Name: Kokichi Ouma Age: 17 Gender: Male Canon: Danganronpa v3 Main Thread or Sandbox: Main thread because store wants :) Starting Location (SANDBOX ONLY): [b]Personality:[/b] Kokichi is a trickster, loving to cause mischief and messing around with others for his own entertainment. Lying to others, saying half-truths, making pranks are some good examples. Thanks to this side of him, he absolutely loves to be in the center of people’s attention, wanting people to notice him and his actions as well. He is rather arrogant and confident in himself as well, seeing himself as superior against some people and wanting to win when in a competition no matter what the consequences for the others or for him. He can be quite childish at some times, being that part of his mischievous personality as well. And while he is certainly a very intelligent individual behind all of the antics, he has trouble actually trusting or getting attached to someone. [b]Equipment:[/b] His clothes and his knowledge about the arts of deceive. [b]Attributes:[/b] Kokichi has a set of skills that allow them to steal something right underneath someone else’s nose, pickpocket locked rooms and overall hiding and lurking around. All qualities that would benefit someone as sneaky as Kokichi. Aside from that, he is quite talented with his drawings, being able to draw realistic and well designed blue-prints that could be used for something of use. He is also a very talented actor and liar, being able to hide his true intentions and motives that way. Biography: It's known that he is the leader of D.I.C.E., a small group of young pranksters, who are the most important people and like a family to him. They have traveled around the world and commit "laughable crimes" for fun, which could indicate that they could be a group of orphans with no families nor parents to hold them back. Kokichi is also good at stealing, which might be due to his past, and it has been pointed out that many of his skills have a resemblance to a petty thief. Furthermore, his organization could be a reference to the animated television series D.I.C.E. (DNA Integrated Cybernetic Enterprises), which is about an organization run by children, specifically orphans. During the killing game, Kokichi lies that he is the supreme leader of a large, evil secret society. Obviously, there is no evidence of it and the Ultimate Detective, Shuichi Saihara, does not know any organization matching with the one Kokichi mentioned.[4] During his Free Time Event with Shuichi, Kokichi claims he became the supreme leader by murdering his parents and usurping their role. He then claims he lied, and that the one he killed was his older brother. He claims he lied again and that the real reason is a secret. Considering his tendency to have some truth among his lies, this could imply something about his past. Part of the fake backstories created for Kokichi and the other fifteen students was The Gofer Project, which supposedly happened before the Killing Game started. It was initiated by heads of nations from all over the world after countless meteorites crashed into Earth, spreading a deadly virus all throughout the atmosphere. To try and preserve the last vestiges of mankind before the Earth’s destruction, the government decided to select sixteen talented students chosen by the Ultimate Initiative that also somehow happened to be immune to the virus, put them in a spaceship colony, and have them escape before the Earth's destruction. Kokichi was among these sixteen individuals. Despite being chosen to participate, Kokichi and the other fifteen participants had no intentions of going along with the plan, not wanting to abandon their loved ones. As a result, Kokichi chose to forget about his ultimate talent and decided to live as a normal high school student. Around that time an extremist cult came into power. They believed that the meteorites were a punishment humanity brought upon itself, and having heard of The Gofer Project, tried to stop it. As a result, the “Ultimate Hunt” started and spread throughout the world, and the sixteen students selected for the Gofer Project were hunted down. The government then decided to counter the situation by faking the students' deaths, calming down the “Ultimate Hunt” while providing protection to the students. The Gofer Project was then put into action while the Earth was being destroyed by meteorites. Kokichi and the others went to space in the massive ark, the true form of Ultimate Academy of Gifted Juveniles, and were put to a cold sleep for several decades. Much later on in Chapter 5, after the remaining participants cleared the Death Road of Despair, Kokichi lied about being the mastermind of the Killing School Semester and that he was the leader of the cult bent on stopping the Gofer Project. He also lied about being the one who let Monokuma enter the spaceship, which effectively forced everyone to participate in the Killing School Semester. All of this was done in order to get everyone to fall into so much despair that they would not continue the Killing Game. However, the true Mastermind, in order to get the remaining survivors at the time to continue the Killing Game, decided to connect everyone's memories of The Gofer Project to the story of Hope's Peak Academy. As a result, the true Mastermind prepared a Flashback Light that tricked the remaining participants into thinking that everyone, including those that had died, were actually students of the rebuilt Hope's Peak Academy. They also remembered that the ones behind The Gofer Project were Makoto Naegi, the headmaster of the rebuilt Hope's Peak Academy, and the Future Foundation. This Flashback light also revealed that the cult bent on stopping The Gofer Project were actually the Remnants of Despair and that Kokichi was their leader. This lie filled everyone with the determination needed to stop the despair with which they were faced. In the mastermind's rush, however, they accidentally overlooked slight inconsistencies and plot holes when linking both stories together, such as "Ultimate Despair" only referring to Junko Enoshima, and that Class 78 was trapped by the Ultimate Despair when they had actually locked themselves within the school in order to shelter themselves from the tragedy outside. While Kokichi did remember the Ultimate Hunt in Chapter 2, his and everyone else's funeral in Chapter 3, the meteorite impacts, and the state of the outside world in Chapter 4 thanks to the Flashback Lights, he ultimately has no complete recollection of the event, as he was not present when the complete memory about The Gofer Project was triggered by the Flashback Light in Chapter 5. Kokichi was among the first fourteen people gathered in the gymnasium before Kaede Akamatsu and Shuichi arrived. Just like everyone else, Kokichi was confused about their current predicament, asking the others if they wanted for him to check on what was happening outside but was warned by Korekiyo Shinguji that those monsters, the Exisals, could still be nearby. Once the Monokuma Kubs arrived and revealed themselves from within their Exisals, they gave the sixteen participants their Ultimate wardrobe and their first memory via the Flashback Light. Kokichi and the other talentless fifteen students underwent the fabrication process, where all of their past memories and personalities were heavily fabricated. He also received the talent and title of Ultimate Supreme Leader. All of this was done for the sake of satisfying Danganronpa's audience from all over the world. After the fabrication process was completed, Kokichi and the others entered the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles as totally different people, officially commencing the 53rd killing game season known as the Killing School Semester. Kokichi was later found in one of the classrooms on the first floor by Kaede and Shuichi. Kokichi was extremely intrigued by K1-B0, the Ultimate Robot, pestering him and chasing him like a child simply because he was a robot. K1-B0 was very agitated by this, trying to get away from him and politely asking Kokichi to "leave me alone". Kokichi introduced himself to Kaede and Shuichi as the Ultimate Supreme Leader, stating that he's the leader of an evil secret organization surpassing over ten-thousand, though neither of them really believed his claims. Kokichi would later gather with everyone else in the gymnasium after the Monokuma Kubs made their announcement. Once the Monokuma Kubs and Monokuma, the Monokuma Kubs' father and the self-appointed headmaster of the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles, also arrived, they announced that they would be participating in a Killing Game. While almost everyone else was shocked or horrified by this, Kokichi didn't seem to mind the prospect all that much and found the idea "not boring." In reality, he loathed the idea of the killing game, especially one that was being put on for other people's pleasure, and he secretly vowed to end it by any means necessary. With that, the Killing School Semester had officially begun. After Monokuma officially started the Killing Game, Kokichi read the rules on his Monopad. A majority of the group wasn't sure what to do after reading these rules and began to panic and argue. Thanks to Kaede's motivational speech, however, the panic died down and everyone seemed to become united. Afterward, Gonta Gokuhara, the Ultimate Entomologist, then remembered that he found a manhole inside the boiler room behind the school building. Kokichi, along with everyone else, immediately followed the Ultimate Entomologist's lead, with the hope of finding a way out. Descending the manhole, Kokichi and the others found a tunnel leading outside of the academy. Though everyone thought that the tunnel probably ended up being a trap, they still had to test every single possibility in order to escape. However, Kokichi and the others exhausted themselves both physically and mentally as they found that escaping through the Death Road of Despair is next to impossible. Due to this, Kokichi revolted, saying that Kaede's repeated motivational speech is the source of the group's agony, added by some of her friends giving up on escaping the tunnel, Kokichi himself included, and the group's harmony came to a swift end. The tunnel ended up being a trap set by Monokuma and the Monokuma Kubs, much to everyone's dismay. Kokichi headed to his assigned dorm room to get some rest. The next day, as soon as Kaede walked into the dining hall, Kokichi greeted her, having created a "kind lie" in order to make the group consolidate once again. Afterward, Monokuma came to the cafeteria and announced the first motive, anyone who committed the first killing will graduate without holding a trial, effectively calling it a "First Blood Perk". Everyone was worried about what this would mean, aside from Kaito Momota, the Ultimate Astronaut, who became increasingly outraged with Monokuma for doing whatever he wanted and lunged at him. This caused the Monokuma Kubs to show up, showing no hesitation to punish Kaito with the Exisals for attempting violence against their father, effectively breaking the rules. The red Exisal charged at him but accidentally ended up crushing Monokuma instead, supposedly destroying him. The Monokuma Kubs were incredibly saddened at the sudden demise of their father, stating that he had no spare and that he was one of a kind. Upon learning this, Kokichi and everyone else's mood improved greatly, thinking the killing game to be over. Kaede, however, was still skeptical, but this skepticism was met with the accusation of her wanting to continue the killing game from some of the participants, Kokichi included. The next morning, Kokichi was with everyone else in the dining hall once again, happy that the Killing Game had supposedly ended. However, it didn't take long for Monokuma to show up once again, much to the dismay of the students but to the joy of the Monokuma Kubs. Monokuma goes on to reveal the additional motive, that if a murder did not occur within two days by noon, everyone who was forced to participate would be killed. This motive caused a majority of the group to seem too depressed to stay united, and they left the dining hall. Kokichi overall never did anything significant during the time limit, not seeming to care about their current situation. On the night of the time limit, Kokichi remained alone in his room. As soon as the body discovery announcement played, however, he immediately rushed into the library, being among the last group of students to discover Rantaro Amami's, the Ultimate ???'s, corpse. Kokichi shed tears seeing that he was dead, calling him his "dearest" Rantaro. With that, the first investigation began. Though everyone agreed to work in pairs, Kokichi chose not to follow this guideline and went off on his own. When questioned by Kaede and Shuichi about why he would intentionally want to come off as suspicious, he stated it was because he was an "evil" supreme leader and that he was supposed to be suspicious. When asked what he was doing during Rantaro's murder, Kokichi jokingly replied that he was in the library smashing his head in, much to Kaede's irritation. Overall, Kokichi didn't help with the investigation at all but instead was more aiming to confuse the duo with his lies. During the class trial, he boasted about being an evil supreme leader and, as such, being used to situations like this. He would go on to pin the crime on Miu Iruma, the Ultimate Inventor, in the early stages of the trial since she constructed the cameras in the library, but Kaede, along with Korekiyo, the Ultimate Anthropologist, was quick to defend her and said that she was in the cafeteria at that time with Korekiyo, Kirumi Tojo, the Ultimate Maid, and Tsumugi Shirogane, the Ultimate Cosplayer. Miu acknowledged Kaede and said that she did good, but she harshly belittled Kokichi for being a liar, to which he responded with by shedding fake tears. Later on in the trial, he would be quick to jump onto Shuichi as the culprit after he claimed that he had forgotten to mention the camera intervals to Kaede. She was quick to defend him, but Kokichi would continue to push constantly and ended up being one of the main students who believed that Shuichi had committed the crime. He was very quick to see through Kaede's lie, being a liar himself but left it up to everyone else to see if they would choose to believe in her. He eventually backed down along with the other students who were against Shuichi after Kaede and the students who defended Shuichi proved his innocence. After Shuichi revealed Kaede as the true killer, Kokichi was intrigued and gladly went along in proving her guilt. He was one of the few students to show no sadness upon her demise and simply told her she fell straight for Monokuma's trap before she was executed. Before she died, however, he did tell her that she was not a boring person, seeming to compliment her. Sometime between the end of the first trial and the morning of the next day, Kokichi would begin to devise of a plan to get everyone to think that he was the mastermind of this killing game, willing to be seen as evil for the sake of ending this madness. To begin this plan, he would leave a subtle message in the courtyard "Horse A", which he would later fill in with more letters as the killing game continued. The morning of the next day, Kokichi along with everyone else would gather in the dining hall once again and have a normal, but forced the conversation to try and make themselves not think about the horrible events that transpired yesterday. Gonta was the first to find Kokichi's message while searching for bugs. He would inform everyone else in the dining hall about this supposed hidden message, but it was written off as insignificant graffiti. As Kirumi prepared breakfast for everyone, Kokichi and Gonta both asked her to be their mom. Afterward, the Monokuma Kubs showed up and handed out four random items that the students could use to unlock more areas in the academy. One of the areas that would become unlocked would be the remaining second floor of the school, which led to the third floor. Upon the third floor was Maki Harukawa's, the Ultimate Child Caregiver's, Research Lab. However, Maki refused to let anyone in, much to Shuichi's confusion. Kokichi found this suspicious and while he couldn't investigate right now, would make mental note of this and theorize that Maki was hiding her true identity from the rest of the group. Angie eventually told Kokichi and everyone else to meet in the gymnasium, seemingly failing in discovering anything about the conspicuous flashlight that she and Shuichi had discovered earlier. After everyone had gathered, Monokuma appeared and told the participants that it was a Flashback Light and that it had the ability to restore lost memories before leaving and letting the students decide what to do with it. Although everyone was skeptical at first, they eventually gave in and used it, allowing everyone, Kokichi included, to remember that they had been on the run from the "Ultimate Hunt". Though they could not remember the exact details and circumstances behind it, just that they had been on the run In a bonus scene in Chapter 2, Kokichi, Miu, Shuichi, Korekiyo and Ryoma Hoshi, the Ultimate Tennis Pro, gathered in the casino in hopes of playing a secret game with the medal that Shuichi had received from the Monomono Machine. However, Monokuma shows up and denies this, never stating such a thing in the first place and that the medal Shuichi had was just some knickknack he made for the Monokuma Kubs. Afterward, Kaito showed up as well, and everyone got roped into a gambling competition. Kokichi was incredibly impressed with Ryoma's knack for gambling, beating Kaito every time. During that same night, the Monokuma Kubs prepared the second motive, distributing various motive videos at random while the students slept. The next morning, Kokichi joined everyone in the dining hall in order to discuss what to do with the motive videos. Despite Ryoma suggesting that they exchange them, wanting to see who could be the most important person in his life, everyone rejected the idea, afraid that it would cause another murder to happen, much to his annoyance. Kokichi went along with whatever everyone decided, but secretly had ulterior motives and as a result, lied to Gonta about a promise they had made and met alone. Kokichi, wanting to make everyone watch each other's motive videos in order to make the killing game more interesting, thought up of a plan. He lied to Gonta that everyone in the academy hated bugs. Hearing this, Gonta cried and declared that he would get everyone to like bugs in an "Insect Meet and Greet". As a result, two days after the motive videos were distributed, Gonta began to kidnap various students into his lab, completely unaware of the Ultimate Supreme Leader's true intentions. Gonta would succeed in detaining Tenko Chabashira, the Ultimate Aikido Master, Korekiyo, K1-B0, and Tsumugi much to Kokichi's glee. Shuichi is also detained by the Ultimate Entomologist and brought to his lab, apologizing later for accidentally knocking him unconscious before continuing his kidnapping spree. Kokichi looked down at him happily as he woke up in Gonta's lab, telling everyone about his plan in order to get everyone to watch their motive videos, much to the detained students' irritation and annoyance. After Gonta kidnapped both Angie Yonaga, the Ultimate Artist, and Himiko Yumeno, the Ultimate Magician, Kokichi left in order to get everyone else's motive videos. Kokichi would go to break into everyone's rooms using his lock picking capabilities and steal their motive videos. Before he could, Kokichi was stopped by Kirumi who seemed to almost defensively interrogate the Ultimate Supreme Leader, asking him just what he was doing. Kokichi would be kept by Kirumi for a whole hour, being chastised by her for the first thirty minutes, and forcing her into a game of tag for the last half hour. Kirumi angrily criticized his behavior before finally letting him go. Kokichi went to everyone's dorm rooms in order to retrieve their motive videos. While he was out, he also happened to see a woman running around the courtyard in her underwear, which later turned to be Miu who had taken off her clothes in order keep Gonta away from her. At some point around this time, Kokichi also told Ryoma who had his motive video. After Kokichi returned with everyone's motive videos, Gonta told him about the people he was unable to detain while everyone else was even more irritated that Kokichi took so long to return while they had been swarmed by insects. Finally having enough with this absurdity, K1-B0 used his recording function in order to convince Gonta that Kokichi had tricked him so that this absurdity would end. Gonta became outraged by this and would order all the insects to swarm on him instead as punishment. Everyone else who had been detained was thankfully able to take back their motive videos and leave, heading to their dorm rooms to finally get some rest. The very next day, Kokichi was one of the few who did not attend Himiko's magic show, where the next victim, Ryoma, would be found dead. After the body discovery announcement played, Kokichi came to the gym along with Kaito and Miu, seeming distressed that Ryoma was the one who was killed after everyone had promised to end the killing game together, shouting at everyone to apologize to Ryoma. Nobody seemed to take his words seriously however due to his deceptive nature. During the investigation itself, Kokichi headed to the Ultimate Magician's Research Lab in order to find out how Himiko had performed her trick. While there, he filled in about what he was doing during that hour, about how he saw a half-naked woman running around the courtyard, and Kirumi keeping him for an hour. During the second trial, after everyone had supposedly pinned down the culprit as either Kaito or Maki, Kokichi proposed that they all have those two argue against each other and convince the remaining participants on who is the culprit since if only two suspects remained, one of them had to know for certain that the other was the culprit. Kokichi presented everyone with the first topic, bringing out Ryoma's motive video, and said that one of those two had it. Shuichi was able to deduce that Maki had Ryoma's video due to the fact that he himself had Kaito's. Kokichi proudly told Kaito and Maki to tear each other’s arguments apart in an argument that "isn't boring". Kaito however, was angered by this, saying that he wasn't the culprit, but that Maki wasn't the culprit either, much to both Maki's and Kokichi's bewilderment. Kokichi was baffled with the Ultimate Astronaut being so willing to believe in people based on nothing more than a "hunch", especially considering that everyone's lives were on the line. After going back and forth for some time, Maki turned the entire debate around and said that she had met with Ryoma at nighttime, rendering everyone's alibi's as mute. Kokichi laughed Maki's claim off, claiming she was lying out of desperation. After debating on the matter, and thanks to Shuichi's lie, they were able to prove Maki's claim as accurate. Due to this, Kokichi backed down once again. As the class trial continued on, Shuichi was able to deduce Kirumi as the real culprit of Ryoma's murder. As Kirumi became increasingly erratic upon seeing the incriminating evidence, Kokichi slyly hypothesized that she had seen her own motive video. In the end, after Kirumi was convicted, his claim would be proven right as she received her own motive video from the start by pure luck. Once everyone found out that Kirumi was the de facto prime minister of Japan, Kokichi didn't see it as that shocking for an Ultimate level talent to be that powerful. He also saw through Kirumi's charade when she had hoped someone would take the fall for her or get away while everyone else revolted, much to her dismay and irritation. In the end, Kokichi watched as the Ultimate Maid, his honorary mom, was executed by Monokuma. After everyone leaves the trial room, Kokichi states that there was an even worse liar than himself hiding among the group, much to everyone's confusion. He then called Maki out as that liar, essentially claiming that she had been lying to everyone about her true identity this entire time. Maki was aggravated by this and threatened Kokichi, but despite holding the Ultimate Supreme Leader by his neck, he still called out her true talent as the Ultimate Assassin. Maki would supposedly try to kill Kokichi but was stopped by everyone else being there. The next morning, Kokichi gathered everyone in the "Ultimate Child Caregiver's Research Lab" only to discover various weapons all throughout the lab, proving that Maki was, in fact, the Ultimate Assassin, not a child caregiver. As everyone discussed what to do about this issue, Kaito reassured everyone, saying that he'd take care of Maki. Kokichi seemed to agree, telling everyone to leave Maki to him. Afterward, the Monokuma Kubs showed up, usurped their father's role as headmaster, and passed out more items for the students to unlock new areas within the academy. One of the places that became unlocked was the eerie fourth floor. Kokichi was interested in both of the Research Labs that became unlocked up there, the Ultimate Anthropologist's, and the Ultimate Artist's Research Lab. While Shuichi and Korekiyo were talking in the latter's lab, Kokichi suddenly barged in, took the gold leaf katana out of its display case and examined it, revealing that it was a real blade. This irritated Korekiyo, who angrily threatened that he would tear out the Ultimate Supreme Leader's nerves if he didn't put the katana back. Kokichi sadly complied, telling him that he didn't need to make such scary threats. Later, he would meet up with Shuichi in front of Angie's lab, wondering why it was locked. As Kokichi was about to break in using his lockpicking skills, Angie suddenly unlocked it from the inside and invited them in. Kokichi and Shuichi both investigated the lab, with the former being curious about the key and why exactly this lab needed a lock. The Monokuma Kubs and Angie both claimed that it's because Angie can only work in private and as such, needs a key for her lab. Kokichi became perplexed when Monodam ate the key, claiming that it was for everyone to "get along", but Angie said that it was fine since she only ever needed to lock her lab from inside. Kokichi theorized that this school was specifically made for all of its participants if Angie's lab had all her favorite sculpting and art supplies. After Shuichi also discovered the computer room, Kokichi would join him and discover the Flashback Light he had found. He took it from him and told him and the others to meet in the dining hall in order to inspect it. Upon using it, everyone remembered what seemed to be their own funeral, much to the student's confusion. Kaito reassured everyone that there's no way the funeral could be real considering they were still alive and well. His small speech seemed to work, as everyone perked back up, enjoyed a small meal, then headed back to their dorms. Kokichi gathered with everyone in the gymnasium the very next morning at the Monokuma Kubs request. The participants were presented with the third motive, the Necronomicon, and were told that they would be able to bring back someone who had died already as a transfer student. This motive baffled the students, Kokichi included. However, Angie seemed to embrace the motive, saying the "corpses" so far may have just been very accurate imitations to make the real people seem dead. Some of the students argued that there's no way that's possible, but Gonta said that more letters were added to the rock in the courtyard, deducing that perhaps the four people who had died are actually alive and wrote that message. Angie praised Gonta and, like Himiko before him, pulled him into a hug. She instilled hers and Atua's authority into him by reassuring him that he's not alone and that Atua is like a gentle grandmother that always keeps him safe, effectively playing off of Gonta's desire for a motherly figure. It is then revealed that Angie had actually met up with a number of students the night prior and put together a Student Council in order to end the killing game. Kokichi however, wasn't buying into Angie's nonsense, calling everyone who was brainwashed by her "idiots". He ended up being one of the students that ended up opposing Angie's Student Council. Two days after the motive is presented, Shuichi, Maki, and Tenko, try to reason with Angie one last time after failing the prior night. Himiko attempted to get Angie's attention, but the door into her lab was locked, worrying the trio. Kokichi overheard and offered to use his lockpicking skills in order to get into the lab, only to find the Ultimate Artist dead in the middle of her four wax effigies of the deceased that hung upside down from the ceiling. The body discovery announcement played and everyone else rushed to Angie's Research Lab. While the Student Council members mourned the loss of their president, Korekiyo proposed they perform a seance in order to commune with Angie's spirit. Kokichi, K1-B0, Himiko, and Tenko all decided to help, completely unaware that the Ultimate Anthropologist had ulterior motives and that he was the one who killed Angie the night prior. While everyone else investigated, the group prepared for the seance in the vacant middle room on the same floor. Kokichi went to Korekiyo's lab to get what was needed but ran into Shuichi and Maki, who was investigating due to the fact that the katana used in Angie's murder came from the Ultimate Anthropologist's Research Lab. Shuichi split from Maki in order to investigate the seance, following Kokichi. After Shuichi showed up, everyone decided that K1-BO may not be fit for the seance due to his inhuman nature, much the Ultimate Robot's dismay. As a result, Shuichi ended up taking K1-B0's place, and he and Kokichi were in charge of lighting and extinguishing the candles. All four of them listened to Korekiyo's explanation regarding the seance. Kokichi was the one who carried the cage along with Shuichi, remarking on its weight, before placing it down atop the crouching Tenko. After extinguishing the candles, all four of them sang the Caged Child Song, noticing an extremely loud noise in the middle of the darkened seance. After the caged child did not answer to Korekiyo's question, Kokichi and Shuichi reignited the candles and the whole group helped in removing the cage and cloth from Tenko's position, only to find her dead in a pool of her own blood. Everyone was baffled as to how she was killed as the body discovery announcement played for a second time. There, Kaito and the others who didn’t assist in the ritual discovered Tenko’s corpse lying in the center of the now-ruined magic circle. Kokichi made up a lie at how a curse could've killed Tenko, causing Kaito to panic in fear. He then pulled Maki into his arms, embarrassing her and irritating her greatly. Out of anger, she gave Kaito a swift punch to the gut, causing him to let go and leave the séance room. As everybody investigated the seance room in order to find the cause of Tenko's death, Kokichi noticed the loose floorboard and got a theory that he needed to confirm. He went to one of the other two vacant rooms to investigate the floorboards, only to end up stepping through one with no crosspiece supporting it, causing him to trip and fall on his head. As it turns out, all three of the empty rooms were trapped, which would be a crucial fact that would assist the group in finding the killer. Kokichi however, lost a significant amount of blood due to his misstep. Instead of tending to his wound, he decides to pull a prank by faking his own death, lying face down in the middle of the fourth-floor hallway. Shuichi and Maki both discover this, obviously horrified at the thought of a third victim, but Kokichi quickly springs back up, happily declaring "It's a lie!". Both of them were obviously upset and irritated but also wondered what Kokichi's intentions were. He tells them both that he was actually bleeding and that he had stepped through one of the floorboards in the other rooms. This intrigued Shuichi, but he had no chance to investigate himself as the announcement telling everyone to go to the trial room played. The light-headed Kokichi went to the trial grounds with everyone else. In the early stages of the trial, Kokichi is suspected of being one of the ones who could have killed Angie due to being able to pick locks. Kokichi happily accepted the claim, even going so far as to claim that he himself killed Angie, shocking and confusing the group. Shuichi however, was able to see through his lies easily, asking him how he could have prepared the locked-room mystery. After talking about it a bit more, Kokichi confessed that he lied about being the culprit, claiming that he wanted to draw out the real culprit with his lie. When Himiko asks why Tenko had to die, Kokichi states that her death was meaningless and that Angie's death was the only one that they had to worry about. This outraged Himiko greatly, asking him how he could be so inconsiderate towards one of their own friends, but Kokichi didn't waver. Instead, he called Himiko out on only caring about Tenko after she had died and never once caring about her prior. Himiko acknowledged his statement but said that that was the reason she was so upset now. Due to her declaration, everyone was moved and decided to discuss Tenko's murder instead, wanting to know why she died as well. Kokichi didn't find this necessary at all but still went along with everyone's discussion. Later on during the trial, when everyone was quick to suspect Himiko of being the culprit due to the fact that the seance trick was set up in the middle room, Kokichi's testimony turned out to be a valuable clue in finding her innocent. Him stepping through the floorboards proved that every single room was trapped, not just the middle room. As a result, and with all the other evidence, Shuichi was able to pin the crime on Korekiyo, but he dismissed it as irrelevant due to them having to find Angie's killer, not Tenko's. When Shuichi was able to pin both crimes on him, however, Kokichi remarked on how obvious and boring of an answer that was, stating that it was pointless to kill two people because it left more clues for everyone to find. As a result, Korekiyo was found out as the culprit. Upon listening to Korekiyo's motive for killing, Kokichi pointed out that he was likely already insane before he became trapped in the school, wanting to send one-hundred women that he deemed as "fitting friends" to his deceased sister. In the end, Kokichi simply watched as Korekiyo was executed by Monokuma. Afterward, seeing that Himiko was still trying to hold in her emotions from Angie and Tenko's demise, Kokichi called her out, belittling her for still holding back. Eventually, Himiko broke down in tears at the loss of her two friends and was carried back to her dorm room by Gonta. Kokichi remarked on how tired she looked after spending so long crying. The very next morning following the third class trial, Kokichi gathered with everyone in the dining hall yet again. The group became disheartened to see how many people they had lost up until now. Monokuma then showed up along with his Kubs to hand out the next set of random items to unlock more areas with, along with a card key that according to Monophanie would be the next motive. As everyone contemplated what to do with the card key, Kokichi stole it and ran off, with Kaito in hot pursuit. Kokichi was easily able to evade him however and discovered that the card key was actually for the door at the end of the Death Road of Despair. While everyone else investigated the newly opened areas, Kokichi was able to get through the tunnel alone and discovered the supposed secret of the outside world, of the killing game itself, that they were the last remaining survivors of humanity and that the Earth had been destroyed long ago by meteorites. With this knowledge, Kokichi began to form the next stage of his plan. No matter what, he would end the Killing Game, even if he had to get everyone to fall into despair to do it. To further his own ends, Kokichi kept this truth hidden but continued plotting. Kokichi later regathered with everyone else in the dining hall to investigate yet another Flashback Light. Everyone wondered just where Kokichi had ran off to but lied by saying he couldn't find where the card key went to. Once everyone used the Flashback Light on themselves, they remembered the meteorites that impacted the Earth and that it was described as being very similar to the meteor impact that wiped out the dinosaurs millions of years ago. They also remembered basic details of the cult bent on stopping the Gofer Project saying that mankind deserved damnation, and the Gofer Project itself. Of course, Kokichi was already aware of all this thanks to already knowing about the secret of the outside world. Monokuma however, was disappointed that the motive went to waste, as Kokichi had no plans to kill anybody. Knowing this, Kokichi met with Monokuma in secret in the game room at nighttime and proposed that they reuse the motive in order to make the Killing Game "more interesting". He was also already aware of Miu's plan to use the virtual world simulator in order to kill him. As a result, he had already planned his own "murder plan" in order to make himself appear as evil to the rest of the group. Monokuma happily went along with this plan, placing a Flashback Light that revealed the secret of the outside world within the Killing Game simulator. The morning after everyone remembered the meteorites, Gonta, wanting to be of some use to everyone, proposed that he fight the Exisals regardless of how reckless it may be. Kokichi said that that was meaningless and that he shouldn't do that, mainly because the killing game wouldn't end even if he did. Kokichi then called everyone out for being whack jobs if they wanted something this "fun" to end. He confidently declared that he would win this game, even if he had to become blackened while calling everyone else out as cowards. This drew the ire of Kaito, who finally had enough of Kokichi's antics and punched him in the face. Kaito asked Kokichi what had gotten into him, stating that the way he was acting now was a whole different level of weird. Kokichi was rendered mute by this act, and everyone ate breakfast in awkward silence. Sometime before Miu died, Kokichi would also meet with Miu in her lab and requested her to make the electrobombs and electrohammers used in Chapter 5 by the remaining students to cross the Death Road of Despair as well a universal remote control that could hack into any electronic object. Kokichi was also suspicious about the "tiny bugs" that Gonta kept seeing around the school and as such, also asked Miu to make something called a "bugvac" in order to suck up the tiny bugs. It was here that Kokichi saw just how much Miu feared betrayal and the killing game itself, having no intention of defying Monokuma, but pleaded that if Kokichi and the others did find a way out to not leave her behind. The next night, Miu gathered everyone in the computer room on the fourth floor of the academy, lying to them all about a way to escape the killing game. Kokichi told her to drop to her knees and beg if they wanted them to listen to her, to which she did. She then explained key points about the program and what she did to modify it, making sure to keep all relevant details about her murder plan a secret. After Monokuma showed up, claiming that there was a "secret of the outside world" within the virtual world program, everyone decided that it would be better to investigate after all. Everyone sits down in their chairs, connects their headset to the computer, making sure to listen to Miu's instructions, and logs in. Miu however, placed a bottle of poison on Kokichi's seat, wanting to make it look like he died in the real world as part of her murder plan completely unaware that the tables were about to be turned on her. Once inside the virtual world, Kokichi immediately hit K1-B0, confirming that everyone's sense was still connected and that their real bodies could die of shock if their avatars were killed. Later, after everyone discussed the map of the virtual world and mansion, Kokichi led Gonta to the Flashback Light the rest of the group was searching for in the forest behind the mansion, already knowing it's hiding spot. Once Kokichi showed it to him, Gonta immediately thought that they should tell everyone, but was stopped by Kokichi. The Ultimate Supreme Leader asked him if it was really okay for him to believe a liar like himself and said that he should check the Flashback Light for himself if he really wanted to save everyone. Gonta was once again tricked by Kokichi and used the Flashback Light, causing him to see the supposed truth of the outside world. In his state of despair, Kokichi convinces Gonta that being dead without knowing anything is the best option for everyone and offers him a plan to kill Miu now and then kill everyone else with the Class Trial. Gonta completely follows Kokichi's instructions, believing that regardless of whether they were inside or outside the academy, hell was inescapable. After spotting Miu go through the wall that only objects can pass through, Gonta tells Kokichi and the maniacal liar begins to understand the aspects of the program that Miu kept hidden from them and devises the full murder plan, informing Gonta of what to do. Once Miu and Kokichi met up on the roof, Gonta waited in hiding before ambushing her from behind with a roll of toilet paper, strangling her avatar to death, causing her real body to die from shock. While in normal circumstances the toilet paper would easily tear, objects were unbreakable in the virtual world and as a result, the toilet paper was easily able to substitute for a rope. Gonta cries out "I'm sorry" multiple times, but Kokichi reassured him that it was fine before instructing him on what to do next. Gonta placed Miu's dead avatar on a lattice from the storage room and slid her off the roof, causing her to go through the wall that only objects could pass through, and crash into the side of the chapel which was only possible because the world actually looped. The loud noise created by the sudden impact alerted everyone else in the virtual world. Kokichi then instructed Gonta to scale down the roof using the toilet paper and put it back in the bathroom. While Gonta was able to hang the toilet paper from the binoculars to get off the roof, he was unable to dispose of it properly due to Shuichi and Tsumugi's untimely arrival. This made Gonta panic and so he tossed the toilet paper somewhere nearby. Kokichi then rejoined the rest of the group, pretending to have no idea what had transpired. As everyone logged back out of the virtual world, Kokichi stopped Shuichi for a second to tell him how interesting he is and that he should work for him, though this only irritated the Ultimate Detective and so he logged out. Kokichi speaks to himself, stating that despite he was rejected, he wouldn't give up that easily. Kokichi wakes up with everyone else to find Miu dead in her own chair, having died from shock in the virtual world. Kokichi once again pretends to not know anything and go along with everyone else. Gonta however, accidentally mixed up the "memory" and "consciousness" cords before he entered, causing him to retain no memory of ever being in the virtual world at all. Despite Kokichi being the one who created the plan, he is not considered the culprit of the murder as he did not directly kill anyone. Kokichi never realized Gonta's memory loss during the investigation, just viewing him as being as dumb as always. As soon as Kaito rushed in, he was also shocked to find Miu's dead body, but Kokichi asked him why he had logged out before everyone else did, quick to suspect him despite knowing for certain that he didn't commit the crime, likely to fool everyone. With that, the investigation began once again. The Fourth Class Trial During the class trial itself, Kokichi remained silent about everything he knew, even going so far as to lie about meeting with Miu on the roof. When Maki and Shuichi noted that he went to the rooftop himself, Kokichi suddenly got anxious and stuttered, but quickly calmed down after he used what Himiko said to try to hide the fact that he went to the rooftop. During the trial itself, Kokichi was noted as acting and talking just like Monokuma by Gonta and Kaito. He didn't seem to be particularly offended by this claim and still guided everyone along during the trial as if he knew everything, even going so far as to admit that he worked together with Monokuma temporarily. After it was revealed that Kokichi had lied about his meeting with Miu on the roof, he decided that he would take away any potential mystery solving regarding the case and bluntly stated that Gonta was Miu's killer. This shocked and angered the other participants greatly, claiming that there's no way someone like Gonta would commit murder let alone listen to Kokichi after what happened with the Insect Meet and Greet. However, Kokichi, K1-B0, and Shuichi, much to the latter's dismay, made it very apparent that Gonta was able to commit this crime. Gonta pleaded to Shuchi that he wasn't the culprit, while Kaito became increasingly outraged at the Ultimate Detective for believing in Kokichi over Gonta. As a result, a rift in the group formed. Gonta, feeling responsible, apologized thinking that it was his fault that everyone was so upset. Kokichi angrily told Gonta to argue back, but he was unable to due to having no memory of the crime he had committed. After realizing that Gonta had been saying things such as "I don't know", and "I don't understand" ever since leaving the virtual world, Shuichi was able to deduce that Gonta had suffered from an avatar error caused by him mixing up the cords, causing him to forget his crime, much to the group's dismay. Finally, even though Gonta himself acknowledged that he wasn't smart enough to understand what was going on, he decided to believe in everyone, thinking that they were probably right. Despite this, Gonta sadly cried out why he would do such a horrible thing, still not even understanding his own motivations. As a result, in order for everyone to understand Gonta's motivations, Monokuma programs a Gonta Alter-Ego containing Gonta's virtual memories to explain on the real Gonta's behalf. The real Gonta could seemingly understand where AI Gonta was coming from when he said that he wanted to be useful to everyone, which led to him being tricked by Kokichi. When the AI Gonta was asked about what "truth" he remembered, he said that he couldn't tell them due to not wanting them all to end up like he did, to remember a despair so horrible that you'd feel as if you wanted to die. With that, the real Gonta seemingly came to terms with his fate, not showing any signs of fear. Kokichi begs to be executed along with Gonta, but he refuses the proposal. Gonta told the group to forgive his partner for what he's done and get along well with him. Gonta apologizes to everybody for being unable to protect them until the very end. Kokichi watched as Gonta was dragged to his execution, seeming to have gone mute. Everyone was saddened at the loss of a kindhearted soul such as Gonta, nobody blaming him for his actions. The remaining participants demanded that Kokichi explain the secret of the outside world if Gonta actually meant anything to him, but he refused. Kokichi claimed that he was faking his own tears and mocked Gonta post-mortem, calling him an idiot and saying that he died a meaningless death along with Miu. He claimed that he himself inflicted pain and suffering on the group for no other reason than the thrill of it. Kaito, outraged by the Ultimate Supreme Leader's inconsiderate and outright evil attitude, moved to hit him once again. However, due to Kaito's illness, Kokichi was easily able to dodge him and punch him back, knocking him to the ground. Kokichi was able to tell that Kaito was slower than usual and pondered on whether or not he was hiding something from everyone. Maki became increasingly worried upon seeing this and threatened to kill Kokichi herself. However, she was stopped by Kaito and everyone rushed to his side as Kokichi continued to monologue. Kokichi wondered why everyone was worried about a guy like Kaito, but Shuichi quickly stabbed back, saying that he should look at himself compared to Kaito. Shuichi states that Kokichi was the pathetic one as no one wanted to be around him, and that would never change. Kokichi seemingly shrugged this claim off and left the trial grounds, having become bored yet again. As Kokichi left the trial grounds, he eerily remarked to himself that it was almost time to end this Killing Game once and for all, finally finishing the message in the courtyard, "This world is mine, Kokichi Oma". Following the fourth trial, Kokichi would disappear for a couple of days to continue with his own plan. Later on, when Kaito gathered everyone in the gym, proposing a plan to fight Monokuma, Kokichi suddenly appeared as well and brought with him Miu's inventions, offering them to his classmates. He told everyone that he wanted to end the killing game as well, but Maki was tired of his deceptive nature and threatened to strangle him once again, asking him just what he was scheming. Maki was eventually stopped by the others, dropping Kokichi on the floor. He told everyone that he wouldn't interfere with them any longer before leaving the gym, along with Miu's memento for them to use, the electrohammers. After the other survivors used Miu's inventions to cross the Death Road of Despair, they came across a large metal hatch which they opened up and discovered the apparent state of the outside world, ruined and destroyed by meteorites. Everyone became unable to breathe and lost consciousness not long after. An unprecedented time afterward, the hatch closes and everyone woke up. Kokichi appeared and congratulated everyone for discovering the truth of the outside world. He revealed everything to them, that the world was in ruins, and that they were secretly on a giant spaceship that acted as an ark for the last sixteen survivors of humanity, or rather last "seven" survivors of humanity. Afterward, Kokichi proclaimed himself as the leader of the cult bent on stopping the Gofer Project and the one who let Monokuma into the ark, effectively declaring himself as the Mastermind of the Killing School Semester. Everyone was skeptical at first until Kokichi used Miu's universal remote control to make the Exisals do his bidding to further convince the remaining survivors that he was, in fact, the Mastermind. Kaito once again became outraged with Kokichi and attempted to punch him yet again. However, Kokichi easily incapacitated the Ultimate Astronaut by using the Exisals. Maki attempted to attack him as well but was stopped by Shuichi. Kokichi told Shuichi that he made a wise decision before requesting the detective to give him back the Exisal hangar's alarm remote back, a request that he reluctantly complied to for Kaito's own safety. Kokichi declared that everyone was free to do whatever they pleased before leaving them all in a state of despair and taking Kaito hostage in the Exisal hangar, confident that he had broken everyone's spirits with his lies so much that they wouldn't want to do the Killing Game anymore. However, the Mastermind, after seeing that everyone was too apathetic now to continue the killing game, prepared a Flashback Light that gave everybody memories of Hope's Peak Academy, that they were the symbols of hope, and that Kokichi was a Remnant of Despair. Upon receiving this memory, everyone's determination solidified, resolving to stop Kokichi, save Kaito, and end the Killing Game once and for all. The same day that everyone remembered this, Kaito, who was still being held captive inside the Exisal hangar, asked Himiko to bring him a disassembled crossbow through the small bathroom window. He proceeded to assemble the crossbow and threatened Kokichi with it, not wishing to kill him, but at the very least overpower him. Kaito shot him in the arm and they got into a quarrel. It was at this time that Maki rode an Exisal into the hangar, intent on ending the killing game, saving Kaito, and killing Kokichi due to believing that he was a Remnant of Despair from the false memory triggered by the Flashback Light. Everyone aside from Kokichi and Kaito was unknowingly being controlled by the Mastermind in order to continue the Killing Game. Kokichi made a desperate grab for the remote control that Miu made to control any electronic device, but he was promptly shot in the back by Maki with a poison-tipped arrow from her crossbow and brought to the ground. Despite the position he was in, Kokichi belittled Maki, asking her why a killing game that should have already ended is still continuing. He had no idea what she meant by Remnant of Despair and asked her whether or not she really enjoys killing that much. Maki would not hear any of it and proceeded to shoot the killing blow, only to have it intercepted by Kaito, stunning Kokichi and shocking Maki. Maki panicked, rushed out of the hangar, and made her way to Shuichi's Research Lab to retrieve the antidote for the poison, but Kokichi closed the shutter to the hangar to ensure she could not come back in. Later, Maki came back with the antidote and passed it to Kaito through the small bathroom window, but Kokichi immediately stole it and supposedly drank it, much to Kaito's anger, and Maki's horror due to there only being one antidote. Kokichi boasted that another class trial would start now where Kaito would be the victim and Maki would be the blackened, much to her shock. Kaito reassured her that she would be fine and told her to leave. After Maki fled the scene, Kokichi used the electric bomb to disable the Nanokumas, security alarm, and safety mechanism of the press machine inside of the hangar. He then gave the antidote to Kaito, revealing that he only pretended to drink it. He forced Kaito to comply with his plan where he would kill him in order to create an unknown victim case so that Monokuma would not be able to create proper judgment during the class trial. Kaito initially refused, but when Kokichi made the point that Maki would be the blackened if he didn't, he had no choice but to go along with the plan in order save Maki and stop the killing game as well. It is revealed here that Kokichi has actually been trying to stop the killing game from the very beginning. Pretending to be the mastermind and revealing the supposed truth about the outside world to the others was all done by him to discourage another killing from happening. He cries in anger as he explains that he hates the killing game, its creators as well as its viewers for toying with their lives and enjoying it, and states his dislike for games you are forced to play. Kaito couldn't tell if he was lying or not but acknowledged that he was really pulling at his strings in order to get him to work with him, and even developed some respect for Kokichi. Other: Nothing.