For a few moments, all the small girl could do was cry. But it seemed as if the words of the gods had gotten through to her. Perhaps it was the memory of Sir Oren, too, that prompted her to shakily rise to her feet. The knight had died for her sake. She couldn't just sit here, no matter how much it hurt to try and move. To leave Sir Oren behind. But Sir Oren would have wanted her to keep moving. "..." It would be a while before she could dry her eyes. "Th-the knights," she murmured, her voice weak, "Sir Oren... he's one of the kn-knights. The Klois Knights. They... u-um..." Clutching at the hem of her dress, she fiddled with her skirt for a moment, her cheeks still wet from her tears. She didn't seem to have much else in terms of information, or perhaps it was difficult for her to explain at the moment. However, there was one last important piece of information she was able to provide. "... I-I can take you... take you there, I-I'm supposed to..." [@Martian][@Raineh Daze][@Click This][@Rune_Alchemist][@Renny][@Pyromania99]