[@Divine Darkness] [@Espada Emi] [@The Man Emperor] [@Clever Hans] [@Eviledd1984] [@twave] [@MagratheanWhale] [@Shadokit] OK. Everyone wanted a discord. This is for existing and Potential Players. Gonna try to get the IC up as soon as I make my character, but the game will still be open to other prospects. [url]https://discord.gg/SjkWkUjF[/url] [quote=@Espada Emi] Awesome! Just realized tho, I referenced her having regenerative abilities/somewhat of a healing factor in her weaknesses section but forgot to write it down in her powers, I don't want it to be crazy overpowered when she already has really diverse abilities and it can be inhibited as mentioned in the weaknesses so is there a level you wanna cap that at? [/quote] As long as she isn't regrowing entire limbs or heads, I think It's acceptable. :)