[@jorvhik] Yo, love the feel here. I have a weakness for technobarbs and you are exploiting it for approval, I can feel it. :lol: But for real, there's only one issue I gotta ask you to correct. If you've spotted the Discord chat lately, you can tell there's been some debate about the existence of fusion. In the tech section, you mention probable fusion used to generate weapons. We might wanna change that. Perhaps their energy weapons simply use batteries, created via non-portable fission reactors somewhere? It would mean an energy sword could run out of juice on the battlefield- but that sounds like a fun thing to write. Drama! If you can edit that, you're approved and may drop your NS in the char tab and start posting whenever. Can I offer a bit of personal advice tho? You seem to have based Kudrion society entirely off of martial acts. That's totally fine for the NS, but in IC, remember that even the most warlike of people are still human. What does a warrior do when they aren't fighting? What about the Kudrions who don't fight at all, like the old? Humans aren't Klingons. Just a thing to keep in mind. [@Lady Lascivious] Approved! [@Dog] Messaging on Discord. Stuff we should discuss.