[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/Q9BxwXx/inti-1.png[/img][/center] Inti had certainly not expected any applause, especially not after following up an apparent professional, but the sound of clapping drew his attention and he found himself looking back up again at Franz. [color=EB8FE9]"Even 'not much' is an overstatement,"[/color] Inti said with a grin bordering on cheeky. His face was still flushed slightly darker from the exercise, though he was cooling down quickly outside of the throng of students. He blinked at the hand Franz had extended, but after a moment he took it in both of his and gave it an enthusiastic shake. [color=EB8FE9]"It's nice to meet you Franz! My name is Inti."[/color] The Inca released Franz's hand, and forgoing a surname he continued. [color=EB8FE9]"The other students were singing your praises. [sub]Well, mostly.[/sub] It's nice to get a compliment from such a person."[/color] Even if it was probably just flattery, Inti didn't mind. He was in a good mood, enjoying himself, and he knew his performance was not great. Still, Franz seemed nice enough. Plus if he remembered right, someone had mentioned that he was a particular type of Polymath. Inti had never met a Mesmerologist before. Not that he recalled anyway. But he had heard about them, and they interested him, and so Inti didn't hesitate to bring the Occidental boy's specialty up. [color=EB8FE9]"They said you are... a mesmerologist too, is that right?"[/color] At some point Inti had crossed his arms underneath his poncho, tilting his head curiously. [color=EB8FE9]"I've heard it's rare and difficult. How does it work? Can you see inside of a person? Do you have to practice a lot? Oh, how do you find time to practice and dance and everything else too?"[/color] For what it was worth, Inti did appear to be genuinely interested to know more, with not a hint of judgement in his voice. Just after asking his questions, he paused and an expression reminiscent of embarrassment crossed his face, but it passed quickly. [i]Manners, manners, Inti![/i] [color=EB8FE9]"Ah, if you don't mind answering. I would understand if you didn't want to talk about it,"[/color] he added, [color=EB8FE9]"though it seems really cool."[/color] While Inti and Franz talked, more students made their way to the dance area. Little by little they were taking to the floor in the wake of excitement the two boys had stirred up. It was nice to see things getting even more lively. And speaking of lively, there were two guys that had come loudly into the hall and requesting another song change. Were they inebriated or something? There was alcohol being served, so it was possibility. The duo was hard to ignore even if you were in the middle of a conversation with someone... and now they had started [i]singing![/i] The sight of them made Inti laugh, it looked like they were having fun. [right][sub][@Jumbus][/sub][/right]