[center][h1][color=8dc73f][u][i][b]Dris Mocitch[/b][/i][/u][/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/887459258877247538/909176714565910568/Optimized-Dris_crouch.png[/img] [quote=@Thatguyinastore] [center]Aaaannnd now, Negan was turning back around. [img]https://c.tenor.com/kvhrGDVt768AAAAC/negan-nefes-smile.gif[/img] The bearded man - for all his faults, always managed to smile, even in the darkest of times. Negan was quite the good sport, after all! He'd been roasted by men, woman, and children alike - but never before had a Goddamn rat had the stones to show some lip. Hell, rats usually didn't have the stones to talk at all! At least, not around him they didn't. [color=9e0b0f][b]"Now firstly,"[/b][/color] Negan said upon reaching Dris again. He looked down at the hooded creature, squinting at it. God, how easy it'd be to just take his dirty girl and [i][b]bash[/b][/i] this fucker's brains in - right here in front of everyone in the cage. But him and Lucille... they were classier than that. And Lucille? Oh, well Lucille had [i]plans.[/i] Plans which started by the man grabbing a handful of his own junk and flexing it for the rat to see. [color=9e0b0f][b]"It ain't man-[i]thing.[/i] I'm packin' more in these here jeans than you've seen in 'yer life. And second..."[/b][/color] Negan proceeded to scoop up Lucille and hold her out, putting her business end right up in the rodent's face. [img]https://c.tenor.com/btFbLZmj4YYAAAAC/negan-lucille.gif[/img] [b][color=9e0b0f]"Lucille is one [i]filthy[/i] girl - and that's just how she damn well likes it!"[/color][/b] Negan inched closer, putting her right under Dris' nose. Not only could they smell the stench of dried blood and brain matter on the bat - but they could very clearly see it, too. [color=9e0b0f][b]"And I would just [i]hate[/i] for you two to get off on the wrong foot. So why don't you be a good little mouse, and say you're sorry."[/b][/color] [@Spooky Birb] [@Cloaked] [@teapartybs] [/center] [/quote] Dris grunted, feeling... Pissed at being interrupted from their potential conversation!!! [color=8dc73f]"... HRRnnggg... NO CARE for man-thing's STUPID stick, END DISCUSSION NOW-NOW!!"[/color] They revealed their teeth, sharpened and a bit yellow, characteristic of a proper ratfolk trained for killing. They were about to stand up, and challenge the man-thing... when... suddenly... [quote=@teapartybs] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/908908930116239392/909615334074511420/E2EF6ECA-E8AA-4B9F-83C3-506072E6B0C2.png[/img][/center]Aaaaand great, the [color=18886D]rat's[/color] getting threatened! Yeah, that's [i]not[/i] gonna fly with [color=CAB8B6]Fret[/color]. Putting on a brave face, the [color=CAB8B6]former Player[/color] got up, then running towards [color=AE6143]Negan[/color]. [color=CAB8B6]Fret[/color] began to cry out as [color=CAB8B6]he[/color] attempted to slice the [color=AE6143]leathery man's[/color] bat! Should [color=CAB8B6]he[/color] succeed, the bat will be cut down to the grip, the barrel falling and clattering to the ground. Even if [color=CAB8B6]Fret[/color] got the tiniest chip off the bat, [color=CAB8B6]he'd[/color] then called out loud and clear, right in [color=AE6143]Negan's[/color] face: [color=CAB8B6]"Watch it, unless[/color] [color=AE6143]you[/color] [color=CAB8B6]want a piece a' Fret!"[/color] [hr] [center] [@Kagebaka] [@BoltBeam] [@Cloaked] [@Thatguyinastore] [/center] [/quote] The retaliation from the OTHER man-thing caught Dris by surprise. ESPECIALLY since this was the SAME man-thing they had silently challenged when talking to Ralsei-thing! Dris felt some... sort of... Warmth, in their heart, that some man-thing was... standing up for them. ... Dris had never seen a... a human do that for ANY ratfolk... Nor for any beast... [color=8dc73f]"What-what? Is this...? Meaning?"[/color] They tilted their head, their snout scrunching up at Fret in curiosity... However, the attention to Fret was very short lived... [quote=@Thatguyinastore] [center]Had it not been for him shouting like a total dumbass, then the boy might've actually gotten the jump on Negan! But alas (for him that is), that was as far from the case as one could get. Because as soon as he came slashing forward with that attack toward his bat, Negan just barely managed to stumble back and out of the way. However, due to the sudden shift in weight, Negan wasn't able to hold his balance for very long, and as such had fallen over within seconds. [img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/k6QRxpmNVQMNLq6rdK/giphy.gif?cid=790b7611c37deb15865456811c935507deaec8fbaee2e2f3&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img] [b][i][h1][color=9e0b0f]"NO!"[/color][/h1][/i][/b] Negan shouted this at the top of his lungs after immediately leaping back up to his feet. No attacks were made - however what he [i]did[/i] do was angrily point Lucille right in Tousai's face. The smile was gone - replaced by a look that could only read as animalistic anger. And with said look came an equally animalistic growl, as well as a shake of Negan's head, [color=9e0b0f][i][b]"Ohhh... [u]no...[/u]"[/b][/i][/color] And then, Negan began to back away for a moment, practically [i]forcing[/i] out a smile as well as a chuckle. The bearded man shook his head then, while wiping down his cheek with one of his gloved hands... And then almost on a heel, Negan turned and charged forward with a swing, aiming to bash that little shit's skull in. [@teapartybs] [@KageBaka] [@Spooky Birb] [@Cloaked] [@BoltBeam] [/center] [/quote] Dris felt the air around them go cold as they watched the bat-weilding-psychopathic-man-thing charge towards Fret, and instinctively, they dashed forwards, aiming to intercept the aggressor. How? They charged on all fours, scuttling low to the ground as a proper assassin should, slinking right behind Negan. They held their breath and tensed their body as their muscular rat-tail whipped around Negan's ankle, and Dris tightened the grip, in attempt to trip him- or at LEAST slow him down!!! ANYTHING to protect this... human... who had gone out of their way to protect... a little beast... [color=8dc73f][b][i]"YOU LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!"[/i][/b][/color] Dris snarled at Negan, bearing their teeth once more and yanking their tail to complete the attempted counter, praying that it would work on him... [i]Mentions: [@Thatguyinastore] [@Cloaked] [@teapartybs][/i] [/center]