[center] [color=red] Name: [/color] Vaeros [color=red] Age [/color] Unknown [color=red] Gender [/color] Male [color=red] Race[/color] Dragon/Human shifter [color=red] Appearance[/color] Dragon Form [hider] [img]https://i.imgur.com/1ii20Ut.png[/img] [/hider] Human Form [hider] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/03/4f/25/034f25fb31d1c79b4606156451d4d29f.jpg[/img] *Credit for picture goes to unknown creater[/hider] [color=red] Personality[/color] Vaeros is utterly evil. He has one purpose: Destroy and rule the world. He will do anything and everything for this cause. In his human form, he is completely undaunting. He can get away with a lot, because he looks innocent. He's thieving and conniving, and sneaky. He gets his way a lot because he can be charming. [color=red] Strengths[/color] -His enormous size gives him a huge advantage in a fight He breathes fire -he is good at fighting, hand to hand, in the air, everything. -manipulation To be RP'D [color=red]Weaknesses[/color] He is power hungry, thereby blind with power He can't turn as well, he isn't as agile -Easily angered -subjects fear him, and would easily turn on him if they think they'd have a chance. To be RP'd [color=red] Brief Bio[/color] He has been prophesied about for 1000 years, he hatched and immediately started to fulfill this prophecy. He has some people or dragons working for him, but he is ultimately the big bad. There's not much to tell about him, he is born to wreak chaos, and wreak chaos he shall. The lands he conquers before our CO's get to him will be turned into slaves and slave armies for him.