Here it is let me know what I need to change. [@iGeorge] [@Divine Darkness]: Thanks, I'm already familiar with most of those except for the Berberoka. Marina likes to call herself Sirena because it has more positive connotations, but she really has more in common with a Siyokoy (The octopus features are traditional for them) or a Kataw minus the maliciousness. Right down to the ability to control sealife and (in a much more more limited sense for Marina) hydrokinesis. [hider=Marina De La Cruz aka Kraken] Name: Marina Clara Portacio De La Cruz Alias: The Kraken to the tabloids, Sirena in her home community/ as a preferred name. Age: 18 Gender: Female Height: 5'3" Weight: 125 lbs Personality: Shy and wary of others, Deep sense of justice, Compassionate even to some criminals. [hider=Powers and Abilities] Powers/Abilities: Marina has a decent working knowledge of medicine and emergency trauma treatment thanks to working as an assistant to her mother, a back alley nurse. She also has firsthand knowledge of sealife and sailing and some knowledge of law though she has little formal education. Her power is mostly Cephalopod Biology meaning while she's still essentially humanoid in shape, her body composition and traits are more like those of a squid, cuttlefish or octopus. She can: shoot jets of high pressure water or sticky eye-irritating and scent dulling ink shapeshift including color, texture size and shape to squeeze through spaces, stretch, and mimic humans animals or objects Lift up to 5000 lbs because her body is composed almost entirely of muscle tissue. sprout four large retractable tentacles from her back which can act somewhat independently of her or under her control, along with smaller tentacles on her head that serve as her 'hair'. The tentacles can also 'smell' anything they touch or hover near. The tentacles can also sprout a webbing in between them for various uses. Use a venomous bite that can paralyze humans temporarily See in the dark and in 360 degrees thanks to cephalopod-like eyes. Survive crushing pressures, cold and blunt force trauma without issue due to her squishy nature Breathe underwater and on land. Swim at high speeds thanks to her webbing and water jets Stick to and crawl on walls and ceilings thanks to suckers on her hands, feet and tentacles. lastly, Marina can command and communicate with marine life telepathically including aquatic mammals and sea birds. [/hider] [hider=Weaknesses] Weaknesses Description: Vulnerable to loss of control/strong emotions- If Marina becomes panicked or angry, she can lose control of her shapeshifting and her tentacles can go on autopilot in order to 'protect' her or otherwise stop working. When not actively shapeshifting her body color can also change to reflect her emotions. Water dependency- Marina must be fully submerged for several hours at least once every three days or else she risks dying as her body will 'dry out' and become brittle, dehydrated and weak. If she uses her ink or water jets too often or powerfully she'll start to dry out much faster without a way to rehydrate. Fire- Damage from fire inhibits Marina's regeneration abilities and being around fire also dries her out quickly reducing her strength and possibly killing her. Electricity- Since Marina's body is basically one giant muscle electricity disrupts her ability to maintain her form and paralyzes her in addition to causing her pain. Sudden intense bright light: Because of her unnaturally keen eyesight, sudden bright light can easily blind and stun Marina. Sudden Loud Sounds: Extremely low and/or loud sounds can damage Marina's internal organs. Lastly, although she's able to regenerate from harm quickly, she can be cut, stabbed or shot as easily as any human. [/hider] Backstory: To sum up, Marina's parents are a back alley nurse and a dockworker/fisherman. She gained her powers at sixteen after falling off her dad's boat and started fighting crime last year after one of her mother's patients tipped them off about the dockyard being robbed. More detailed version below if needed. [hider=Big overly detailed version I got too into] Marina's parents were both pensionados, migrant students who came to California from the Philippines earlier in the new century in order to gain an education. Marina's mother was studying to be a nurse, and her father first served in the U.S. Navy then came to the country to study law. The two fell in love with both life in the U.S. and each other and decided to stay. Unfortunately they weren't aware that discriminatory professional licensing laws at the time meant their degrees weren't able to get them employment. Instead, Marina's father ended up working as a fisherman during the fishing and canning season and as a dockworker off season, and her mother supplemented their income by working as a back alley nurse. Marina was born into that life and was relatively happy in spite of her family's hardships. When her powers manifested at 16, it ended up being both a blessing and a curse. At first the extensive physical changes to her appearance and the unusual nature of her new body were terrifying. Her octopus-like appearance, uncontrollable tentacles and need to occasionally submerge herself reminded her parents of the [i]bantay tubig[/i], mythical races of undersea creatures in the Philippines that would allegedly kidnap or kill fishermen, sailors and the residents of coastal villages if they weren't respected and placated. Once she learned to control her tentacles and shapeshifting her new form did have its upsides. She was able to follow her father out to sea and help him fish, first by herding the fish from under the waves and later by commanding them to leap into the fishing boat's nets and traps. During the off-season, she would accompany her mother on illicit house calls to patients or appointments in her small unofficial clinic. Her dexterous and chemically sensitive tentacles ended up being useful for multitasking and occasionally diagnosing issues in the hectic environment of back alley medicine once she was taught what to do. Better yet, she soon learned that when it came to dealing with some of her mother's more unsavory customers, a body made almost entirely of muscle and near 360 degree vision were as useful on dry land as they were in the water. The transition from back alley medical assistant to crime fighter was gradual and almost accidental. It started when one of her mother's criminal patients told her that his boss was planning on robbing a major merchandise shipment from the dockyard where her father worked the nightshift. She foiled the robbery and things sort of spiraled from there. [/hider] Visual Description or Pic: Marina's preferred form that she can hold onto on reflex is a dark skinned teenage girl with Asian features, brown eyes and long black hair. Her 'true' form is a pinkish-purple rubbery skinned humanoid with large bright yellow eyes with w-shaped pupils, webbed fingers and toes, four large webbed tentacles sprouting from her back, and a mass of smaller tentacles for hair. [/hider]