Blucomon loosened his grip on Agumon, his gaze following to where the other dinosaur was pointing until it settled on Hide. Blucomon blinked before a wide grin spread across his face. "Wow, he looks so mature!" he said. He let go of Agumon completely and began to bounce up and down on the soles of his feet, both excited and obviously not really paying attention to the conversation going on around him. Kieran, on the other hand, was listening, though didn't seem keen to interject. When 'Gotsumon' - as the golem-like creature was called - mentioned the dream, Kieran merely nodded. He'd remembered that previous dream very clearly when he had encountered Blucomon in the hut, as well as how it ended: with Blucomon asking where they wanted to go next. Kieran hadn't been able to answer back then, but thinking on it now, he might have chosen to stay in that dream for just a little longer, to spend some time with Blucomon in that strange world. Assuming this was the same place, it seemed he was getting his wish. That being said, he still wasn't entirely convinced that this wasn't just another dream. For all knew, he may have never woken up from his nap, and was still peacefully asleep within his bed. After all, if a strange fantasy world really did exist, why would anyone pick [i]him[/i] to be one of its saviors? He turned his glance towards the other humans who had supposedly been summoned. He didn't recognize any of them, but they were all older him, at least eighteen or over, and while their response to the call to adventure was mixed, to say the least, they at least were curious enough not to refuse outright. Perhaps they would make good saviors, but him? Kieran slumped slightly in his chair and let out a small, dejected sigh.