[h2][color=00aeef][b]Marrie Knight[/b][/color][/h2] Considering that she'd not hit her target, you'd think that Marrie's plan had failed. You'd be right, but also wrong. Strangely, considering her aversion to killing, her instinct for battle was fierce. She'd managed exactly what she needed, not what she wanted. As the wind storm forced the other bees away from the Queen, she had a quick moment to look at her close up. She had a precious few seconds before the four bees got to her, and she would use them. One. She rolled to her left as she transformed to her mundane form, towards the queen bee and out of the immediate path of the bulldozer in one fell swoop. Two. The hardening honey, stuck to her esper form, was jostled by the roll and no longer form fitting due to the slight differences in outfit size between her forms. She got back up into a crouch. Three. The roll scraped the honey off of her, most if not all of it. She stood, transforming back as she did, Apex Predator in her hand and a Melody on the tip of her tongue. Four. She switched her instrument to her left hand as she cast a simple Melody as she began sprinting towards the queen bee. Cold - Silver Self - Storm Five. A powerful whirlwind, almost a miniature tornado, formed around her right arm, the side the bees and possibly the ape were on, ready to block any incoming attacks or spray. Six. She reached the queen bee and lunged for her, Apex Predator aimed at her center mass. She still had a few seconds before her melody ended, but with any luck, she wouldn't need it. [hr] [center] 19 | Female | Freelancer | Misty Steps Apex Predator | Dagger | Physical | Mirror Shine Wind-Carved Glacier | Masking Step of the Hurricane | Wind | Riding the Currents [Storm (4), Flight (6)] Damage X (6), Slow Fall (4), Blink (4), Magic Sense (6), Heal (16), Portal (8), Rain (2), Bounce (0), If Foe (0) DAMAGE: E | SPEED: D | SENTINEL: C | 750 Mana: 234 Melody Cost: 72 PHYSICAL: E | ARCANE: D | CHAOS: C | 162 [/center]