[@FourtyTwo][@Starlance] Hayden eased his elbows on the table top, "True, we're likely going to have to swim in Shit Creek before we get to rose scented waters. It's not going to be an easy trip." He looks around, then at his three table mates. He hums and nods, "We're going to need time, work and funds. I think that should be our priority don't you all think?" He reached down to take a slug of the whiskey in his glass and hisses softly as it goes down, "Smooth...just like I remember back in Army training. Hoooo, Gunney would sometimes take a trip down to Lethbridge from Wainwright and would sometimes bring back a few bottles. Share most of it with the Brass, but sometimes he'd have a bottle or two left over. And he'd bring it to the Barracks. And the Company would sit in the dining area get a glass each and we'd sit there and get a little buzzed on it. Bunch of kids mostly, our first real taste of alcohol came about in those barracks." He swirled his glass. He heard the talk about their training and their prospects, "Hmmm we're probably a few pay grades above what they usually get. I see alot of militia manning the walls." He gestures towards the guard points, "Those aren't men and women who have full training." There was indeed about thirty to fifty men and women in uniforms with weapons patrolling the perimeter or standing at posts along the walls. Sure they held their guns like they had an understanding of their use, but none really had the look of a person who's seen true combat. Not really at any rate. Hayden sniffs, "I'm sure us four have seen our fair share. I'm Canadian Armed Forces and CSOR. Riflemen with Autogunner training. Give me a Light Machine Gun and I can do wonders, give me a rifle and I'll perform surgery if I have too." He nods with abit of a chuckle. Hayden thought it a good start after almost starting that fight earlier. The Canadian reached over for the bottle on the table and poured himself abit more of the whiskey. Taking a drink before speaking again, "So we need work. And get our hands on some gems. And then we can figure out what we can do about the Hyena." He gave a sharp nod, "So the question then, is, where do we start?" There's a chuckle from behind them all, and Hayden whips around. Sitting at the table he vacated a short time ago is a trio of people, it's not the group that all brought them together but another group entirely. All of them dressed in white, cream colors or light grey. Two women and a man. And it was the man who is wearing a grin and seems to be the one to have chuckled. He nods to Hayden. The women at the table looking at the four carefully, saying nothing. But the man raises a hand, "Looking for work then? Perhaps I can be of assistance." He sits forward and smiles, "Four prime new to Matanbai mercenaries. Not often I get to to be the first one. Pop your cherries yes?" He chuckles again, "Victor Manar, CHRO of the South African Mining Corporation. I don't usually get to talk to potential new hires, temporary or otherwise, too high on the ladder. But well a shin dig like this I had to show up. And I get to be the one this time." He laughs softly, the two women with him giving looks of annoyance at the man. They're both tall, dark skinned African women, with almost amazonian qualities to them, one of them has a beautiful golden chain pierced to her nose then up to her right ear, some facial bling. The other is tattooed from the top of her bare head to somewhere below her neckline. And both bare the sense of professionals. Victor smiles, "You see I have a, well let's call it an oppurtunity, on the bottom floor. I can tell you four have some skills. So, I'd like to put forth a feeler let's call it. SAMC has been trying to get in with the Dry Trail. And I have news of a Driver coming through Southern Tangayi. Namely the Bo'lobo slums. There's a notorious black market in the area or so I'm told. And the Driver may be there." He pulls a photo from his suit jacket, with an emblem on it. A circle with what looks like a dry riverbed painted along it, "This is the symbol of the Dry Trail. And all of their trucks and vehicles are marked with it in some way. Find the truck, find the driver. Bring him here, alive. Whole if you can as well, but wounded is just as good. And twenty diamonds are yours, a piece. Should be enough to get you some gear each yes?" He smiles, "I'll even provide transportation to Bo'lobo. What do you say?" Victor gave another huge cheshire grin at the four. His companions, likely his guards giving them apologetic looks.