[center][img]https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/thelastofusgame/images/e/ef/Ellie.png[/img] [h1][color=9e0b0f]Ellie[/color][/h1] Location - [color=9e0b0f]The Daily Planet[/color] Mood - [color=9e0b0f]Amazed[/color] Status - [color=9e0b0f]Healthy and Unharmed[/color] Interactions/Mentions - [@Cloaked] [color=9e0b0f][i][b]"Holy... [u]shit[/u]..."[/b][/i][/color] Ellie was... in fucking [i]awe[/i], to say the least. She'd, quite frankly, never seen shit like this in her entire fucking life. Growing up in a world completely overridden by monsters would do that sort of thing, after all. All of the big cities had long since collapsed after years of abandonment, resulting in nothing but remaining shells of their former glory. But here she was, in a full-fledged city. With real fucking people walking around, more worried about being late for some boring meeting than fending for their lives. People who were holding strange foods that she'd only seen in old magazines - like hot dogs. She'd never, in a million fucking years, thought she'd see a hot dog. Let alone have a chance to eat one! She was so enamored, in fact, that didn't even register or dirty she looked compared to literally everyone else. Showers and running water weren't exactly a [i]thing[/i] back home, after all. But... who cared?? She was in a fucking CITY! She wasn't even sure how she got here- maybe it was a dream? Well, if it was a dream, then it was the realest one she'd ever experienced. Even more real than that one where she was on the plane. This... this was a whole other level of 'blow your mind' wackshit. She could let loose the longest, most vulgar string of swear words she could think of, and that [i]still[/i] wouldn't capture how utterly fucking annihilated her mind was right now. And in this wonder-fueled awe, Ellie had wandered into the Daily Planet. I mean, the place had a giant, golden spinning globe on it. How the fuck could she [i]not?[/i] But what Ellie didn't account for, however, was the fact that there were other people here. After all, the streets and buildings she usually wandered into were often entirely empty - aside from her and whoever she was with, of course. So... here she was, too focused on the damn walls and ceilings to really focus on anyone near her. Most people managed to avoid bumping into the girl (although some of the less patient ones found themselves shouting various obscenities at the girl before walking away), but there were a few who didn't. Perhaps the worst of these cases was none other than Jed Olsen, who Ellie had bumped into headfirst... before falling onto her ass with a slight, [i][color=9e0b0f]"Oof!"[/color][/i] [/center]