd lead to certain doom by the power of their admiration for him alone. No, his blame went deeper than even that. This was a monster he was supposed to destroy, but he just hadn't been strong enough. If he'd only tried a little bit harder, fought a little more ferociously, even if it killed him, then none of this would have had to happen. If only he'd… he'd… But he couldn't even manage to finish his thought, his body collapsing under him, his vision going dark on him just as what remained of his American counterpart's body plummeted out of the sky. [color=gold][I]"Cassie!!"[/I][/color] All Might called out the name as if waking up from a nightmare, his stringy blond bangs clinging to the cold sweat on his face. The first thing that registered to him was the fact that he was sitting on the ground, though he was distinctly not in the Hero Commission control room as he's been when he passed out. In fact, he didn't recognize this place at all, at least what little of it he could see through the throngs of people crowded around. Where the hell was he? Had he hit his head when he blacked out? Or, he dared to naively hope for a moment, could all of that have simply been a horrible dream after all? ((Daddy's home~ Open for interaction))[/center]