[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/381533548320129026/910222748847063040/greysmall.png[/img] [h1]Grey[/h1] Grey's ears perk up at the sound of a voice next to him. The fox turns, coming face to face with one of those furless, two-legged creatures, like that one with the biker getup and the baseball bat. He had asked what Grey was, a reasonable question that could most definitely reflected back at the man. "...hi," Grey begins awkwardly, still taken aback by this thing's appearance. "I'm Grey. ...I'm a fox." He thought that last part was a little obvious, but maybe foxes from this guy's world don't look like he does. Grey then sighs and closes his eyes. "That's about all I can tell you, because I can't remember anything about myself. I was hoping Fortuna would help lead me to some answers, but [i]that[/i] plan got tossed out of the window as soon as I blacked out and woke up here." The fox's attention is then caught by another nearby, excited voice, and he turns around to face some sort of... dark grey figure with no arms or legs and floating hands, a bandana wrapped around his head and sunglasses on his eyes? Yeah. Grey doesn't know where to begin with this one. He gives the Nevadean a flat look. "I don't think they're watching us for entertainment..." [@darkred] [@Yamperzzz][/center]