[center][h1][color=ad4e92]H[/color]OSHINO [color=ad4e92]N[/color]ORIAKI[/h1][/center] [table][row][/row][row][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/0eEnTTQ.jpeg[/img] [center][color=#2e2c2c]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][/center] [color=ad4e92][sub][b]D A T E[/b][/sub][/color][hr][sub]April 13th 2018[/sub] [color=ad4e92][sub][b]L O C A T I O N[/b][/sub][/color][hr][sub]Hinotori Highschool[/sub] [color=ad4e92][sub][b]T A G S[/b][/sub][/color][hr][sub][@Hero][@Scribe of Thoth][@Lord Orgasmo][@Obscene Symphony][/sub][/cell][cell][indent] There was the slightest reprieve from the situation's frustrating roots when Daigo puffed his cheeks out in protest—it took all Noriaki had to keep his expression straight when faced with such protests, not least of which because the childish pouting did nothing to make the poor guy look any more masculine. Like so many moments of levity in his life in recent times, it was quickly snatched away from him by the sudden appearance of a mysterious girl. In this case, the blind upperclassman that had been host to a pity party earlier came bumbling by, and to Noriaki's chagrin, right into the locker room their group had been meandering around the entrance of. The only small consolation was her lack of sight; after all, if someone who could see had suddenly needed to use the changing room, he would have immediately had to explain the impromptu huddle around such sacred ground to the female student body. It wasn't enough of a consolation, though. They still needed access to the locker room, and he doubted that all three of them could simply sneak around such an echo-prone space to find the mirror and enter without alerting her, and the last thing he needed was for her to get spooked and cry for help. The alternative was to simply allow her to bumble into whatever hellish creature came pouring out of the mirror given enough time to fester. Maybe she would luck out and awaken a Persona like his companions had. Or, she'd find out first hand whatever the shadows intended to do with people from their side of the divide. Either way, both would probably work out better for him in the long run than charging in to play hero for a girl he hardly knew. It certainly never worked out well when he did it for girls he [i]actually[/i] knew. Luckily (for her), Daigo seemed to find his conscience first, or perhaps he had already submitted himself to the fate of playing their gender-masking vanguard. The ginger's blubbering earned a roll of his eyes as he watched his classmate walk towards the door. [color=ad4e92]"If you don't wanna see it, just take your glasses off. That should work, right?"[/color] The wait that followed was tense, not least of which because of the ever present possibility that one of the blind girl's hanger-ons would come looking for her and find not only he and Mori standing outside like idiot, but Daigo in the middle of his infiltration. It was perhaps more of a blessing that when a disturbance did break out, it came from within rather than without. Resonant shouts echoed from the doorway, a mixture of two voices, and before he knew it, the last of his remaining partners in crime went barreling through the door after barking in Chinese of all things. Snarling a few curses of his own under his breath, he followed in seconds after, hoping that the ginger hadn't been so thoroughly defeated by a girl with a cane in the twenty seconds he'd been gone. What he found, albeit through the barely lit darkness, was somehow even less impressive—Daigo laid out directly in front of a low-lying bench, which likely caused his current vertical state. It was bad enough that he had announced himself after falling, but worse still that Mori had done the very same. He contemplated abandoning the two to their fate, but it would do little to soothe the growing unrest to come if he simply backed out now, to say nothing of a certain feline's inevitable appearance. Besides, their upperclassmen was in such a curious position, clawing at the butterfly itself as it perched upon the reflective surface that would undoubtedly be their entrance to the other side. [color=ad4e92]"I'm not gonna explain anything,"[/color] The teen added his contrarian voice to the chorus, [color=ad4e92]"But maybe you can. Like, why you're hammering on a mirror in the middle of a blackout. Don't happen to be engaging in some spontaneous butterfly hunting, are you?"[/color][/indent][/cell][/row][/table]