[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.ibb.co/5kkvBHH/Webp-net-resizeimage-6.png[/img][hr][b][color=FF17F2]Location:[/color][/b] Arcade [b][color=FF17F2]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A[/center][hr][hr] [color=FF17F2]"I mean get yourselves killed for all I care, doesn't really matter one way or the other to me if you all are going to be reckless and stupid about it, just don't rope me into it, not my fault literally no one seems to either listen or just decides to go into an area without fully knowing what's up there. Since you know, me saying go through the door as opposed to the roof was literally nothing and clearly just me thinking I'd stop and have a snack or something,"[/color] Klara commented with an eye roll, clearly still more than annoyed with people for being stupid. Not her fault that apparently no one else seemed to take into account how big of an area that they were in. And weren't Valkyries or whatever supposed to be helpful in not getting them killed? Cause if it had just been her and Dalisy, that would have been fine, two people, bit cramped or whatever, but tolerable, but the instant a third person climbed up (cough cough, Astrid) then that amount of space got a lot smaller. An already tight space became smaller and made things a hundred times worse. Of course, she fell silent now, more than a bit annoyed with everyone, and deciding to just more or less ignore their existences entirely. Klara just followed along after the others to where the arcade was, and unlike the others, she was not all that surprised to see Loki or something, or even really make a comment about it. She had seen him down the hallway, so she knew that he was here and probably messing with things, but she figured that if people weren't going to listen to her words of warning (despite her being one of the oldest ones of the group) then she figured she was better off staying quiet and just sort of leaning back, watching and waiting to see what happens.