[CENTER][IMG]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/469247809233879061/909263309688168468/Hershel_Avad_header_progress_4.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [hr] [h1][u]A mess of a start[/u][/h1] Just like everyone else, the older man had ended up fainting and being brought into the cage... but at the very least, he had not been dragged in without a familiar face. There was a distinct Siamese cat with a luxurious piece of jewelry on its neck that had hopped onto his shoulder that first chance once both were awake. For this ocassion, the cleric had chosen to remain quiet and observe the situation, the glass cage not really stressing him much and neither did seeing Negan get electrocuted... he had met the man a year back, it seems that regardless of instance, his character is the same. Yet, there was a myriad of situations happening all at once around him while sitting on the floor. Some emotional reunions, some ridiculous yet amusing demeanor by others, and other people who were plain and simple already either hurting each other, or trying to do so. They were completely forgetting the fact that in a tense situation, the last thing people should do is reduce their numbers. Hershel's lips let escape an exasperated sigh all of the sudden, as he carefully stood up from his sitting spot and started walking in the direction of Negan, a man he didn't like, but that didn't mean he didn't deserve a base of decency in this new situation. Without saying a word, the duke carefully crouched onto the floor besides the unsconscious man, and grabbed onto their prized bat with careful handling. After looking at it for a moment, he gently placed it over Negan's lap, and placed the KOed man's arms over it before nodding to himself, and standing up. Turning in the direction of the people who had played along in the conflict, he showed a small and polite smile. [COLOR=#2d6870]"So... since the troublesome man has been knocked out, shall we try to keep things more amicable? I would prefer the wait to be tainted by the least amount of troublesome situations possible. Oh and, the name is Hershel."[/COLOR] The tone itself was also very polite and seems to be giving the impression of carefully chosen words. Yet, also obviously seemed to expect at least some form of response from everyone involved in the bashing of Negan's head or was about to strike at them, the way his eyes had locked onto the specific people seemed to suggest as much. [@Thatguyinastore][@Spooky Birb][@teapartybs][@Kagebaka]