Snakes are just tiny dragons that never learned how to fly, breathe fire, or have legs. Kinda like little scaly puppies, except they might try to tie you up and/or eat you up if they get too feisty. And these ones? These ones are [i]demonically[/i] feisty. And still she finds time to snort at the silly maid. “What, you’d rather walk?” Her shoulders roll beneath you, and you could be forgiven for thinking she’d actually drop you. “Screw how this goes, this is what you’ve got. And I [i]said.”[/i] She bares her teeth at the oncoming hoard. “I could do this all night!” She clutches (muscles flexing beneath your fingers) the two of you tight (strong hand pressing into your stomach) and the ground [i]cracks[/i] beneath her feet as she leaps (stomach-turning, up is down, hold onto her tight now) for a tree branch big enough for the three of you. [Rolling to Defy Disaster with Daring: 5 + 2 + 2 = an oh-so-close 9. She takes an XP from Piri’s [i]Help Me!!![/i] Han will be risking Azazuka's safety.]