[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201119/7f024442076cf3d99ccf13ae4ea961a6.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Mentions: [@solokolos][/b][/center] [center]Duskwing could tell her words got through to Moosepaw, if his lowered head was anything to go by. She was glad for that, she didn't consider herself to be the best with words but when it came to her apprentice she put forth as much effort as she could muster to be a reliable mentor to him. She'd been on her own for a long time before she found WillowClan and the support they offered made going about life that much easier. She twitched her whiskers in response and gave him a nod, [color=f7941d][b]"Of course. Don't hesitate to come to me if you need anything."[/b][/color] She watched him pad off to the apprentice's den and nodded to herself. He'd do just fine and he would make a fine mentor for his clanmates one day. A quick scan of the camp told her that most everyone else was either already asleep or busy dealing with the stranger's that she'd been keeping an eye on earlier. She still didn't trust them, their story didn't entirely add up and there was something about them that unnerved her even if she couldn't quite pin down what. Fernstar and Stonefall were actively dealing with them though so that left her free to sleep until morning, hopefully. She padded to the warrior's den and curled herself into a tight ball of dark ginger fur before letting her mind finally drift off.[/center] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210224/08f79b811bb80e10415d5abb894ff421.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Mentions: [@The Elvenqueen] [@savannahssu][/b][/center] [center]Yellow eyes were fixed firmly on the mice as Stormheart tried to figure out a plan to catch both of them if he could. They were likely to be slow because of the weather, but he wasn't exactly the quickest on his paws either and the burrow was likely nearby. He didn't have the energy needed to figure out something as coordinated as what Sunfur had done, and he was about to resign himself to just catching one of them when he met with two pairs of eyes across from him. He could see the confusion on both his clanmate's faces and tried to figure out how to tell them that there was a mouse that was outside of their line of sight without making too much noise or moving. He saw Spidernose turn and mouth something to Sunfur and hoped that the other warrior had realized the situation. Just in case, he made eye contact with Sunfur first, and then Spidernose, and gestured to the mouse that all three of them could see with his tail before swishing it around to point at the opposite side of the brush that was hidden from them. It wasn't a clear signal, but he hoped it at least got the point across. Part of him wanted to wait to see comprehension on their faces, but he was afraid that waiting any longer would mean that both of the mice would get away, and even if only one of them got it that was better than losing both. [color=0072bc][i]Hopefully they'll understand what I'm doing.[/i][/color] He crouched down low and made sure to telegraph to the other two what he was planning on doing; angling his body towards the mouse they couldn't see. He waited just a moment longer before leaping forward to slam his paws down on the mouse which quickly snapped its neck with his weight.[/center]