[center]After a certain amount of time had passed, the readings in Doomguy's suit would finally appear after doing their scan. The scans would show that no alterations to his suit had occurred. Both that and the fleshy part underneath were completely unharmed. No cuts had been made, nor incisions. It was like nothing had even happened in the first place, really. But when his vitals were checked, he would find that his brain had been altered with somewhat. Tampered with. From the looks of things, some kind of strange signal had been sent out, which drastically altered certain areas of his brain. The areas that controlled movement, breathing, and even sleep. The frequency of said signal was currently unable to be deciphered, nor traced back to its origin. But judging by what had happened with Negan, it was safe to assume that it had come from somewhere within this building... [@Critic Ham] [/center]