[center] “Well, I would have [b]had[/b] you deescalate rather than escalate, but any arguments can be tabled until a later date. We have an elevator waiting.” [/center] [center] Much like Ultron, Otto strayed to the margins of the elevator in order to avoid as much interpersonal contact as possible. When they got to the office, though, he was immediately on guard. Not from his heightened senses yet, although he [b]did try to listen to them to sense any inbound danger[/b], but from an odd sense of familiarity. The office, and the man behind it, reminded him a great deal of Oscorp and Osborne. Even the name had a malice to it. Lex Luthor. Otto rolled that around on his tongue. Alliterative, exotic, powerful. [/center] [center] Like Otto Octavius. Now Otto was by no means a presumptuous man, but he noticed patterns. Of course, much like Otto, Lex could have entirely ‘noble’ motivations, or at least noble enough ones to permit an aligning of interests. But one thing was for sure. [/center] [center] He would be watching Luthor very closely indeed. [/center] [center] [@ClownTown] [@Thatguyinastore] [/center]