[img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.c933e96f1c48cbf95d4f7f55dd6c572c?rik=RW4XCXAaM%2fTBTA&pid=ImgRaw&r=0[/img] Director Thomas Sinclair ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Sinclair crossed his arms, staring at the man called Stanford, who held his butcher knife. He lightly raised a eyebrow, looking over "So you are a butcher and "mercenary". I see. He was still distracted between two different figures between the creature that stood with hair all on his body and goggles (Grey) and Stanford and the two odd solider types dancing like nothing was wrong, one named Doomguy and the other man having a buzzcut. "Excuse me for a second, you two. I believe I have a "danceoff" to watch. Sinclair moved toward Doomguy and the other man. (Duke Nukem). "You said you're Doomguy? Strange choice in name. But who am I to judge? "Looks like you know your way around a gun. I'll handle the sneaky aspects. Name's "Piercer". Or just call me Sinclair." [@Critic Ham] [@Chung] [@thatguyinastore] [@Attesa] [@Yamperzzz]