Name: Nagito Komaeda Age: 18 Gender: Male Canon: Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Main Thread or Sandbox: Main thread (More like, main threat) Starting Location (SANDBOX ONLY): Empty (He is starting in the main thread) Personality: Nagito Komaeda shows himself to be a calm, laid-back and friendly individual, being seen as rather optimistic and cooperative to work with other people, even in a situation that doesn’t really benefit him. He can be rather submissive when in the presence of other ultimate students. In reality, Nagito has an obsession with hope that really isn’t the healthiest, as even the mention of the word or an individual being hopeful of something is enough to make him feel excited about it. He considers himself to be low when compared to the ultimates, or as he calls them, Symbols of hope, and that associating him with them is just being ungrateful to them in his point of view. This ultimate lucky student isn’t the most sociable person anyway, especially since his remarks and rambles usually makes others not want to stay with him. He is also someone with a very keen-intellect, despite his general attitude, being quite resourceful and coming out with some good plans on his own, not easily quitting his goals that easily. Equipment: Nagito Komaeda is currently carrying his clothes and a Hope's peak academy pin. Nothing else because he doesn't need anything else. Attributes: Nagito is known to be the ultimate lucky student, something he got thanks to winning a lottery. This luck that he has is pretty situational, as it switches in a cycle of good and bad one. Basically, after something extremely lucky happens, something extremely unlucky might happen, normally more to the ones surrounding him. For example: During middle School, Nagito was kidnapped by a serial killer, an event that can be considered very unlucky. However, in the garbage bag that he was stuffed in, there was a winning lottery ticket of 3 million yens, furthermore, he ended up being found and released by the police, when the kidnapper found out Nagito didn't have anyone to possibly pay for his liberty. Other than that, he has a cybernetic arm, which should make him a little stronger in that regard. Biography: Nagito was born into a rich family, in the 28th day of the fourth month, with his birth month representing bad luck and death while his birthday represents a double amount of wealth and fortune according to old Japanese and Chinese beliefs. He was born with an extraordinary type of luck, and as a result, his life has always been shaped around moments of extremely good luck and extreme bad luck. The earliest known occurrence of this is when his pet dog was killed after being hit by a truck. His relationship with his parents is unclear; he mentions that they took him to an amusement park, but he also mentions offhand that his mother never complimented his appearance. When he was only an elementary school student, Nagito and his parents went on a family vacation at San Cristóbal Island in the Galápagos archipelago. When the vacation was at an end, the family boarded an airplane leaving from the San Cristóbal Airport. However, the plane ended up being hijacked. Both the hijacker and Nagito's parents were killed in front of him after a small meteor crashed into the airplane, leaving him to inherit all of his parents' fortune and become free to do whatever he wished, as he had no other living relatives. After his parents' death, during middle school, Nagito was kidnapped by a serial killer; he was released after the police found him (it was implied that the killer let him go after they found out nobody would pay the ransom). As a form of good luck, Nagito had discovered a lottery ticket in the garbage bag the murderer kidnapped him in: a winning ticket for three million yen. These would be the first of many, many tragic things that happened to Nagito due to his luck. His cycle of good and bad luck made sure that any chance he might have at actual happiness would be spoiled. In order to cope with this, he developed a strong faith in hope so that he could find some meaning in his life. However, this turned into an unhealthy obsession. He didn't have any close friends or even acquaintances, as other people were disturbed by his strange way of thinking and he intentionally avoided other people in order to protect them from his bad luck. His bad luck caused the deaths of several people and he started to believe that only the people with "weak hope" could be killed by the influence of someone worthless like him. His luck cycle wore him down to the point of drifting through life without purpose, waiting to die and dreaming of becoming a stepping stone for the world's hope. Believing that he is unable to embody hope, he idolized Hope's Peak Academy and its' students as symbols of hope who are capable of creating "absolute hope" - hope that can overcome any despair. As a teen, Nagito attended Spiral High School. He was diagnosed with lymphoma and frontotemporal dementia and was given a life expectancy of 6 months to a year (though, as it's later revealed, his good luck allowed him to outlive this). Though he claims he was fine with being alone before, he then realized he would die all alone and that he always desired, more than anything, to be loved by someone. After this, as a form of good luck, Nagito won a random lottery and was invited to attend Hope's Peak Academy. He refused at first, believing that he wasn't worthy, but the academy was adamant that they wished to study his luck, and he eventually accepted the offer. Nagito joined Hope's Peak Academy's 77th Class and gained the title of the Ultimate Lucky Student. He was aloof and elusive, but was known as the self-proclaimed "Ultimate Ultimate Fanatic". According to Jin Kirigiri, the headmaster, Nagito meddled with the affairs of other students and caused nothing but problems. The headmaster was constantly burdened because of him and described him as an incredibly problematic child. However, he understood that the boy himself didn't really mean any harm, which was the worst part of it all. During Nagito's second year, Junko started to manipulate students to join her Ultimate Despair. It's strongly implied that Nagito joined because he wanted to see Ultimate Despair's rise and fall, believing that no matter what, hope would always win and despair would be destroyed in the end. The members of the Ultimate Despair were brainwashed and fell madly in love with Junko. However, in Nagito's case, it was a bit different. He developed strange, conflicting feelings of both love and hatred for Junko and saw her as his sworn enemy. Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School - Despair Arc Episode 01 - Hello Again, Hope's Peak Academy Nagito was found somewhere outside the school area trying to buy a can of soda from a vending machine. He called himself unlucky when the machine didn't work after already putting in ten thousand yen when suddenly a truck landed right on top of the vending machine. The machine hit its' "lucky point" and Nagito received many soda cans rather than one. As Nagito bent down to get a drink, his homeroom teacher Chisa Yukizome, handed him one and smiled at him. Nagito (and presumably everyone else) collected his soda cans and returned to the classroom. He was impressed by Chisa's effort put into meeting "scum" like him. Chisa announced to him and everyone else that they were "rotten oranges." After this, Chisa left to retrieved Chiaki Nanami and the Ultimate Imposter while she tasked everyone with cleaning their classroom. After returning to the classroom, Chisa was happy to see that everyone had waited and that the classroom was clean. When the students once again bring up that they aren't required to attend class so long as they have their talent, Chisa reminded them that talent isn't everything, and wanted them to build strong relationships and "hope" with each other. Nagito thought that to create "hope" together is a wonderful thing to do. Episode 02 - My Impurest Heart for You During Akane and Nekomaru Nidai's deadly training session in the class, Nagito sat at his desk and happily watched their fight. Unlike the others, he didn't take cover on the side of the class, showing no concern in getting hurt by the fight at all. Later, after they fixed up their class, Nagito and the others played games that Chiaki brought. Nagito, Kazuichi, Fuyuhiko, and Teruteru played a monopoly-like game together. When about to be defeated, Nagito rolled a lucky dice and won the game in an instant. During the break time, Nagito and his classmates ate Hiyoko and Teruteru's nikujaga. Unfortunately, the food contained aphrodisiacs that were secretly added by Hiyoko, which affected Nagito and the others greatly. However, even under the effect of aphrodisiacs, Nagito still only seemed to think about hope. He lost consciousness and recovered sometime later in the nurse's office. The next day, Nagito returned to class and listened to Chisa's announcement about Chiaki being elected as the class representative. Nagito agreed with it, saying that the class and it's light will never end as long as Chiaki was their rep. Episode 03 - A Farewell to All Futures At the beginning of the episode, Nagito and his classmates walked past Hajime heading toward the Main Course building. Later, he was shown in the school's park with his classmates, smiling at a bird who landed on his hand. Episode 04 - The Melancholy, Surprise, and Disappearance of Nagito Komaeda Watching his classmates being gloomy all day after the deaths of Natsumi Kuzuryu and Sato affecting their morale, Nagito felt he should do something about it. As the annual practical exam would start on the next day, Nagito visited Chisa in the staff room and asked her to cancel the exam, reasoning that his classmates wouldn't be at their best due to their current mood. Unfortunately, the exam couldn't be canceled as Nagito wished, but he had already prepared his own plan. First, Nagito gave Teruteru a photo book of the famous idol Sayaka Maizono for the location of the Ultimate Pharmacist Seiko Kimura, the upperclassmen who helped Teruteru invent his aphrodisiac soup. Nagito then visited Seiko at the chemistry lab, claiming to be constipated and asking for a laxative. However, as he reached for the bottle higher up in the storage room, he fell on the floor along with two bottles. He couldn't read the English labels and trusted his luck, picking the incorrect bottle labeled "Reanimator" meant for Seiko's classmate Ruruka Ando instead of the "Reactivator". Then, Nagito left an anonymous warning for the school that bad things would happen if the practical exams aren't canceled, and he hid a bomb inside the gym. A bit later, Nagito accidentally bumped into Seiko who was hurrying towards the gym. Nagito thanked her for the laxative, which made Seiko very happy. She left in a hurry and their similar looking bags were accidentally switched. Nagito prepared the drugs disguised as drinks, which seemed to be the first part of his plan, while the bomb seemed to be plan B if the former failed. Gundham Tanaka's missing dog drank one of the drinks and became gigantic, which made Nagito realize that it isn't a laxative. Unperturbed by the giant dog, Nagito decided to carry on with his plan and use the bomb switch, but then realized that he also has the wrong bag. The dog ran inside the gym while Nagito sat down, seemingly depressed because of his failure and the amount of bad luck. But he then smiled, saying that he must be truly lucky to experience such bad luck. Subsequently, the judges ended up eating Ruruka's pastries laced with laxative, and Seiko accidentally switched on the bomb along with Ruruka. Chisa found Nagito and spoke with him alone about what happened. Nagito explained his ideology, but Chisa told him that hope doesn't come from hurting others. When Nagito called himself trash once again, Chisa slapped him and then gently took his head between her hands, telling him that he's not trash, but her precious student who is going to graduate with everyone else. Chisa later defended Nagito against the principal and told his classmates that Nagito only wanted to help them and that they should give him a warm welcome when he returns. Because of the incident, Seiko, Ruruka and Sonosuke Izayoi ended up expelled, Nagito's teacher Koichi Kizakura was placed on probation and Chisa was transferred to the Reserve Course. Nagito was suspended indefinitely, but not expelled due to his great talent, and the practical exams were indeed postponed. It's also mentioned that miraculously there were no casualties in the explosion, which is another example of Nagito's luck. Episode 07 - The Biggest, Most Atrocious Incident in Hope's Peak Academy's History Nagito did not return to Hope's Peak for a year. At one point, he was on another plane which crashed, with Nagito the only survivor, leaving him alone on a deserted island paradise. Episode 08 - The Worst Reunion by Chance Nagito returned to Hope's Peak during the reserve course students' riot. Upon discovering that everyone was searching for Mikan, he tells them that he saw her outside as he came in. The whole class decided to look for Mikan, but Nagito stopped Peko on the way out, asking her for a favor. Nagito joined up with Chiaki during the search, finding a secret entrance under the founder's statue. Inside, they found Ryota Mitarai, soon joined by Junko. Identifying her as "absolute despair", Nagito threatened the Ultimate Fashionista with a gun, explaining his intent to kill her in order to make hope shine even brighter. He also revealed that he had asked Peko to keep an eye on Mukuro Ikusaba and to attack her if she did anything suspicious, thereby ensuring that the Ultimate Soldier would be unable to assist Junko during Nagito's assassination attempt. Despite Chiaki's pleas that killing was never justified, Nagito prepared to fire, only to be distracted by Izuru Kamukura. He promptly changed targets, but his gun jammed, allowing Izuru to take the gun from him and shoot him in turn. Nagito managed to sustain non-fatal damage due to having his student handbook in his shirt pocket. Despite the situation, he appeared attracted to Izuru, supposedly because he can sense his identity as the Ultimate Hope. Shortly afterward, Nagito lost consciousness in a worried Chiaki's arms, thereby missing the revelation that Izuru was actually the altered version of Hajime Hinata, Chiaki's friend from the Reserve Course. Episode 09 - Chisa Yukizome Doesn't Smile Nagito, still unconscious at the time, is saved by Chisa who throws a fire extinguisher and causes fog which obscures Junko's vision. Chisa then orders Chiaki to take Nagito and escape. Chiaki supports Nagito all the way from Junko's hideout to the school classroom where the rest of the class have regrouped, assuming that Nagito lied to them about Mikan's whereabouts. After Chiaki lays Nagito down propped up against the wall, she explains to the class that Chisa is in trouble and they all readily agree to help. Nagito tries to convince them otherwise by pointing out that it will be dangerous and there is a high chance of them dying. The class begins to consider these concerns but Chiaki's speech is still able to convince them otherwise. Nagito then admits he was simply testing them and that he wanted to see if they were all willing to be stepping stones for hope. Fuyuhiko is angered by his explanation being so roundabout. Nagito wishes to go with them, but upon attempting to stand, falls to the floor again. Chiaki tells him to 'Be strong', and Sonia commands Kazuichi to carry Nagito, which he agrees to instantly. Upon leaving the Main Course building, the class encounters the Reserve Course students who wish to fight them. Nekomaru and Gundham stay behind to fend them off and the rest continue on to Junko's lair. Upon reaching the stairway to Junko's hideout, they begin to descend, Kazuichi still carrying an unconscious Nagito on his back. Episode 10 - Smile at Despair in the Name of Hope After the class descends the stairway, Mikan eventually catches up with them. Mikan, now leading the group, approaches a large red door at the end of the corridor. Pressing a button which opens the door, the class follows her inside. The class murmur in confusion when they discover an empty trial room, and beginning to come to consciousness, Nagito warns them that it is a trap. Once inside, Junko reveals multiple monitors showing Chiaki Nanami's Punishment. The class and Nagito, horrified by what he is seeing, have no choice but to watch under the brainwashing videos' control. Once Chiaki reaches the "goal" in her execution, she opens the door. She sees Nagito, the rest of the class, and Chisa on the other side. Once she reaches for Chisa's hand, spikes are triggered from a floor trap that stabs Chiaki everywhere on her body. As the broadcast comes to a close, Nagito begins to blither, on how the video is full of despair, that the class must overcome this despair. He comments that Chiaki's death has made her a stepping stone for hope, while he proceeds to laugh uncontrollably. The class then fall silent, with a patterned swirl in their eyes, they have lost all hope and begin to become part of Ultimate Despair. Episode 11 - Goodbye, Hope's Peak Academy Nagito and the rest of Class 77-B students are back in their classroom, attending their final lesson before graduation. Chisa says that it has been an honor to be their teacher, and starts reading a letter she prepared. Nagito and the rest of the class clap with gratitude. After the speech, red lights turn on, and Chisa starts to cry. The patterned swirls return in their eyes as they all make a promise of what they will do after graduation. Nagito says he knows hope will win, so he has no problem falling into despair. After bidding her class a final farewell, Chisa activates a bomb that fakes the death of Class 77-B. Nagito and his class stand outside the school grounds as they watch Hope's Peak Academy's destruction. Nagito is later seen with Hajime and Chiaki inside the Neo World Program. During The Tragedy The members of Ultimate Despair committed multiple terrorist acts during the Tragedy, causing despair all over the world. After the death of Junko, the remnants of Despair harvested some of her body parts for themselves in order to make her survive within them or feel closer to her. Nagito cut off his left hand and attached hers in its' place. Though he claims he did it for the sake of stealing her power and his hatred for her, he also obsessed over her just like the others. When questioned by Izuru about it in chapter 0, he becomes agitated and conflicted. The remnants of Despair then agreed to an insane plan to have an AI Junko take over their bodies, so that they may resurrect their leader. Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls Though he claims he'd come to Towa City in search of a safe place, it's highly probable that in reality, Nagito was one of the Ultimate Despair assigned to oversee the Captives before he met the Warriors of Hope. The kids seemed unaware of his true identity and planned to kill him, but decided to keep him alive as their slave after he pleaded for his life. The kids made him wear a collar and chain around his neck, called him just a Servant and overall treated him like he wasn't even a human. They find him annoying for talking too much and because of his habit to misunderstand orders. Despite this, he seems to have authority over the Monokuma Kids and he can give them orders. In truth, Nagito let himself be captured on purpose for the benefit of his own goals. He agreed to work with Monaca (who knows his true identity) despite their different goals and this agreement was kept a secret from the other kids. He is requested by Monaca to guide Komaru through their Demon's Hunting game and bring her to their secret stronghold, a building called Towa Hills. He makes a deal with Toko Fukawa and promises to release captured Byakuya Togami if she escorts Komaru safely to the stronghold. Prologue - The Warriors of Hope Komaru loses consciousness after a helicopter crash and is brought to the kids' airship, most likely by the Servant (Nagito). While she was unconscious, he took her Megaphone Hacking Gun, analyzed it and weakened it for the sake of "game balance". Two days later, she wakes up in a prison-like cell. Servant hands back her Hacking Gun, promises to give her upgrades later and tells her that she needs to go see the Warriors of Hope. He also warns her to keep the fact that he had returned the gun a secret if she doesn't wish to die. While Komaru talks with the kids, Servant suddenly appears behind her and snaps the Monokuma Bracelet onto her wrist, surprising her. He explains that if Komaru insists on removing the bracelet, it will explode. When Komaru almost mentions her gun by accident, Servant saves her by quickly changing the subject and imperceptibly reminding her of his warning. Masaru Daimon is angered by this and he threatens to glue Servant's mouth shut if he keeps on talking without permission. Servant only laughs a little and goes to stand a bit further away from others. After the kids drop Komaru off of the ship and start their Demon Hunting game, Servant is seen talking to himself and he tells Komaru to do her best while calling her common, dull and boring "Miss Protagonist". Chapter 1 - Crying for Love in Hell After Komaru falls down, she is found by Toko, right according to Servant's plan. The two start to search for a way out of the city, while in truth Toko is just trying to take her to the stronghold. Servant is not seen in the chapter, but he orders Monokuma Kids to give upgrades for Komaru's Hacking Gun in the form of presents. Chapter 2 - Legend of the Revolution The Servant is seen again as the Warriors of Hope finish mourning over Masaru's death. He made the Warriors of Hope milkshakes, but he made them incorrectly and even put lard in them as the Internet wasn't connected and he had no guidance in order to make them. The kids reject them in disgust and Nagisa, the new leader of the Warriors of Hope, orders him to drink the milkshakes himself. The Servant protests slightly at first but then obeys with laughter, commenting that he's "everyone's servant" and lives to serve. Chapter 3 - Cute Girl's Battlefield After Jataro Kemuri's death, the remaining Warriors of Hope speak with their advisor Kurokuma. The Servant arrives late to the scene after a long search of broiled sweet chestnuts for Kotoko Utsugi. However, they're unpeeled, which greatly annoys Kotoko. She gets angrier after Servant reminds her of her past as an actress and even threatens to kill him. Servant tries to calm her down with apologies and offers to peel the chestnuts himself, but she punishes him by throwing cakes at him and calling him a useless servant. Servant keeps on smiling and simply mentions that he prefers salty things too sweet ones. Later the Warriors of Hope drew on Servant's face by Monaca's request. This happens off-screen and is only mentioned in the art book. Chapter 4 - The Way We Live Servant and Monaca become suspicious of Nagisa's loyalty and he spies on him with the help of Monokuma Kids. One Monokuma Kid records and shows him a video of Nagisa removing Komaru's bracelet and helping her to escape the city. Servant hurries to stop them and arrives just in time. He tells Komaru not to cast aside "the game" midway and questions if she is truly okay with escaping as things are. When Nagisa scolds him, Servant turns intimidating towards him for the first time and claims that the Warriors of Hope care more about the game than their paradise and Nagisa knows this, but didn't do anything about it because of Monaca. He calls Nagisa a traitor and tells him to leave the rest to him. This causes Nagisa to rethink his betrayal and he runs away. Servant turns his attention back to Komaru and tells her that he is disappointed in her for planning to escape after all the preparations he made for her, especially since by doing so she would abandon a friend. He then corrects himself by stating that the one he should really blame is Toko and he asks why didn't she follow their plan. Komaru is confused and Toko refuses to speak, so the Servant explains to Komaru the deal between him and Toko. He also reveals his motivation behind the deal—his own will to have Komaru grow through the game and clear it. He reveals he's fixated on her because of her brother and he regrets not being present during Junko's defeat. He explains that a completely normal and talentless girl like Komaru can become Towa City's hope and obtain even greater hope that her brother since hope is born from the weak rising up from despair. He carries on his mad ramble and urges her not to give up, but she doesn't understand anything he's saying. Servant calms down for a moment and assumes that she doesn't understand because of his lack of enthusiasm. He then carries on rambling, saying that hope will always win in the end, which is why he can submit himself to despair with peace of mind. Servant asks the two girls what they plan to do now and as they start to cry and argue, he provokes Toko to catch Komaru for Byakuya's sake. The two ends up fighting, but Toko loses and collapses on the ground. Toko tells Komaru to escape, admits that she lost on purpose and expresses disgust to being Servant's yes-man. Servant then walks to Toko and gives her "a little help" by pouring pepper on her face. She sneezes and changes to Genocide Jack, but she attacks Servant instead of Komaru, and slashes both of his legs with her scissors. Surprised Servant collapses on the ground and calmly assumes that she attacked him because she doesn't share memories with Toko. Genocide Jack silences him and reveals her intention to kill him and set Komaru free. Servant assumes that her change of heart was caused by the girls' beautiful friendship, but finds it a bit strange of Genocide Jack since she is a serial killer. Genocide Jack is angered by this assumption and attempts to kill Servant, but Komaru stops her and assures that they are friends. Komaru decides to stay with Toko and Genocide Jack instead of leaving the city, which causes Genocide Jack to throw Servant against the ground in anger. He lies still and listens silently as the two girls talk, but then rises up to sit and states that the current outcome is alright because the city would lose hope if Komaru left. He does his best to ignore the pain on his legs and tells the girls that they have to defeat "the final boss" in order to save Byakuya. He reveals that he has a partner, but refuses to tell more about it since he's already "dropped out of the game". Still, he tells them to proceed onwards and reveals that the children's stronghold is a building called Towa Hills. He is pleased to see that Komaru's hope has grown and gives the two instructions on how to reach their destination. As the two girls leave, Servant waves them goodbye and laughs in excitement as he can feel that the city's despair will soon be swallowed by hope. Nagisa then arrives with his robot, but Servant isn't frightened and states that Nagisa really is a child for getting so angry. Nagisa takes Servant back to their base and angrily accuses him of deceiving The Warriors of Hope and trying to ruin their plans. He kicks him in the stomach as he tries to make him confess, but it only causes the older boy to laugh a little. Monaca arrives at the scene and reveals to Nagisa that Servant's doings were requested by her and that her true goal is to create "Junko Enoshima II". Monaca mentally wears Nagisa down and causes him to fall in despair as Servant and Kurokuma watch on the side. Kurokuma states that Monaca is as vulgar as always and Servant agrees with a sigh. Chapter 5 - Absolute Despair Girl Servant is now able to stand, his face is cleaned from the drawings and he has bandages covering his legs' wounds. As Monaca happily watches a video of the Big Bang Monokuma moving in the city, Servant arrives and tells her that he is about to leave and came to bid farewell. Monaca and Kurokuma are surprised by this, since "the show" has just begun. Servant says that he has a final report for his master and Kurokuma mocks him by asking if he realized he's a hard gay. Servant ignores him and explains that the Monokuma Kids told him there's an intruder in the city. Monaca and Kurokuma don't think it's important and keep on watching the video. Servant notes that Monaca is in an awfully good mood even though her plan seems to be failing. Monaca reveals that she has kept secrets even from Servant and refuses to tell more when he questions if it has something to do with Junko Enoshima II. Servant isn't truly interested in her secrets as he believes that hope will win no matter what. Monaca and Kurokuma make fun of his beliefs and call them contradictory. Servant disagrees and explains that the seeds of despair cannot be destroyed while they're buried, but they can be completely burned after they've flourished above the surface. However, he also states that contradictions don't matter to him anyway. Monaca is a bit confused and intrigued by the fact that Servant realizes he has fallen into despair, yet he claims even that is in the name of hope. She asks if it's because of Junko's influence or was he always like that, but Servant turns silent and doesn't give her an answer. He watches for a while as Monaca and Kurokuma speak and then turns to leave. Monaca tells Servant that she appreciates his efforts, but doesn't believe they'll ever meet again. Epilogue - The Changing World We Made It's revealed that the Servant changed his mind and decided to stay in the city for a while longer and see everything through to the end. He finds unconscious Monaca and helps her out of the rubble. He carries her on his back and she wakes up and asks why he saved her. Servant answers that they're the same, both disappointed in the ending with neither despair nor hope. Servant reveals that his main goal all along was to cause a war in order to have a magnificent hope born from it. Monaca wonders whose side he is really on, but he says it doesn't really matter and he tells Monaca that she could become the second Junko Enoshima. He agrees to cooperate with her as long as time will allow, as he still has other things to do. He tells her that he can raise her and make her even more real than the real thing, as he is the one who loves and hates Junko more than anyone else. In Danganronpa 3 - Future Arc, it is revealed that Nagito tried to mold Monaca into the next Junko Enoshima, but having to listen to his diatribes on hope and despair caused Monaca to grow tired of despair. Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Chapter 0 - Heading to the School Trip Nagito and the other remnants of Despair are found by the Future Foundation. Makoto plans to undo Junko's influence by putting them into the Neo World Program. Inside a boat on the way to Jabberwock Island, Nagito talks with Izuru Kamukura, another member of the Ultimate Despair. However, Nagito doesn't know who Izuru is, having his memory of him wiped by Junko, and Izuru considers Nagito very boring. Izuru Kamukura possesses the AI version of Junko, which he plans to upload into the program so she can take over their bodies. Nagito seems unaware of this plan at first but then explains his desire to meet and destroy AI Junko, as he didn't have the chance to kill the real Junko. He then becomes increasingly confused about his feelings and thus his motives remain unclear. Prologue - Welcome to Dangan Island! Panic at the Heart-Throbbing School Trip!? Nagito was the first character of the second game that appeared. He was looking down on the protagonist, Hajime, who just regained his consciousness after he fainted from shock. He expresses worry towards Hajime and introduces himself. Nagito and the others find themselves on the tropical Jabberwock Island, not knowing that it's a virtual world and that they've lost their memories. Usami acts as their teacher and tells them that it's a school trip. Nagito acted polite and kind towards everyone, even willing to accompany Hajime as he introduced himself to the other students. He didn't look stressed at all, despite knowing that he and the others were somehow transported to a strange island, which leads Hajime to wonder if he has suffered a lot of trauma in his life. He displays some affection towards his fellow students when introducing them to Hajime. When Monokuma takes over Usami and explains the Mutual Killing Game, Nagito realizes that the Ultimates are truly trapped on the island. Chapter 1 - Destination Despair When Monokuma reveals that the Ultimates have lost their memories of their school lives, Nagito plans to start the killings in order to become a stepping stone for hope and allow for at least one of the Ultimates to escape the island, believing that the survivor would become the absolute hope. After the Ultimate Imposter became the group's leader, Nagito sends him a nameless warning letter saying that a murder will definitely happen soon. When the Ultimate Imposter suggests throwing a party, Nagito sets up a lot to determine the party duties, and through his "Ultimate Luck", ends up being the one assigned to clean the old lodge. He prepares a murder by hiding a glow in the dark knife but was eventually discovered by Teruteru, who had duties to prepare food for the party. In fact, Nagito lets himself be discovered on purpose and explains his plan to Teruteru as he tries to manipulate the Ultimate Cook into killing him. Nagito's plan was to trip the circuit breaker to cause a blackout. During this blackout, he used a lamp cord to lead himself to the table, under which he hid the knife covered in glowing paint. Just as he was about to grab the glowing knife, he was discovered by the Ultimate Imposter, who brought night vision goggles in preparation. The Ultimate Imposter rushed towards Nagito, pushed him out from under the table and retrieved the knife. This saved Nagito's life, but the Ultimate Imposter was then stabbed by Teruteru, who was hiding under the floorboards intending to kill Nagito with an iron skewer. Nagito then investigates the murder with Hajime, giving him lots of hints, but not revealing too much. He decides to be on Teruteru's side during the class trial, believing that he has the greater potential for hope. He acts suspicious on purpose and reveals his true colors as he tries to make the others think he's the murderer. In the end, everyone realizes that Nagito isn't the real culprit and they become suspicious of Teruteru. Realizing that Teruteru has reached the limits of his hope, Nagito stops defending him and the Ultimate Cook is executed. After the revelations during the trial, everyone is left distrustful of Nagito. He tells everyone that they're free to kill him and that he is even ready to cooperate with his killer. Chapter 2 - Sea and Punishment, Sin and Coconuts Later on, Nagito is visited by Kazuichi and Nekomaru, who plan to tie him up to avoid another incident happening again. Once again, Nagito starts to talk about hope and his wish to become a stepping stone, but he is silenced and struck unconscious by Kazuichi. He is left alone and tied up inside the old lodge. After information about this made its' way through the group, various students were assigned to provide him with meals (though Kazuichi and Nekomaru claim they were not going to let him starve.) Mahiru Koizumi went to deliver Nagito his meals and he asked her about Monokuma's new motive. She explains the Twilight Syndrome Murder Case and Nagito suggests she should play it. Nagito then requests to have toast, as he doesn't really like rice, which causes Mahiru to leave annoyed. Mahiru is tired with this chore and tells Hajime to bring Nagito the meal instead. Nagito is happy to see Hajime and asks if he's going to feed him since his own hands are tied up and it would've been embarrassing to ask a girl to do it. Nagito then asks about Mahiru and tries to convince Hajime to play Twilight Syndrome Murder Case, but Hajime doesn't want to be tricked by him again and leaves without feeding him. After Mahiru is murdered, Nagito is untied by Monomi, who naively trusts him as she thinks that everyone should cooperate and investigate together. He then goes to play Twilight Syndrome Murder Case to find clues. He meets with Hajime and Chiaki, but an angry Hajime tells both him and Monomi to go away. Nagito says he's a bit lonely, but he obeys and goes to investigate alone. Thanks to the game's true ending, Nagito knows the characters in the game were Mahiru, Hiyoko, Ibuki Mioda, Mikan, Sato, Fuyuhiko, and Natsumi. He goes to see the four of them and lies by telling them that they all have to come to the airport or else Monokuma will execute them. Fuyuhiko doesn't open his door, so Nagito leaves him be. He goes to wait outside Jabberwock Park for Hajime and Chiaki and explains that everyone is meeting at the airport by his request. After talking with the girls, Nagito leaves to investigate once again. With Monokuma's help, he goes inside everyone's cottages to take a sample of their footprints. He also notices lots of gummies inside Hiyoko's cottage and takes a bag with him, as it might be evidence. Nagito meets with Hajime and Chiaki again, after they finish investigating Mahiru's cottage. Nagito claims it's a coincidence, but Hajime isn't convinced and thinks he might be a stalker. Nagito says he only came to explain the results of his investigations and when Hajime asks about it, Nagito suddenly says that he will tell him more if Hajime bows to him and licks his shoes. Nagito says that it was just a joke and asks Hajime to come to the beach house if he wants to know more about the footprints. Chiaki leaves to see Fuyuhiko and Nagito notices that Hajime clearly wanted her to stay with him. At the beach house, everyone is shocked to see Nagito free. He thanks Kazuichi for going easy on him earlier and when Sonia Nevermind explains about the serial killer Sparkling Justice, he says that no good can come from getting involved with a serial killer, referencing his past experience with a one. Nagito was able to deduce the owner of the footprint left on the beach, Hiyoko Saionji. During the class trial, the culprit's trap was also foiled by Nagito, when he stated that the yellow gummy was deliberately abandoned by the culprit to frame Hiyoko. Hiyoko had never eaten yellow gummies, evidenced by the pack of gummies that Nagito found in Hiyoko's cottage. Because of this, Hajime, Nagito, and Chiaki are able to deduce that Peko Pekoyama killed Mahiru. During Peko's execution, Fuyuhiko runs to help her and gets wounded, too. At first, Nagito is angered and upset because a clash between two hopes ended with both destroyed. However, Fuyuhiko turns out to be alive, and now satisfied, Nagito concludes that Fuyuhiko was Peko's hope and Peko was Fuyuhiko's stepping stone. Chapter 3 - Trapped by the Ocean Scent The next morning, Nagito along with Gundham Tanaka arrives at the restaurant late, which breaks the cozy atmosphere. He attended Fuyuhiko's welcoming party held by Ibuki, though he wasn't fond of Ibuki's loud songs. Later, he, Ibuki, and Akane caught the "Despair Disease", the third motive. As a result, Nagito could only tell lies and caught a high fever. Presumably, due to his already ill state, he suffered from Despair Disease the most out of the three, quickly lost consciousness and was close at dying. Mikan kept nursing him and when he occasionally regained consciousness, he saw her eyes and realized that they were full of despair. Nagito fully regained consciousness around the time when the third murder occurred. He and the other patients were quickly cured by Monokuma so they could start investigating. During the investigation, Nagito was more motivated than usual and kept talking about how the case was special. He suspected that Mikan was the killer and gathered multiple clues. Nagito also invited Hajime to watch Monokuma's movie at the cinema and told him to keep the ticket safe. At the beginning of the class trial, Nagito proved Hajime's innocence with the ticket. He was able to deduce Mikan as the culprit and how she murdered Ibuki and Hiyoko. With the state she was in, he called Mikan "Ultimate Despair" and bitterly refused to forgive her because she killed for the sake of despair instead of hope. Mikan told him that he's wrong and claimed that she had killed for "her beloved". Somewhat mockingly, she said that Nagito doesn't understand because he doesn't have anyone to love and isn't accepted by anyone, leaving him at a loss for words. Chapter 4 - Do Ultimate Robots Dream of Clockwork? The next morning, Nagito thinks about the mysterious person who was Mikan's beloved. He also thinks that Hajime is possibly the traitor because his Ultimate talent is still unknown. After everyone is trapped in the fourth island's Fun House, Monokuma lets them starve until a murder happens. Nagito would even offer himself to be eaten to help the others escape (this is mentioned if Hajime speaks to him during free-time). After Nekomaru is murdered, Nagito becomes playable for the first time. In order to help with the investigation, he took it upon himself to go into the Final Dead room and play the life-threatening game. Using his incredible deduction skills and assisted by Monomi, he managed to clear all of the challenging puzzles scattered throughout the room and earn the right to play Russian Roulette to access the Octagon and the Ultimate Weapon inside it. With a large amount of faith in his ability as the Ultimate Lucky Student, Nagito loaded the revolver with five bullets instead of one, and pulled the trigger against his head, giving him a one in six chance of surviving. He managed to survive, thanks to his talent and was granted access into the Octagon. By completing the Final Dead Game, Nagito learned about the Fun House's structure and realized that the building itself is the Ultimate Weapon. Due to completing the Russian Roulette with such a high difficulty, he also got a special prize from Monokuma, the sequel to the first Future Foundation file they had obtained earlier after riding the roller coaster. It revealed absolutely everything - the truth of the students' identities as Ultimate Despair, their actions while at school and after, the truth about the virtual world they're in, Hajime's lack of talent and his new identity as Izuru Kamukura. Nagito purged the most revealing data and only left their school profiles. Knowing that he and everyone else are Ultimate Despair, Nagito quickly came up with a plan to kill everyone for the sake of hope. He began to plan his own suicide and brought a bomb and deadly poison with him from the Octagon. He seemed to believe that by destroying the Ultimate Despair, he would become Ultimate Hope and he might finally be appreciated, if only in death. Later, Nagito met with Hajime and Chiaki. He mocked Hajime about his lack of talent, but interestingly he also mentioned a little hint about his future plans when he compared the murders of Class 78th's Killing School Life and the Killing School Trip. He mentioned that the murders had similarities and Class 78th's fourth murder was a suicide, which could mean something. During the investigation, Nagito acted haughtily and easily irritated towards everyone else as well but didn't reveal his reasons for it. However, just before the class trial, he admitted to Hajime that he still cares about him. He also hinted at Hajime's identity as Izuru Kamukura by talking about a book in which the protagonist is revealed to be the killer in the end. The students were able to discover and vote for the correct culprit that murdered Nekomaru. The culprit was none other than the Ultimate Breeder Gundham Tanaka. The students received a lot of help from Nagito because he knew the "secret" of the Fun House, though he kept acting impatient, arrogant and much more uninterested in the trials than before. At night, after the trial, Nagito met with Monokuma and tried to get some information from the bear (concerning the student profiles and the "someone" Monokuma is waiting for on the island.) However, Monokuma refused to give a real answer. Chapter 5 - Smile at Hope in the Name of Despair With the knowledge he now possessed, Nagito came up with a plan to weed out the traitor among the group, as the traitor would be the only innocent one. The others noticed that his behavior became even stranger and more distant than before. Nagito set off an explosion in the hotel lobby, then threatened to blow up the rest of the island with bombs that he planted unless the traitor reveals themselves. However, this was just a bluff, as he only had one real bomb and the rest were just harmless fireworks he found from the army facility. As his deadline drew nearer, Nagito informed the group that the "explosives" were located in a place they have each been once, in an attempt to get them to split up. In a fit of rage, Akane almost strangled Nagito to death, but she was stopped by Chiaki. While the others were looking for the "bombs", Nagito prepared a very complex suicide; he would trust his luck and make the traitor murder him by proxy, and make the murderer's identity unclear to everyone else as well - during the trial, his classmates wouldn't be able to reach a conclusion and be executed, while the traitor alone would be spared. To make it look like he was tortured by someone, (and to cause himself bad luck that would turn into good luck) Nagito tied himself up, covered his mouth with duct tape, stabbed through his own hand, cut his arms and thighs multiple times with an army knife, and impaled his stomach with a spear. By the time Fuyuhiko had discovered the bomb's location, Nagito's classmates had also found a laptop which had been prepared by Nagito. It had a video message instructing the traitor to come forward and scan their e-Handbook in order to disarm the bomb. The video message claimed that Nagito already figured out the traitor's identity, but this was a bluff. After a failed attempt by Chiaki, everyone found out the truth about the "bombs" and angrily went to the warehouse next door to confront Nagito, as the video instructed. When the group opened the door, it was dark and they could only hear very loud eerie music. Unknown to them, they tipped over Monokuma panels and a lighter prepared by Nagito, starting a fire. The group immediately took the fire grenades from the employee's lounge and attempted to douse the fire, not knowing that Nagito had planted vaporizing poison inside one of them. The poison reached Nagito on the far back of the building and killed him almost instantly. After the sprinklers kicked in and extinguished the flames, the group discovered Nagito's horribly tortured body. Just like he planned and thanks to his Ultimate Luck, the one who threw the poison at him and unknowingly murdered him was the traitor - Chiaki Nanami. During the investigation, Hajime and Chiaki found many clues and evidence inside Nagito's cottage, and it's later implied during the class trial that Nagito wanted to give his classmates a chance. During the Class Trial, the group was able to deduce that Nagito committed suicide, however, it was not as it seemed. After they understood more and more about the case, Hajime came to the conclusion that Nagito's goal was to create a mystery that could not be solved. In an attempt to save her friends, Chiaki revealed herself as the traitor and she was executed. After the events of the trial, Monokuma revealed that Nagito's true plan was to kill everyone except for Chiaki in an attempt to destroy the Ultimate Despair that he knew they all truly were. At the next day, Hajime and others found Nagito's last message on the laptop, in which he explained that he did what he did because he managed to learn the truth about "this world". He revealed the password to the ruins and explained that everyone can escape Monokuma with it. Believing that his actions will become the foundation of world's hope, he asked the others to praise him, tell others about him, respect him, erect a bronze statue of him and call him the Ultimate Hope. During the end of chapter 5, many "dead" characters appeared as the Neo World Program's glitches. However, Nagito was not among them. Chapter 6 - This is the End Goodbye Academy of Despair During the final class trial against AI Junko, Nagito briefly appears during "the game reset". Epilogue - The Day Before the Future At this point, Nagito is most likely in comatose, just like most of his classmates. Danganronpa 2.5: Nagito Komaeda and the World Vanquisher Illusory World Main article: Nagito Komaeda (Illusion) Real-life Nagito finally wakes up in the real world and Hajime helped him up, similarly to the way Nagito helped Hajime the first time they met inside the program. Nagito rejoined his classmates in friendly terms and is glad to see that real Kazuichi and Fuyuhiko are still alive. He also removes Junko's hand and it is replaced with a robotic one. In the end, he took Hajime's hand as they move aboard, deciding to go forward towards hope. Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School - Future Arc Episode 01 - Third Time's the Charm In a flashback, Nagito, as a member of Ultimate Despair, willingly surrendered himself to the Warriors of Hope as their "Servant", seen at the beginning of the episode. Episode 7 - Ultra Despair Girls The Servant was mentioned by Monaca, telling Komaru and Toko how he made her an "adult" because of his constant rambling about hope and despair, causing her to lose interest in despair and pretty much everything. Side - Hope: The Academy of Hope and Students of Despair It was revealed that Nagito, just like the other comatose students from Class 77-B, woke from his coma. He and the rest of his class were shown to have escaped Jabberwock Island and went to the Future Foundation branch where the Final Killing Game was held. Once there, Nagito's luck saved Makoto from a group of brainwashed Future Foundation members after he kicked a pebble that coincidentally caused a landslide that buried the Former Ultimate Elite Task Force. Later, Nagito rejoined the rest of Class 77-B to stop Ryota from spreading the brainwashing video. Shortly afterward, much to Nagito's delight, he met Makoto and expressed how lucky he was to have a talented underclassman like Makoto who shared his talent of luck. However, Nekomaru and Akane carried Nagito away before he could go overboard with his praise. It was explained that Class 77-B will carry the weight of being Ultimate Despair, take the blame for the Future Foundation killing game (even though none of them were the mastermind of the game), and seek atonement for the terrible things they did. Afterward, Nagito, together with Class 77-B, left the island by the ship. The class was shown eating Teruteru's cooking. Nagito called Hajime to join them, and they ate together with the rest of the class. While Class 77-B were leaving the island, Mikan took out a vial of a drug and explained that she found someone who used the drug to save themselves from the poison in their bracelet after violating their NG code, so she was able to revive them from a near-death state. Nagito took the vial from Mikan and immediately recognized the drug as Seiko's work. He praised Seiko for her talents and for being able to create hope even in the midst of a killing game. Other: Nothing else