[center][h1] [color=hotpink]SPAMTON[/color] G. [color=yellow]SPAMTON[/color][/h1] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FCmJdYAXsAEwyXP?format=jpg&name=small[/img] The puppet was looking at the gruff man intently as he walked over, surely sure he was certain to land a surly deal. "SO ARE YOU INTERESTED IN [Hyperlink Blocked] OR-" He managed to shut his mouth to hear Negan's offer. "NO KROMER? NO [Cash Prizes]? NOT A PENNY TO YOUR NAME?" If it were possible, it looked like the puppet's face was expressing pity. The intense stare and grip didn't help. "CLEARLY YOU NEED THIS MORE THAN I DO." Against his better judgement he patted the man on the knee and handed him back the bat as if he were some unfortunate hobo that lived in a dumpster. Hearing the offer from the strange soldier he shook his head "SORRY OUR [Limited Time] DEAL HAS EXPIRED!" The fact he'd 'forgotten' his wallet didn't help. He couldn't bare to part the man with his newly acquired bat... Not that he thought he could, he had quite a grip. [img]https://c.tenor.com/ESRgcD3vgA0AAAAi/spamton-laugh.gif[/img] But then he caught a whiff of a familiar scent, the aroma of Lightner, could it be? He sniffed the air aggressively. "KRIS!" he whipped around and saw Ralsei instead, he looked slightly disappointed. "KRIS' FRIEND! WHERE IS THAT [Little Sponge] I THOUGHT YOU THREE WERE A UNIT?" [@Yamperzzz] [@Cloaked] [@Thatguyinastore] [/center]