[center] Well. It appeared that Ultron was both physically capable and mentally unstable. Once he had the chance, Otto was going to pencil in the artificial man’s ‘decommissioning’. However, a stern talking to would have to suffice this time so that no fatalities are caused within the first few hours of contact with unknown quantities. [/center] [center] “Ultron, if you do that again I can, and will, leave you webbed up on the floor struggling to get out. This is a time for forging alliances and making friends, not throwing people across the room like a madman. After all, you are a ‘peacekeeping force’, correct? Keep the peace by not antagonizing others.” [/center] [center] Perhaps he would finally have to use that ‘spidey sense’ that Peter so often referred to. Hopefully, that would not come from Ultron attempting to swing. [/center] [center] [@ClownTown] [/center]