With three characters accepted (and a fourth currently balancing on the threshold), I will consider this roleplay primed, and ready to rock and roll! Before we can start proper, I will just quickly touch upon how I intend to play out this roleplay, and what that means for the players. With this being a roleplay steeped with mystery, there are going to be things that you find out as a player that you may not want other players to know. I obviously cannot enforce any secrecy, but I hope that the layers of mystery will be entertaining enough to persuade you all to keep some cards close to your chest, at least until you can make a suitably dramatic reveal! Secondly, I intend to approach posts as a collaboration between myself and you, as a player (and other players, if you come together as a group). The reasons for this are two-fold. The first is that I will be modelling this roleplay on the Call of Cthulhu system, and that tends to demand more of a back and forth than you might get from the more traditional GM update and player post cycle, and the second is that there is a wealth of locations, NPC's and events for you to stumble upon, and I want that world to feel as alive and reactive for you all as it can be. All great mysteries have a ticking clock of jeopardy, and this roleplay will be no different. The Wilde Hall Ball invitation that your character holds in their hand (regardless of just how it came to be in their possession) invites all of the guests to arrive before the strike of six, and all of the rumours of the events suggests that the dark carriages return from the woods just past midnight. That gives your characters six hours to [s]survive[/s] achieve their goals within Wilde Hall. As each hour passes, I will post an update, encompassing the situation for each of your characters, as well as Wilde Hall as a whole. Once those six hours pass [s]the Eldritch horrors will consume the world[/s] then the doors slam in your face. If there are any questions, then please do not hesitate to throw them my way, either here in the OOC, or in a PM! As a final point, would people be interested in the creation of a discord server for this roleplay? I don't feel strongly either way, and I've had success both with and without discord, but I thought I would open it up to those of you already accepted. [@Dusty][@Alkanet][@Moon Man]