[center] [img] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/907817624107368488/908861189122060309/image0.jpg [/img] [/center] [center] Terrence Greene, local thug[/center] [center]Location: Gotham City, near Wayne Tower[/center] [center]Mood: Psyched for a payday.[/center] [center]Health: Fit as a fiddle.[/center] [center] Interacting With: Queen, ?[/center] [center] Meanwhile, as the dataworld monarch was commenting on the appearance of the Wayne Corporation’s headquarters, a man was preparing for action. He dropped his Glock-18’a magazine and slid it back in again. He patted the spare magazines in his juryrigged protective gear. Finally, he slipped on the homemade ballistic mask to both protect his face and conceal it from any cameras.[/center] [center] His name was Terrence Greene, and he was going to get paid.[/center] [center] Recently, both Metropolis and Gotham were on fire with news. Granted, Gotham was usually on fire, but this time it was only metaphorical. New beings, creatures, forces just popping out of nowhere from all walks of life. Terrence was never a regular Einstein, but he could read the writing on the wall. A bunch of people with full pockets stranded far from home from all income classes? Of course one was gonna have a fat enough wallet for Terrence to start investing rather than just subsisting. And lookie here, there was a Xenomorph looking lady with what he swore was an anime noble woman’s laugh. She seemed important, and she seemed LOADED. He might be able to move out just from her pocket change alone, but if Terrence manages to even hold her hostage? Well, Terrence would have to break new ground on that but it would be INCREDIBLY worth it. Now there was only one step: take action.[/center] [center] Terrence stepped out of an alleyway nearby the building and made no qualms about immediately pointing his Glock at Queen’s head. “Look, you wanna make me take the wallet off of your corpse or are you just gonna do the right thing and hand it the fuck over? Because I’m gonna smoke you like a Cuban if your next move isn’t to hand me your wallet. I’ll even let you keep your I.D. so you can catch a ride home. But if you don’t? They’re gonna need more than a driver’s liscense to figure out what the FUCK your face was supposed to look like.[/center] [center] Yeah. Now [i]that[/i] was badass.[/center] [center] [@Yamperzzz] [@Lazaro1505] [/center]