[quote=@Rising Dusk] [@Shu]Can I ask you how the roleplay will work? Will someone function as a DM of sorts? (It's been a long time since I've been a part of RPGuild so I'm not sure if that's how things operate here still) How combat focused do our characters need to be? Would a utility caster/support role be helpful or just still useless here? Is there an official wizards of the coast handbook of any kind I could go find and read? They tend to be more detailed than anything the forgotten realms wiki has [/quote] Good questions, I will be GM/DM as I will control NPC characters and regulate events and story background. My roles will be limited to such as we won’t have any tabletop mechanics, I’ll basically just guide the story along and present players with choices to be made. I also have a “tavern” feature where I will post “rumors” and whatnot in the OOC for players to look act and if a particularly rumor/arc I’ve posted interested them they can pursue it. While there will be parts of heavy combat I don’t see utility magic as totally useless in this setting. It could help in combat situations and if your character might know a couple of other spells - such as some evocation ones - those could be of assistance. A pure utility caster even could be of relevance as well, but I suppose that comes down to how you play the character really. As for a handbook… [@POOHEAD189] may have something. He is also big on Realms lore and could help fill in holes with his knowledge. I don’t know as much as him but I would be willing to help you out with what I know as well.