[center] [img]https://c.tenor.com/KihmygLmxnYAAAAd/cereza-bayonetta.gif[/img][h1][color=0054a6][b][u]Bayonetta[/u][/b][/color][/h1][color=0054a6] [h3][u][b]Age[/b][/u][/h3] 597 [h3][u][b]Gender[/b][/u][/h3] Cisgender Woman [h3][b][u]Canon[/u][/b][/h3] Bayonetta [h3][b][u]Main Thread or Sandbox[/u][/b][/h3] Main Thread [h3][b][u]Personality[/u][/b][/h3] Bayonetta appears, on the surface to be cool, collected, and by multiple means someone to never take things completely seriously. Through her own "playful" comments and nature, her sometimes teasing behavior, her overall impatience for those who monologue or are otherwise talkative, and her attempts at bantering with enemies, Bayonetta wears her nonchalant nature on her sleeve. Such nonchalance appears to sprout from confidence she places in herself to be like her mother, who she is seen at multiple times to be very close to. Her relationship with her mother seems to be the source from which she seems to take pride in being an Umbra Witch from, though due to her black sheep nature in the days of the clan's life she seems to prefer handling things herself to some extent. Though despite the latter, she does seem to accept and appreciate help from others whenever there's something she cannot fully manage. Sometimes the more callous angle of her personality is off-putting, but despite her mischievous exterior, she cares deeply about others all the same. She seems to show fondness towards children or beings perceived as children, growing very attached to both her younger self and Loki within very short periods of time, seeming to fear deeply for the latter's potential drowning. She's seen to be deeply troubled by Luka's accusations against her in the first game, and after developing a more proper friendship with him, seems to greatly appreciate his help and conversation in the second game. She noticeably holds some grief over her mother, Rosa, after her death, and grieves her father upon learning the truth about him at the end of the second game. Bayonetta also cares enough about Jeanne to risk going down into Inferno to rescue her, and lashes out aggressively at Alraune for any present and potential harm done to Jeanne to the point of likely killing her had Rodin not intervened. Though she seems to take some lengths to conceal how deeply she cares for others, immediately shifting back to playful facade from screaming at Jeanne to wake up upon seeing she was alright. Lyrics from the first game's major song even imply that she "hides sadness with a smile", seeming to state that she perhaps conceals how deeply she cares for others beneath her confident smirk. [h3][b][u]Motivation[/u][/b][/h3] Bayonetta's motivation has been shown to be majorly situational, based on whatever major concern at the time (her memory, Jeanne's potential death, etc.). Though regardless of this, Bayonetta goes out of her way to fight and kill angels as an Umbra Witch. [h3][b][u]Equipment[/u][/b][/h3] Though Bayonetta has a fairly large arsenal of weapons across the games, for the sake of simplicity [s]and because Pixxie doesn't want to keep track of anything extra[/s], Bayonetta will only use the four-gun set "Love is Blue". Two of these guns are used in her hands, two of these are strapped to the backs of her feet. Said guns were a gift from Rodin near Christmas in the second game to help deal with angels in the city, meant to be used in the Bullet Arts of the Umbra Witches rather than regular guns which cannot handle her power. It is implied at some point that the way the heel guns are fired are via some form of mild telekinesis. Bayonetta also has her witch watch, a gift from her mother and the contributing factor to the long life of an Umbra Witch. She seems to hold some attachment to it as a natural consequence of the closeness to her mother. [h3][u][b]Attributes[/b][/u][/h3] Bayonetta is skilled in terms of both raw physical power and weapon prowess. Immensely skilled in the Bullet Arts (involving guns that can handle her power and martial prowess) and showing a skill to pick up just about any new weapon purchased from Rodin in a short period of time, her brutal yet graceful combat style is augmented with speed and agility to perform multiple feats in acrobatics. Bayonetta also seems to possess a level of impressive perceptiveness, being witnessed in multiple instances to evade several types of attacks via anticipation of enemy movements. Additionally, Bayonetta has immense physical strength and endurance, seen multiple times to be able to physically overpower powerful angels and demons in addition to hurling extremely large regular structures with comparably small amounts of effort. These abilities in congruence with her magic have made her a formidable opponent against multiple opponents who evenly match or even exceed her in raw power with only herself and the occasional ally. Bayonetta's magic as an Umbra Witch comes in many different forms at the cost of needing to constantly kill angels, including the following: -Wicked Weaves, where Bayonetta uses her hair as a conduit to summon beings from Inferno, the most powerful of whom is Madama Butterfly, the demon whom she has a pact with.She can partially summon the limbs of demons, like Madama Butterfly's hands or the wings of Malphas, but can additionally fully (or partially depending on the demon) summon demons by speaking in Enochian and dancing, usually used as a finisher to a great enough enemy. -Umbran Climax, a technique where upon sufficently charging a reserve of power, can unleash it to bring herself into an elevated state of power. This allows her to use Wicked Weaves at a more frequent rate in addition to unleashing Infernal Weaves at the end of a series of attacks to summon demons (albeit in a lesser form than a more dedicated summon) with some chanting in Enochian. -Witch Time, a technique where Bayonetta speeds herself up momentarily (seen after dodging an attack in battle but used in longer sequences in cutscenes to quicker move in certain situations) to utilize the "slowed-down" appearance of the world as a window of various (usually violent) opportunities. -Torture attacks, where Bayonetta chants in Enochian to summon a variety of tortuous objects to potentially finish off her enemies in a very brutal-typical fashion. -Beast Within, where in the right circumstances, Bayonetta can take the shape of an animal. These forms at the moment include a panther, a crow, a swarm of bats, and a snake. -Witch Walk, allowing Bayonetta to walk on any surface (horizontal or vertical) regardless of gravity either on a full moon or specially made magical devices. -Direct Control/Infernal Kiss, both of which are used to describe situations in where Bayonetta takes control of a machine. The former describes when she sticks her middle finger into the key slot of a vehicle (like a motorcycle) to assume control of it as if she had the key, and the latter describes when she nudged Enzo's plane in the second game by blowing a kiss, pushing it to help ensure that despite the angels around Fimbulventr, he'd make it home. -Access to Purgatorio, a realm parallel to the human one where angels bleed in from Paradiso and demons bleed in from Inferno. Beings in Purgatorio are perceived by those who can access it as purple silhouettes outside of Purgatorio, and beings in the human world as perceived similarly to those who can access it in Purgatorio. [h3][b][u]Biography[/u][/b][/h3] [s](this is a really gross oversimplification, go read the wiki)[/s] Born from the forbidden union of a Lumen Sage and an Umbran Witch that sparked the Clan Wars that would eventually wipe all the Lumen Sages but Balder (her father) out, Bayonetta was destined to be a black sheep from day one. Having a rocky childhood as an outcast with her close friend Jeanne and her mother as comfort, she was somehow taught magic and ended up sealed away due to a complicated series of circumstances during the Witch Hunts. She was later unsealed and placed right in the path of the murder of Luka Redgrave's father by angels, leaving the blame solidly on her. Later, Bayonetta was baited by Balder into coming to Vigrid by a mysterious item she believed would restore her memory, becoming involved in his scheme to revive Jubileus the Creator and reset the world. After a lengthy journey that ended in a connection with her younger self who was returned to her own time, reconciling with Luka and Jeanne, and killing her father, Bayonetta had a peaceful few months without any major events. Near Christmas later in the year however, due to Balder's death, the order of the cosmos was thrown off-balance, resulting in Bayonetta's summon going wild and inadvertently killing Jeanne. After traveling to and up Fimbulventr in the company of the mysterious Loki and clashing with the Masked Lumen, Bayonetta saved her friend and foiled the plans of Loptr to revive Aesir. This however, resulted in the corruption of her father (the true identity of her father) by Loptr, resulting in an odd time loop as he returns to the past. After this, Bayonetta returns home to the city she lives in, and is last seen beating angels on a plane with Jeanne. [h3][b][u]Other[/u][/b][/h3] Bayonetta does not bleed, and instead produces rose petals as a substitute for blood. Her shadow is also replaced with the silhouette of Madama Butterfly in light of their contract, and occasionally small bursts of butterflies appear near Bayonetta when she lands from a short fall. Bayonetta, according to the opening scene of the first game and concept art, holds a steady job as a nun outside of angel-kiling. Though the opening scene suggests maybe one leads to the other. i'm dropping percival king and zora salazar [/color] [/center]