[b]Eris Cloverton[/b] Eris grinned wide at Marabella's response. "Alright, that's two votes for adventure! Three, actually, if you count Killian and of course we do." She walked over to the information board a few feet away to get a better look at the trails available to them. It was as she was doing this that Conan arrived. "No, you're right on time actually." She said. "We are just starting to think about which trail to take." The trail she had taken before was one of the shorter ones that looped back around to the parking lot, but she did of course take a few self guided detours. While it was okay for her little hike, they would definitely want to be somewhere a little more remote for their trip, which would mean a little longer of a walk. Now that it was fall and it was a bit chillier, and kids were back in school, it luckily meant it shouldn't be too busy anyways though. "I'm thinking maybe this one." She said, pointing to the map. "I remember there were some pretty nice clearings that would be a great place to set up. It also looks like it goes by the lake at some point and that sounds pretty neat. Too bad it's not warmer." Even if swimming wasn't an option, the lake would have some really cool views she bet. This was interrupted by the loud and sudden noise of the bicycle crash. "Oh my gosh!" Eris had only caught a glimpse of what had happened but that was really wild. She was just glad that Ella was alright, that could've been bad. [i]Ah, so glad I brought a first aid kit.[/i] Eris thought to herself.