[center][h1] [color=hotpink]SPAMTON[/color] G. [color=yellow]SPAMTON[/color][/h1] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FCL15P_VIA0oiBJ?format=png&name=small[/img] As soon as Negan called out to him the puppet's neck snapped towards him. If there was any fear or dropping of bricks in the pants the puppet wasn't showing them. In fact the rictus grin on his face grew as Negan got closer. "HELLO [Valued Customer] I DON'T HAPPEN TO SEE YOUR NAME ON THIS [Limited Edition] ITEM!" He tottered around with the bat looking for a name before putting it back down and leaning on it. "HOWEVER HAVE I GOT SPECIL DEAL FOR YOU! FOR JUST [$4.99] THIS BLOODY BAT CAN BE YOURS!" He paused for a moment as if waiting for a response. He got one from another vertically inclined person. On one hand it was sounding more and more like the bat belonged to the guy closer to him... But on the other hand what were people willing to buy! Buy! Buy! Up here in ... Heaven... Or perhaps this was another twisted dream. It didn't matter! He knew what he had to do. [img]https://c.tenor.com/ESRgcD3vgA0AAAAi/spamton-laugh.gif[/img] Scuttling further from Negan until he was more central between both him and Fret. "WELL PERHAPS YOU'D LIKE TO BID THAT [Delicious] KROMER OF YOURS ON THIS [Valuable Item] SINCE YOU BOTH HAVE AN INTEREST IN IT!" He rubbed his hands together producing a slight clacking sound. "WITH A STARTING BID OF 95 KROMER!" [@KageBaka] [@teapartybs] [@Thatguyinastore] [/center]