[center][img]https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/murderseries/images/a/a5/Marco.png[/img] [h1][color=ed1c24]Marco Diaz[/color][/h1] Location - [color=ed1c24]Metropolis Park[/color] Mood - [color=ed1c24]A Bit Embarrassed[/color] Status - [color=ed1c24]Healthy and Unharmed[/color] Interactions - [@TheElenaFisher] [@Boltbeam] [color=ed1c24]"O-oh... uhhhh...."[/color] Wow. Marco had [i]not[/i] been expecting a question like that. He guessed that he should've seen it coming, really - I mean it only made sense, what with how distraught he seemed to be over her. But... wow! Talk about putting somebody on the spot like that. Marco's face had almost immediately turned red upon being asked such a question, and his breathing seemed to pick up a bit as well. He was fine that Star and him were a couple now - more than fine, actually! But... like. Geez, man. [color=ed1c24]"Y-yeah... I- uh. I guess..."[/color] Marco looked away from Lunafreya and began to rub at the back of his neck a little bit. He tried to think of a good way to segue into another topic - but luckily, she'd done the work for him. A small sigh of relief escaped Marco as he then turned back, seemingly willing to look the woman in the eyes once more. Thank gosh they were off [i]that[/i] topic. [color=ed1c24]"M-Marco,"[/color] the teen responded in a nervous tone - which had just been unfortunately left over following their previous topic of conversation. [color=ed1c24]"Marco Diaz. It's uh... it's nice to meet you, Luna."[/color] [/center]