[img]https://i.imgur.com/Ghgb6Iw.png[/img] Time passed by much faster than it should’ve been; but it was surely no surprise as Aurora for that whole hour was quite invested and busy into fixing her bolide back in shape, making sure to repair the most crucial damages done to Spike, while more cosmetic and less important pieces like the body of paint (which frankly was a mix of paint and dirt at this point), she quickly patched up with some quick plasters of adhesive tape. “[color=0072bc]Blue electric tape! Always a winner![/color]”, she said to herself, not paying much attention at the moment to the fact that bright sea blue color on the dusty yellow looked rather alien, but it did bring some hand-made and post-apocalyptic feel to how Spike looked; which in a sum of everything probably gave Aurora some bonuses in terms of how she appeared before the crowd and how her potential fans would perceive her: a road warrior. No matter the fact that she was in fact an ex-coffee machine. “[color=0072bc]Speaking of coffee..![/color]”, she cheered to herself as she approached a coffee machine in the repair shop and ordered herself a cup. An AI and the android made a little chat about the coffee and ingredients, before Aurora heard the announcement. “[color=0072bc]Don’t get too stuck with the coffee only! You too can become a racer one day! You just have to belieeeveeee![/color]”, she said to the coffee AI as she went back to Spike. It was not clear if the coffee machine was ready to follow her advice just yet. Aurora though had enough faith in herself and Spike; but more than anything else she had most of her faith put into speed itself.