[center][h1] [color=hotpink]SPAMTON[/color] G. [color=yellow]SPAMTON[/color][/h1] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FBKEBYwUUAEY8-N?format=jpg&name=small[/img] The puppet swallowed nervously as the bat was pointed at him, his business bravado since eroded. But it looked like it was a happy ending, not that kind of happy ending, but the kind where a kid reunites with his lost dog. Or grown man and bat... Perhaps his heart shaped object would grow three sizes this day from his good deed. Nah. However hearing the word thief thrown at him paired with an item being thrown his way caused him to turn towards the voice indignantly ready to protest. Unfortunately it meant he missed his prize which bonked him on the head and nestled in his hair. With such short arms and such a big head he started to struggle to get the coin off his head. When Ralsei explained the situation his spirit sunk... This was definitely not heaven. And he glared up at the ghost girl and Genie who so rudely approached, it wasn't the most intimidating image considering he had a coin on his head... "WELL YOU'VE GOT THIS [[little]] PRINCELING! NOW IF YOU EXCUSE ME I HAVE SOME [Business] TO ATTEND TO!" He finally managed to get the Bullion off and was sauntering over to it's benefactor. [img]https://c.tenor.com/ESRgcD3vgA0AAAAi/spamton-laugh.gif[/img] The puppet put his hands on his hips and and looked up at Hershel and pulled his glasses down revealing his beady little businessman eyes. "HEY! WHAT'S THE [Deal] WIS3GUY? I'M AN HONEST [Number 1 rated Salesman(C)1997] NOT SOME [Cheap! Cheap! Cheap!] CHARITY CASE!" He held the gold bar up handing it back "KEEP YOUR [Quick Cash] I DON'T NEED IT! I DON'T DESERVE IT! A SAL3SMAN IS ONLY AS GOOD AS HIS [Sales] AND IF THOSE START TO TAKE A [Dive] THEN YOU'RE JUST [Dirt Cheap] YOU'LL END UP HALF DEAD, DESTITUTE, LIVING IN TRASH! BUT THAT'S OKAY BECAUSE YOU'LL SHOW THEM YOU'RE GONNA BE A [Big Shot]!" After his wound up rant the puppet finally seemed done, he continued to hold the bar up as his sides heaved as if he'd ran out of breath. Whatever triggered his outburst seemed to have passed. [@RiriStride1] [@Second2Last] [@Cloaked] [@cadesmith] [@Spooky Birb] [@Yamperzzz] @anyoneimissedsorry [/center]