[img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.9cd1030ace93c2bdd250819227a3c659?rik=y%2f8c2bZffFosZg&pid=ImgRaw&r=0[/img] [center][img]https://r69.cooltext.com/rendered/cooltext398250017241978.png[/img] /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [color=f7941d]"Jak! Why do we have to do this mission again? I swear we did this the last 5 times and still haven't been paid our dues!"/color] Daxter practically yelled over the swirl of sandstorms. Jak heard this the last 5 hours and couldn't help but grin at Daxter who tried his best to make a innocent look. The eco warrior sighed and said [color=0072bc]"Dax, you heard me the last 4 times I said this. We need this job. There's not much out there to occupy our time and things are getting a little..stale.. [/color] Daxter sighed, crossing his arms "Fine[color=f7941d], Fine. Money is tight I get it, Jak. But can't we get something... Wait, Jak... did you feel that?"[/color] Jak stopped the car and said [color=0072bc]"Felt what?"[/color] Daxter muttered [color=f7941d]"That pain..." [/color] The eco warrior frowned and said "[color=0054a6]No, wh- Shit I feel it. What do you think it is?"[/color] Daxter felt his arm fast droop [color=f7941d]"JAKKKK! Hey... buddy.... BUDDY!"[/color] Jak felt that same sensation as both were out. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The first thing the small ottsel did when he woke up was blink and grasp his weapon, trying not to literally scream at all the new "faces" within the cage like structure everyone was in. [color=0072bc]Jak sat up, feeling his head "Dax, you alright?" [/color] [color=f7976a]Daxter looked at Jak "Alright? ALRIGHT! We've been-" [/color] [color=0054a6]Jak muttered and looked around "Kidnapped, right..." [/color] The cage didn't break yet seeing all the fights break out but nothing else caught Jak and Daxter's eye, except for the group inside. [@thatguyinastore] [OPEN!] [/center]