[img=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/078/f/3/ketlin_sexy_dance_by_rippertheroo-d7auo54.gif] [b][i]I <3 Tanks[/i][/b] As the multiverse booms with life once again, so does our rowdy robotic friend... Out of the dimensional ruckus powers on a vehicle like no other. The gigantic, dimension-hopping tank known as the "Flower Grinder". A giant, castle sized doomsday machine that tramples over universes in it's wake with unimaginable firepower and velocity. Many have feared the tank, and many innocents were left homeless because of it's trek. This honorific monster of steel and fumes blasts through the universal walls to reach it's one destination, the center of the multiverse with a ploy of destroying the very life source of all universes, a mysterious structure known as the [i]heart[/i]. The malicious bastard behind the destruction, is the small, one-eyed party starter Ketlin Bolts. No one knows why Ketlin, a friendly business figure across the dimensions, would suddenly take up hobbies involving the death of the multiverse. Many of his friends and even enemies are baffled by his sudden change in character. Some have suggested it to be a virus, and others have concluded that he was planning this up since the first day he dropped into the multiverse. Either way he pilots the tank in toe-tapping joy, seemingly un-phased by all the despair he's causing. During it's long conquest, the Flower Grinder picked up many hitchhikers. These now occupants of the large tank are there on there own terms, for homage, for power, to persuade Ketlin into shutting down the tank, or to flat out shut him down permanently. Whatever the case, the long voyage is quickly coming to an end. Ketlin is [b]three days[/b] away from his destination, filled with strange determination to destroy the heart of the multiverse. If nothing is done to stop the monstrosity of a vehicle, it'll be the end of our enemies, our friends, and our waifus. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Rules[/b] [hider=Rules]1. You know the drill, no god modding or auto-hitting/dodging. 2. Please wait 3 posts by three other people before you post again. 3. I am setting max character limit right now to 2, I may up it in the future. 4. Original characters are allowed. 5. Post a gif of Bender from Futurama after your character sheet if you read this.[/hider] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The robot himself, [img=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/205/1/2/ketlin_bolts_by_rippertheroo-d6ex99x.png] [hider=Click this if you're attracted to sexy robots][b]Age:[/b] 7 (mentally: 23) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Height:[/b] 3"11 [b]Weight:[/b] 112 lb. [b]From:[/b] Roleplayerguild Crossover series, 1i (story in progress.) [b]Role:[/b] Administrator of the Flower Grinder [b]Power Rating:[/b] 2/10 (without a beat), 8/10 (with a beat). [b]Powers/Abilites:[/b] "Bandersnatch Mech"; [i]The "Bandersnatch" is Ketlin's literal arms/legs. The device keeps Ketlin's string like limbs sturdy and bone like. If the Bandersnatch were to be deactivated, whether that be physically or mentally (as Ketlin does), his limbs would be utterly useless and he'd be nothing more than a head on a body. The invention itself are the four spheres on his body that act as his shoulders/hips. They are able to reel in and out his limbs to seemingly endless lengths. Ketlin can use this mechanism to launch his arm a few feet in front of himself, and despite the arm's flimsy design, he is capable of lifting up to 200 lb. His limbs can be very easily cleaved off, but even with the limb severed he can still control the hand/foot connected to it. Ketlin also carries around a very large, heavy, cartoonishly long barreled magnum. It's his most prized possession.[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] Ketlin is a very rowdy character, well known for being the "party starter" in various situations. These said parties consist of the robot blasting on some incredibly loud yet catchy tunes at the most inappropriate of times. Most of the time Ketlin does this as an attempt to prove his ultimate theory; "Aggression, depression, anxiety, hate, fear, self loathing, [b]shattered[/b] when a good beat is present!" He follows by his own example, commonly seen tapping his fingers, or other activities that follow a repeated beat. It is rare to see him sitting for standing still. Ketlin is also prone to establish how amazingly awesome he can be in situations of anything involving him. His narcissistic behavior comes from the endless praise he received back in his universe, as did the economic power he gained his multidimensional hotel conquest. He is very dependent, unable to be by himself for very long. Ketlin depends strongly on there to be people around him, anyone in fact, so that he may brag to them further. When he is alone Ketlin it is common for him to revert to drastic measures in order to gain attention. Despite this all, Ketlin is a man surprising of honesty, honor and truth.... even if it's hard to come by. [b]History:[/b] [i]Ketlin's disappearance from the multiverse came with a price. His past, his legacy quickly faded into memories. This is also the case with his previous whereabouts, as well as how he got such a large piece of machinery. However, every day in the roleplay, more about what happened to him can be learned. This part of the character sheet will be updated after each day.[/i] [b]Information on Day 0)[/b] Ketlin Bolts was common business runner, establishing many hotels across the multiverse. His hotels brought in great profit with it's highly overpriced services and he quickly found himself growing economically powerful. Ketlin abused his new assets in the form of developing a new project. The robot began to advertise it across the dimensions, with much of the propaganda focused around what Ketlin called "the last advancement in dimensional adventure!". The reaction he received was bitter however. He was met with furious claims by past residents of his hotels, now wised up to his outrageous scams. Ketlin pressured the anger public that what he was developing was real, and that it was in fact the "final advancement in dimension adventure". The rising anger towards his newest scam was unfortunately too loud, and he quickly found himself losing all his money, as well as his reputation. No one would work for him, and without employees to his increasingly empty business Ketlin had to finally step down. He made his last appearance via a note left on his office desk, which humbly proclaimed: "Screw all ya'll." a few years later, and Ketlin abruptly returned with a large ass tank.[/hider] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [u]Available Roles:[/u] The First Mate (1x max): The second in command, Ketlin's closest friend on the tank. (Please PM if you're interested) The Spy (1x max): A man/woman acting as a crew member to steal blueprints, passwords and other information right under Ketlin's nose. Assassin (3 spots max): Various people with the intent of killing Ketlin. The Pacifist (1x max): A man/woman who boards the tank in hopes of stopping Ketlin peacefully. Crew Members (8 spots): People sent to work for the tank. (Janitors, Chefs/Bartenders, Engineers, Errand boys/girls) Prisoners (2 spots): Assassins, spies, and other troublesome hitchhikers that Ketlin locked away in the bowels of the ship. **I decided to drop the intentions part cuz... uh... [s]shut up[/s]... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Sheet: [b]Appearance[/b] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Height:[/b] [b]Weight:[/b] [b]From:[/b] [b]Role:[/b] (Look above for open roles) [b]Power Rating:[/b] (On a scale of 10/10, how powerful is your character? Keep in mind, I might now accept super powerful characters.) [b]Powers/Abilites:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]History:[/b] [b]Anythin' else?:[/b]