"so so if I'm honest...better once Bane did some kind of sleep mojo on me" she said truthfully, seeing no point in lying to John about how she slept. After what she went through and witnessed it would have been a miracle if she had slept perfectly well throughout the whole night. She walked over to him, perching on the edge of the back of the couch as she did so. "but I'm so glad that you'll be okay" she told him. "Kay, I started some kind of breakfast in the kitchen and coffee if you want it" Chas spoke up, interrupting hers and John's chat guiltily but did it anyway. "thanks, I definitely could do with both" Kay replied, and as if on cue, she yawned, making her cover her mouth as she did so. "I'm gonna go get something, be right back" she told them, leaning across kissing John's temples without even thinking then headed to the kitchen. Chas looked at John, "when are you gonna tell her?" he asked quietly. Josh chuckled softly and warmly at her comment, but not as if it was something amusing, more to so as a 'I'm not surprised' kind of way. "not surprising. Well, if you want help let me know. Guess I should go wake up the Trish gremlin" he smirked, chuckling again.