[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/211009/534a05ecfec5d1c440d4f2f68827d13c.png[/img][hr][@ReusableSword][@SilverPaw][hr][/center]Though his intentions were to escape, Urr'argh had spotted a familiar face in the crowd heading to the bridge. He growled, gripping his shorter slugthrower tighter as he tracked the Mandalorian in the crowd. His duty was to his people, to find them a way out of their plight and free their bonds. But his honour as a [i]Ghorfa[/i] sang to him, ringing in between his ears. This was the being which saved him, gave him the chance to save his people. Through his debating, he had lost the surprisingly stealthy reptilian in the crowds and swore to himself. There could be no running away from this fight he instigated, he would have to join, on his honour. His speech seemed to have riled a dangerous mob of both the armed and the harmless, centered around the bar where he made his speech. It would be good to start there. Urr'argh shed his cloak, revealing his alien appearance with Tusken clothing and all. A longer rifle was slung on his shoulder, the [i]gaderffii[/i] attached to his hip. He pushed past the barefaces in the crowd, including one blindfolded strange human calling out to the rest of them. The [i]Ghorfa[/i] trilled and shrieked over the noise, raising his wooden lever-action once more. [color=darkkhaki]"You brave wretches, let us take our hate to the enemy!"[/color] He roared, pulling and pushing beings towards the direction of the bridge. There was a brave, if sort of drunk, cheer among the crowd as they started moving as one. The Wanderer pushed through the masses yelling encouragement and insult alike, pointing at any weakling in the crowd who dared hesitate. The sheer amount of social pressure from the riled up mob pushed these weaklings to the front. Once most of the bar had emptied, he went straight to the bartender who started brandishing his own blaster. The bartender scoffed, pointing his blaster at Urr'argh. "If you think yer gonna convince me of joining yer suicide mob, yer going to the wrong frakker." Underneath his mask, Urr'argh sneered at the cowardice but outwardly, merely tossed him some of those credits that these civilised folk seemed to love so much. Pushing through the mad mass of sentients allowed him to pickpocket some for their money. The bartender just raised an eyebrow, lowering the old blaster in his hands. [color=darkkhaki]"As many bottles of your strongest liquor as those credits allow, bareskin."[/color] [center][sup][h1][sup][color=black] [b]▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅[/b][/color] [/sup] [sup][color=181818][b]▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅[/b][/color] [/sup][/h1][/sup][/center] As it turned out, Urr'argh was not the best with money he just stole and managed to get swindled by the bartender, only receiving two bottles. For his part, it was enough for his own plans. After following the greater masses, pushing himself to the front, the Tusken heard the distinct whine of those shiny blaster weapons. He pushed off one of the beings he had been shoulder to shoulder with, throwing himself to the nearby pillar as the blaster scythed through where he just was. The [i]Ghorfa[/i] would not know it but in his hands were two unlit Molotov cocktails. He hastily used his flint and steel to light the white cloth he stole off the bartender, glancing to the raiders far off at the end of the hallway. He timed his throw to the E-Web cooling down, the high-alcohol liquid bursting in flames as the glass shattered around it. Unfortunately, due to how far the Wanderer was from the raiders and how a stun grenade exploded very near him, the flammable cocktail exploded right before the raider position The stunned raiders recovered and started firing at Urr'argh, causing him to duck behind the pillar cursing all the while. Due to biological differences, a [i]Ghorfa[/i] simply did not have the throwing arm to throw it that far and his senses were shattered by the stun grenades. He growled and cursed his luck, glancing towards the human across from him on a closer pillar. [color=darkkhaki]"Oi, human!"[/color] He yelled over his ringing ears, raising the cocktail in his hand so the blind being could see. [color=darkkhaki]"Throw this at them with it lit, you bareskin!"[/color] Urr'argh threw the unlit cocktail towards the yet-unnamed Jinaath, followed by the flint and steel. Unfortunately for him, the stun grenade did enough to the Tusken's eyesight that he did not see the blindfold until he threw the flint. His stomach dropped and he stared, ducking only when the raiders shot at his position once more. He reached into his pouch, throwing sand in the air in frustration. [color=darkkhaki]"WHY IS A BLIND CRIPPLE IN THE MOB?!"[/color]