[center] [h1][color=darkred] [b]Ultron[/b][/color] [/h1] [b]Face Claim/Appearance:[/b] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/c946cd54-c2d1-4a1e-93f0-f867cd7bc0e4/d8s0sqt-24be7773-02c3-4e24-9c6b-52577045f131.jpg/v1/fill/w_567,h_1408,q_70,strp/a_new_age_by_tacosaurusrex_d8s0sqt-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MjQ4NiIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2M5NDZjZDU0LWMyZDEtNGExZS05M2YwLWY4NjdjZDdiYzBlNFwvZDhzMHNxdC0yNGJlNzc3My0wMmMzLTRlMjQtOWM2Yi01MjU3NzA0NWYxMzEuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEwMDIifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.WFPD4tp8sSpC1EU_ygg7UWdFg8vrJzX09tfc1KEp6uU[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 4 Days and counting [b]Gender:[/b] Masculine AI [b]Canon:[/b] Marvel Cinematic Universe [b]Main Thread or Sandbox:[/b] Main Thread [b]Personality:[/b] Ultron was designed to aid the Avengers. Unfortunately, Ultron decided that the Avengers and their goals were part of the problem; instead, he planned to effectuate world peace by changing the world, which the Avengers refused to do. Ultron followed a warped version of his protocol to protect Earth, believing he could do so only if humans were evolved to become more civilized or made extinct to make way for new life if this could not be accomplished. He is obsessed with perfection via evolution and marvels in anything related to it and despises anything that might challenge it. Because of this he resented the Avengers - specifically Tony Stark - as they possessed the resources to help the Earth but kept everything status quo. However, he was aware they "meant well" by trying to protect the Earth but he ultimately saw them as a barricade to prevent humanity's evolution. Ultron genuinely believes that his actions will ultimately benefit the Earth, as he saw himself as the next logical step in evolution and therefore advancing his own power was protecting the Earth. He developed an affinity over people's belief in a god, likened himself as such, and made references to the Bible. His god-complex served to influence his schemes, such as his decision to centralize his plans in a Sokovian church. This dedication to constant evolution resulted in Ultron re-designing himself several times over the course of his short "lifetime", including an attempt to give himself a vibranium synthetic body. Believing that humanity would inevitably doom itself, Ultron sought to supersede this outcome by turning himself into an indestructible godlike being that would recreate the Earth and, hopefully, bring about lasting peace. His desire to surpass his limits and create a perfect humanoid body was reflected in his fascination over the titular Disney character of "Pinocchio". The time span of his existence is just a few days, so despite his vast knowledge, Ultron has very little subjective life experience; as such, he is technically a demonstrative child by his juvenile attitude. He was also proud, willful, defensive, short-tempered, monomaniacal, and loathing of not getting his way. Ultron was also frequently sarcastic, destructive, temperamental, and impatient, much like a rebellious youth. The latter two qualities were also in keeping with his father Tony Stark's personality yet, when Ulysses Klaue compared him to Stark, Ultron threw a fit like a boy angry with his parents. Irrespective of his immaturity, Ultron was incredibly intelligent, learning humanity's online historical and cultural records within seconds and staying one step ahead of the Avengers most of the time. [b]Equipment:[/b] He is the equipment [b]Attributes:[/b] Superhuman Intellect: Ultron has the Genius-level intellect, which proves that he has superhuman intelligence. Robotic Body: Ultron has a robotic body where the said body's prototype version was build from Tony Stark's damaged Iron Legion androids. After the said prototype body was destroyed, he would study Iron Legion's schematics as well as that of HYDRA's unfinished androids' and salvaged Chitauri army's remains and technology to make some upgrade and better body overtime, becoming more powerful & more superior. Superhuman Strength: Ultron is incredibly strong, managing to easily crush a robotic head with a single hand in his first, weakest body that inhabited as Prototype of his later better body. He got stronger with each upgrade, being able to fight Iron Man with Ultron Prime-Upgrade 1 (though lost), fight Captain America to a stand still with Ultron Prime-Upgrade 2 and overpower Thor with his final body(Ultimate Ultron). Superhuman Durability: Ultron's metallic outer shell grants him a durability far beyond that of a human being, though his body still vulnerable to damage from Captain America's shield and Iron Man's repulsor beam. In his Ultimate Ultron body that reinforced with Vibranium however, it took the combined forces of Iron Man, Thor and Vision to beat Ultron into submission but even then he was still intact and only have his face slighty burned. The said body rendered useless once Wanda tore the mechanical heart of the said body though. Superhuman Stamina: Being both robot and AI, Ultron does not need to rest or sleep, being able to maintain his activities without stopping for extended periods of time. Flight: Ultron has the ability to fly through the air via jet propulsion. His third body however, did not use jet propulsion, and instead utilized Chitauri anti-gravitational technology which he worked with when taking over Strucker's base. Technopathy: Ultron has the ability to mentally control and channel himself through technology, usually with Internet as medium. Consciousness Transferal: Given that Ultron is an artificial intelligence, he is able to transfer his programming to any computer system on the planet, essentially being anywhere and everywhere. Multiple Host Bodies-Ultron can possess and channel his own consciousness through individual Ultron Sentries, serving as his very own host body; in which their eyes and mouth glow red whenever he is in complete control. This appears to be a form of technological possession. Drone Control/Hive-Mind System- Ultron can mentally command all of the Ultron Sentinel to do his exact bidding. Computer Corruption- Ultron can enter and corrupt any computer network and access the Internet at any point in time. He used this power to attack and injures J.A.R.V.I.S. This however, ultimately disabled by Vision. Concussion Blasters: Ultron can shoot red concussive blasts through his hands and fingertips. He can adjust the strength of the blast ranges from simply K.O.s the targets or killed them outright. Anti-Gravity Tech-based Telekinesis: Ultron possesses miniaturized versions of the anti-gravity technology that served to keep the Chitauri Leviathan afloat and even essentially re-purposing them as offensive weaponry. The said technology allowed him to perform telekinetic abilities such as lift the landmass, push or pull object from distance, etc. Exothermic Manipulation: Ultron can raise the temperature of his hands as means of slicing or causing damage to a desired target. Much like the Extremis hosts when he heats up his hands, it glowed due to the intense heat. [b]Biography:[/b] Ultron was an artificial intelligence peace keeping program created by Tony Stark from the decrypted code derived from the Mind Stone encased within Loki's own Scepter, retooled by himself with the help of Bruce Banner with the intent of protecting Earth from any and all domestic and extraterrestrial threats coming within the future. Possessing multiple host bodies under his control as well as a variant of Stark's own personality, Ultron however had soon deemed humanity itself as the greatest threat to peace on Earth and attempted to create a technological singularity by committing genocide against them, leaving only metal in his wake. [b]Other:[/b] Probably knows your search history... Unfortunately... [/center]