[@POOHEAD189][@Rising Dusk][@Kassarock] [b]NOTE: The reason for the template to be so “skeletal” is to allow for players to get creative with CS design from color coding to alignment and indentation. This allows a personalized aesthetic design in CS appearance. (This has always been an approach of mine.)[/b] [hider=CS TEMPLATE] • Character Name: • Age: (Must be in the adult age range for their race.) • Gender: • Height: • Race: • Class: • Character Appearance: (An image is preferred but a very detailed description is also acceptable.) • Short History: (Three to four paragraphs - 8-12 sentences a piece - minimum, add more if you wish of course. Be sure to include what has lead your character to Deadsnows.) • Personality: (Character dispositions, moralities, general attitude and outlooks, etcetera. About three paragraphs minimum.) • Weapons & Armor: (Images - preferably linked in this case - or detailed descriptions either are good.) • Accessories & Miscellaneous: (Enchanted items, any heirlooms, charms, etcetera. In this case descriptions are preferred.) • Skills and Abilities: (A detailed description of character ability, combat style, powers, spells, base strengths, and etcetera. Maybe add a little about their training/education. For mage characters a listing of spells is required. To mirror DnD rules/applications level one mages start with 6 spells and increase by two each level. [u]So for mage characters let’s say 18 to 22 spells.[/u]) • Other: (Players are encouraged to add any additional information they wish, of course this is not mandatory.) [/hider]